
KOKO Mesh Generator

swMATH ID: 34440
Software Authors: Koko, Jonas
Description: KOKO Mesh Generator: Mesh generator for the 2D finite element method. Set of MATLAB functions for the generation of unstructured (3-node or 6-node) triangular meshes in two dimensions. As input, the code takes a signed distance function for the domain geometry. A mesh size function, for the spatial node distribution, is constructed using an approximate medial axis. As outputs, the code generates a 3-node or a 6-node triangular mesh with boundary data (edges and nodes). The approach presented consists of three steps: (1) an initial nodes placement is obtained using a probabilistic node distribution, (2) an iterative smoothing is performed assuming the presence of an attractive/repulsive internode force, and (3) a fast refinement procedure is performed for 6-node triangular meshes or large scale meshes. For more details: Koko J., A Matlab mesh generator for the two-dimensional finite element method, Applied Mathematics and Computation 250, p. 650-664 (215)
Homepage: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/49528-koko-mesh-generator?s_tid=prof_contriblnk
Dependencies: Matlab
Keywords: mesh generation; unstructured mesh; finite element; Matlab
Related Software: DistMesh; Matlab; LBIE; OctPUM; Netgen; TetGen; Gmsh; StokesP1FEM; MUL2
Cited in: 17 Documents

Standard Articles

1 Publication describing the Software, including 1 Publication in zbMATH Year
A Matlab mesh generator for the two-dimensional finite element method. Zbl 1328.65245
Koko, Jonas

Citations by Year