
The local Borg-Marchenko uniqueness theorem for Dirac-type systems with locally smooth at the right endpoint rectangular potentials. (English) Zbl 07834252

This paper is concerned with the self-adjoint Dirac-type systems on the interval \([0,b)\), where \(0 < b \leq +\infty\), which have the following form \[ -iJy'(x,z) + V(x) y(x,z) = z y(x,z),\tag{1} \] where \[ y = \left(\begin{matrix} y_1, \ldots, y_m \end{matrix}\right)^\top,\quad J = \left(\begin{matrix} I_{m_1} & 0 \\ 0 & I_{m_2} \end{matrix}\right),\quad V = \left(\begin{matrix} 0 & v \\ v^* & 0 \end{matrix}\right) \] and \(m = m_1 + m_2\), \(m_1, m_2 \in \mathbb{N}\), \(I_{m_k}\), for \(k = 1,2\), is the \(m_k \times m_k\) identity matrix, \(v\) is a \(m_1 \times m_2\) matrix-valued function. The potential \(v\) is assumed summable on \([0,b)\), when \(b < +\infty\), and it is assumed locally summable on \([0,+\infty)\), when \(b = +\infty\).
The main goal of this paper is to show that the potential of system (1) with additional local smoothness conditions is uniquely determined by asymptotics of a Weyl-Titchmarsh function \(M(x,z)\), given by \[ M(x,z) = \psi_{21}(x,z) \psi_{11}(x,z)^{-1},\quad z \in \mathbb{C}_+, \tag{2} \] where \(\psi_{11}\) and \(\psi_{21}\) are \(m_1 \times m_1\) and \(m_2 \times m_1\) matrix-valued functions and \[ \psi(x,z) = \left(\begin{matrix} \psi_{11}(x,z) \\ \psi_{21}(x,z) \end{matrix}\right) \] is the Weyl solution of system (1), that is \(\psi(x,z)\) is square-integrable and satisfies some boundary condition at \(+\infty\), when \(b = +\infty\), and \(\psi\) satisfies some boundary condition at \(b\), when \(b < +\infty\).
The first result of the paper slightly generalizes the well-known local uniqueness theorem for system (1). Let \(c \in \mathbb{R}\) and let \[ \Gamma = \{z : \operatorname{Re}(z) = c \operatorname{Im}(z),\, \operatorname{Im}(z) > 0\}. \] Theorem 3.3. Let \(\tilde{M}(0,z)\) be the Weyl-Titchmarsh function of system (1) with some potential \(\tilde{v}\), given by (2). Suppose that \(a \in (0,b)\). If \[ M(0,z) - \tilde{M}(0,z) = O\left(e^{2iaz}\right) \] as \(|z| \to +\infty\), \(z \in \Gamma\), then \[ v = \tilde{v}\quad \text{a.e. on \([0,a]\)}.\tag{3} \] Conversely, if (3) holds, then \[ M(0,z) - \tilde{M}(0,z) = o\left(e^{2iaz}\right)\tag{4} \] as \(|z| \to +\infty\), \(z \in \mathbb{C}_+\).
Next result is the main result of the paper.
Theorem 4.2. Under the assumptions of Theorem 3.3, if \(v, \tilde{v} \in C^n([a, a + \varepsilon))^{m_1 \times m_2}\) for some \(\varepsilon > 0\), then \[ M(0,z) - \tilde{M}(0,z) = o\left(z^{-(n+1)}e^{2iaz}\right) \] as \(|z| \to +\infty\), \(z \in \Gamma\), if and only if \[ v = \tilde{v}\quad \text{a.e. on \([0,a]\)} \] and \(v^{(p)}(a+) = \tilde{v}^{(p)}(a+)\) for every \(p = 0,1,\ldots,n\), where all \(v^{(p)}(a+)\) denote the \(p\)th right-hand derivative of \(v\) at the point \(a\).


34B20 Weyl theory and its generalizations for ordinary differential equations
34A55 Inverse problems involving ordinary differential equations
34L40 Particular ordinary differential operators (Dirac, one-dimensional Schrödinger, etc.)
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