
A cure for instabilities due to advection-dominance in POD solution to advection-diffusion-reaction equations. (English) Zbl 07508508

Summary: In this paper, we propose to improve the stabilized POD-ROM introduced in [S. Rubino, ESAIM, Proc. Surv. 64, 121–136 (2018; Zbl 1483.76040)] to deal with the numerical simulation of advection-dominated advection-diffusion-reaction equations. In particular, we propose a three-stage stabilizing strategy that will be very useful when considering very low diffusion coefficients, i.e. in the strongly advection-dominated regime. This approach mainly consists in three ingredients: (1) the addition of a “streamline diffusion” stabilization term to the governing projected equations, (2) the modification of the correlation matrix defining the POD modes associated to the advection stabilization term, and (3) an a-posteriori stabilization scheme. Numerical studies are performed to discuss the accuracy and performance of the new method in handling strongly advection-dominated cases.


65-XX Numerical analysis
76-XX Fluid mechanics


Zbl 1483.76040




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