
A method of ‘speed coefficients’ for biochemical model reduction applied to the NF-\(\kappa\)B system. (English) Zbl 1306.92022

The authors propose an algorithm for the reduction of biochemical reaction systems, which does not rely on a intuition-based extraction of key regulatory components. This new approach is based on fast-slow asymptotics and uses the ranking on the approach of system variables at their momentary steady-state. First, the perturbation theory for fast-slow systems is presented. It is followed by a description of the parametric embedding used for the identification of small parameters. Next, a heuristic method for the identification of speed coefficients is described; the section concludes with a full description of the model reduction algorithm. The authors present the results of this approach on several examples including the minimal model of the NF-kB system, in response to continuous or pulsed \(\mathrm{TNF}\alpha\), and an application for the Krishna model.


92C42 Systems biology, networks
92-08 Computational methods for problems pertaining to biology




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