
Geodesic rays and stability in the lowercase cscK problem. (English. French summary) Zbl 1508.58004

Author’s abstract: We prove that any finite energy geodesic ray with a finite Mabuchi slope is maximal in the sense of Berman-Boucksom-Jonsson, and reduce the proof of the uniform Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture for constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics to Boucksom-Jonsson’s regularization conjecture about the convergence of non-Archimedean entropy functional. As further applications, we show that a uniform K-stability condition for model filtrations and the \(\mathcal{I}^{K_X}\)-stability are both sufficient conditions for the existence of cscK metrics. The first condition is also conjectured to be necessary. Our arguments also produce a different proof of the toric uniform version of YTD conjecture for all polarized toric manifolds. Another result proved here is that the Mabuchi slope of a geodesic ray associated to a test configuration is equal to the non-Archimedean Mabuchi invariant.


58E11 Critical metrics
26E30 Non-Archimedean analysis
32Q15 Kähler manifolds
53C55 Global differential geometry of Hermitian and Kählerian manifolds
14M25 Toric varieties, Newton polyhedra, Okounkov bodies


[1] Remark 6.13. -Gao Chen claimed that uniform slope-J K X -stability (as defined by Lejmi-Székelyhidi) implies properness of J Ric. / -energy, which together with Chen-Cheng’s result would also imply the existence of a cscK metric.
[2] Remark 6.14. -In the first version of this paper, the author introduced some stability condition called Q K-stability. However as later pointed to me by C. Xu, Y. Odaka and Y. Gongyo [54], this condition coincides with the J K X -stability and hence does not give us more information.
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