
Data-driven, variational model reduction of high-dimensional reaction networks. (English) Zbl 1453.62637

Summary: In this work we present new scalable, information theory-based variational methods for the efficient model reduction of high-dimensional deterministic and stochastic reaction networks. The proposed methodology combines, (a) information theoretic tools for sensitivity analysis that allow us to identify the proper coarse variables of the reaction network, with (b) variational approximate inference methods for training a best-fit reduced model. This approach takes advantage of both physicochemical modeling and data-based approaches and allows to construct optimal parameterized reduced dynamics in the number of variables, reactions and parameters, while controlling the information loss due to the reduction. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our model reduction method on several complex, high-dimensional chemical reaction networks arising in biochemistry.


62M10 Time series, auto-correlation, regression, etc. in statistics (GARCH)
37M10 Time series analysis of dynamical systems
60H10 Stochastic ordinary differential equations (aspects of stochastic analysis)
92E20 Classical flows, reactions, etc. in chemistry
68T05 Learning and adaptive systems in artificial intelligence




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