
Adaptive piecewise linear relaxations for enclosure computations for nonconvex multiobjective mixed-integer quadratically constrained programs. (English) Zbl 1522.65095

Summary: In this paper, a new method for computing an enclosure of the nondominated set of multiobjective mixed-integer quadratically constrained programs without any convexity requirements is presented. In fact, our criterion space method makes use of piecewise linear relaxations in order to bypass the nonconvexity of the original problem. The method chooses adaptively which level of relaxation is needed in which parts of the image space. Furthermore, it is guaranteed that after finitely many iterations, an enclosure of the nondominated set of prescribed quality is returned. We demonstrate the advantages of this approach by applying it to multiobjective energy supply network problems.


65K05 Numerical mathematical programming methods
90C11 Mixed integer programming
90C26 Nonconvex programming, global optimization
90C29 Multi-objective and goal programming
90C35 Programming involving graphs or networks


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