
Building bridges II. Mathematics of László Lovász. Conference in celebration of László Lovász’ 70th birthday, Budapest, Hungary, July 2–6, 2018. (English) Zbl 1443.05002

Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies 28. Berlin: Springer; Budapest: János Bolyai Mathematical Society (ISBN 978-3-662-59203-8/hbk; 978-3-662-59204-5/ebook). xii, 614 p. (2019).

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Publisher’s description: This volume collects together research and survey papers written by invited speakers of the conference celebrating the 70th birthday of László Lovász.
The topics covered include classical subjects such as extremal graph theory, coding theory, design theory, applications of linear algebra and combinatorial optimization, as well as recent trends such as extensions of graph limits, online or statistical versions of classical combinatorial problems, and new methods of derandomization.
László Lovász is one of the pioneers in the interplay between discrete and continuous mathematics, and is a master at establishing unexpected connections, “building bridges” between seemingly distant fields. His invariably elegant and powerful ideas have produced new subfields in many areas, and his outstanding scientific work has defined and shaped many research directions in the last 50 years.
The 14 contributions presented in this volume, all of which are connected to László Lovász’s areas of research, offer an excellent overview of the state of the art of combinatorics and related topics and will be of interest to experienced specialists as well as young researchers.
The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. For the preceding conference see [Zbl 1147.05001].
Indexed articles:
Alon, Noga, Lovász, vectors, graphs and codes, 1-16 [Zbl 1443.05088]
Björner, Anders, Continuous matroids revisited, 17-28 [Zbl 1443.05028]
Borgs, Christian; Chayes, Jennifer T.; Cohn, Henry; Lovász, László Miklós, Identifiability for graphexes and the weak kernel metric, 29-157 [Zbl 1443.05169]
Conlon, David; Fox, Jacob; Grinshpun, Andrey; He, Xiaoyu, Online Ramsey numbers and the subgraph query problem, 159-194 [Zbl 1444.91054]
Csikvári, Péter, Statistical matching theory, 195-221 [Zbl 1443.05099]
Diaconis, Persi, Sequential importance sampling for estimating the number of perfect matchings in bipartite graphs: an ongoing conversation with Laci, 223-233 [Zbl 1443.05156]
Feige, Uriel, Tighter bounds for online bipartite matching, 235-255 [Zbl 1453.68218]
Jordán, Tibor; Mihálykó, András, Minimum cost globally rigid subgraphs, 257-278 [Zbl 1443.05046]
Keevash, Peter, Coloured and directed designs, 279-315 [Zbl 1443.05134]
Lee, Yin Tat; Sidford, Aaron; Vempala, Santosh S., Efficient convex optimization with oracles, 317-335 [Zbl 1452.68272]
Nešetřil, Jaroslav; Ossona de Mendez, Patrice, Approximations of mappings, 337-375 [Zbl 1486.03057]
Raz, Orit E.; Wigderson, Avi, Subspace arrangements, graph rigidity and derandomization through submodular optimization, 377-415 [Zbl 1452.68089]
Schrijver, Alexander, Finding \(k\) partially disjoint paths in a directed planar graph, 417-444 [Zbl 1443.05048]
Simonovits, Miklós; Szemerédi, Endre, Embedding graphs into larger graphs: results, methods, and problems, 445-592 [Zbl 1443.05100]


05-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to combinatorics
68-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to computer science
05Axx Enumerative combinatorics
05Cxx Graph theory
68R10 Graph theory (including graph drawing) in computer science
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
00B30 Festschriften

Biographic References:

Lovász, László


Zbl 1147.05001
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