
Partitioned exponential methods for coupled multiphysics systems. (English) Zbl 1462.65130

New partitioned exponential integrators are developed for coupled multiphysics problems by changing the information between components of the coupling terms. Two different approaches are considered for the construction and analysis of these methods, one based on splitting the component functions into linear and nonlinear terms (split-RHS methods), and the other is based on approximating the Jacobians of individual components (W-type methods). Two new formulations of partitioned exponential methods are proposed: partitioned methods of Rosenbrock-exponential type (PEXPW), and partitioned Runge-Kutta style exponential methods (PEPIRKW).
The matrix-exponential-like functions of the proposed partitioned methods are evaluated on the Jacobians of the individual component functions, whereas these functions are applied to the full (coupled) Jacobian in an unpartitioned method. If the individual Jacobians have computationally favorable structures, then the computational expense of evaluating matrix-exponential-like functions is greatly reduced. In reaction-diffusion systems with two or more species, the diffusion Jacobian is block-diagonal, the matrix-exponential-like functions can be evaluated on individual blocks in parallel. The numerical experiments show that using this strategy the partitioned exponential methods are at least twice as fast as the unpartitioned counterpart. One drawback of the partitioned exponential methods is the reduced stability. The numerical tests illustrate that the partitioned methods can exhibit more stable behavior than an unpartitioned method in some stiffness regimes, wheras in some very stiff regimes, partitioned methods can fail to obtain a solution.


65M20 Method of lines for initial value and initial-boundary value problems involving PDEs
65L06 Multistep, Runge-Kutta and extrapolation methods for ordinary differential equations
65L04 Numerical methods for stiff equations
15A16 Matrix exponential and similar functions of matrices


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