
Blow-up patterns for a reaction-diffusion equation with weighted reaction in general dimension. (English) Zbl 1536.35101

Summary: We classify all the blow-up solutions in self-similar form to the following reaction-diffusion equation \[ \partial_t u=\Delta u^m +|x|^{\sigma}u^p, \] posed for \((x,t)\in \mathbb{R}^N \times (0,T)\), with \(m>1, 1 \leq p<m\) and \(-2(p-1)/(m-1)<\sigma <\infty\). We prove that there are several types of self-similar solutions with respect to the local behavior near the origin, and their existence depends on the magnitude of \(\sigma\). In particular, these solutions have different blow-up sets and rates: some of them have \(x=0\) as a blow-up point, some other only blow up at (space) infinity. We thus emphasize on the effect of the weight on the specific form of the blow-up patterns of the equation. The present study generalizes previous works by the authors limited to dimension \(N=1\) and \(\sigma >0\).


35B44 Blow-up in context of PDEs
35C06 Self-similar solutions to PDEs
35K57 Reaction-diffusion equations
35K65 Degenerate parabolic equations


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