
An unsupervised machine-learning checkpoint-restart algorithm using Gaussian mixtures for particle-in-cell simulations. (English) Zbl 07513838

Summary: We propose an unsupervised machine-learning checkpoint-restart (CR) algorithm for particle-in-cell (PIC) algorithms using Gaussian mixtures (GM). The algorithm compresses the particle population per spatial cell by constructing a velocity distribution function using GM. Particles are reconstructed at restart time by local resampling of the Gaussians. To guarantee fidelity of the CR process, we ensure the exact preservation of invariants such as charge, momentum, and energy for both compression and reconstruction stages, everywhere on the mesh. We also ensure the preservation of Gauss’ law after particle reconstruction by exactly matching the density profile at restart time. As a result, the GM CR algorithm is shown to provide a clean, conservative restart capability while potentially affording orders of magnitude savings in input/output requirements. We demonstrate the algorithm using a recently developed exactly energy- and charge-conserving PIC algorithm using both electrostatic and electromagnetic tests. The tests demonstrate not only a high-fidelity CR capability, but also its potential for enhancing the fidelity of the PIC solution for a given particle resolution.


62Fxx Parametric inference
62Hxx Multivariate analysis
62-XX Statistics


PRMLT; SPRNG; Anderson; zfp


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