
J-ADMM for a multi-contact problem in electro-elastostatics. (English) Zbl 1540.74095

Summary: In this work we apply a regularized alternating direction method of multiplier of Jacobi type (J-ADMM) to a frictional multi-contact (both unilateral and bilateral) problem between an electro-elastic material and a rigid non conductive foundations. The frictional contact is modelled by the Coulomb friction law. The resulted problem is non symmetric and non coercive. By dissociating the electric potential from the mechanical field, we obtain a symmetric and coercive problem which can be reformulated as a convex minimization problem. We then apply a J-ADMM for the numerical approximation to the resulting perturbed elastic problem. The resolution of obtained sub-problems is based on convex dualities. Numerical experiments are proposed to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed approach.
© 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH


74M15 Contact in solid mechanics
74M10 Friction in solid mechanics
74F15 Electromagnetic effects in solid mechanics
74S99 Numerical and other methods in solid mechanics
Full Text: DOI


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