
Loops and trees in generic EFTs. (English) Zbl 1454.81141

Summary: We consider aspects of tree and one-loop behavior in a generic 4d EFT of massless scalars, fermions, and vectors, with a particular eye to the high-energy limit of the Standard Model EFT at operator dimensions 6 and 8. First, we classify the possible Lorentz structures of operators and the subset of these that can arise at tree-level in a weakly coupled UV completion, extending the tree/loop classification through dimension 8 using functional methods. Second, we investigate how operators contribute to tree and one-loop helicity amplitudes, exploring the impact of non-renormalization theorems through dimension 8. We further observe that many dimension 6 contributions to helicity amplitudes, including rational parts, vanish exactly at one-loop level. This suggests the impact of helicity selection rules extends beyond one loop in non-supersymmetric EFTs.


81T12 Effective quantum field theories
81U20 \(S\)-matrix theory, etc. in quantum theory


DEFT; CutTools; FeynArts; FORM


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