
Representations, sheaves and Legendrian \(( 2 , m )\) torus links. (English) Zbl 1428.57011

L. Ng, D. Rutherford, V. Shende, S. Sivek and E. Zaslow [“Augmentations are sheaves”, Preprint, arXiv:1502.04939] proved equivalence of the categories \(\mathcal{A}ug_+(\Lambda, \Bbbk)\), and \(\mathcal{S}h_1(\Lambda,\Bbbk)\), Here \(\Lambda\) is a Legendrian link in \(\mathbb{R}^3\). Objects of \(\mathcal{A}ug_+(\Lambda,\Bbbk)\) are augumentations \(\epsilon:(\mathcal{A}_\Lambda,\partial_\Lambda)\to (\Bbbk,0)\) of the Chekanov-Eliashberg graded differential algebra \((\mathcal{A}_\Lambda, \partial_\Lambda)\), and objects of \(\mathcal{S}h_1(\Lambda,\Bbbk)\) are constructible sheaves of \(\Bbbk\)-modules on the plane with singular support controlled by the front projection of \(\Lambda\) with microlocal rank \(1\). The authors say that this provides a link between the disparate worlds of holomorphic curve invariants in complex geometry and homological algebra invariants.
To generalize this theorem, the authors introduce the category \(\mathcal{R}ep_n(\Lambda, \Bbbk)\) of representations \(\rho:\mathcal{A}_\Lambda\to \mathrm{Mat}_n(\Bbbk)\) (§2, cf. [loc. cit.]). Note that by definition \(\mathcal{R}ep_1(\Lambda,\Bbbk)\) is \(\mathcal{A}ug_+(\Lambda,\Bbbk)\). As the corresponding sheaf category, the category \(\mathcal{S}h_n(\Lambda,\Bbbk)\) of constructible sheaves with microsupport on \(\Lambda\) and microlocal rank \(n\) seems appropriate. As for these categories, the authors conjecture
Conjecture. (“Representations are sheaves”). Let \(\Lambda\) be a Legendrian link in \(\mathbb{R}^3\), and let \(\Bbbk\) be a field. Then for any \(n\ge 1\), there is an \(A_\infty\) equivalence of \(A_\infty\) categories \(\mathcal{R}ep_n(\Lambda,\Bbbk)\to \mathcal{S}h_n(\Lambda,\Bbbk)\).
Corollary. If \(\Lambda\) is a Legendrian link, then the cohomoloy categories \(H^\ast\mathcal{R}ep_n(\Lambda,\Bbbk)\) and \(H^\ast\mathcal{S}h_n(\Lambda,\Bbbk)\) are equivalent.
The conjecture is not proved in this paper. But the following partial result is proved.
Theorem 1. For \(m\ge 1\), let \(\Lambda_m\) be the Legendrian \((2,m)\) torus link given by the rainbow closure of the braid \(\sigma_1^m\in B_2\) (cf. Figure 1), equipped with its standard binary Maslov potential. Then the cohomology categories \(H^\ast\mathcal{R}ep_n(\Lambda,\Bbbk)\) and \(H^\ast\mathcal{S}h_n(\Lambda,\Bbbk)\) are equivalent.
The definition of the representation category \(\mathcal{R}ep_n(\Lambda,\Bbbk)\) associated to a Legendrian link \(\Lambda\) and its elementary properties as the \(A_\infty\) category are exposed in §2, following [B. Chantraine et al., in: Proceedings of the 22nd Gökova geometry-topology conference, Gökova, Turkey, May 25–29, 2015. Somerville, MA: International Press; Gökova: Gökova Geometry-Topology Conferences (GGT). 116–150 (2016; Zbl 1358.16009)] and [loc. cit.]. Further study on \(\mathcal{R}ep_n(\Lambda_m,\Bbbk)\) is proceeded in §3 when \(\Lambda_m\) is a Legendrian \((2,m)\) torus link, taking a representation of \(\Lambda_m\) in the Legendrian isotopy class to be simply the Chekanov-Eliasberg DGA for this version (cf. Figure 2). Especially, the cohomology \(H^p\mathrm{Hom}(\rho,\rho')\) of the graded \(\mathrm{Mat}_n(\Bbbk)\) space \(\mathrm{Hom}(\rho,\rho')\), \(\rho,\rho'\) are objects in \(\mathcal{R}ep_n(\Lambda,\Bbbk)\), are computed up to \(p\le 2\) (Proposition 3.3).
\(\mathcal{S}h_n(\Lambda,\Bbbk)\) is constructed in §4 following [V. Shende et al., Invent. Math. 207, No. 3, 1031–1133 (2017; Zbl 1369.57016)], after explaining microsupport of constructible sheaves and its application to symplectic and contact geometry (cf. [M. Kashiwara and P. Schapira, Sheaves on manifolds. Berlin etc.: Springer-Verlag (1990; Zbl 0709.18001), S. Guillermou et al., Duke Math. J. 161, No. 2, 201–245 (2012; Zbl 1242.53108)]).
\(H^\ast\mathcal{S}h(\Lambda,\Bbbk)\) is computed in §5. Here \(\Lambda\) is taken as the rainbow closure of the 2-braid \(\sigma_1^m\in B_2\) (cf. Figure 1). By this choice, it is shown that the space of morphisms in \(H^\ast\mathcal{S}h_n(\Lambda_m,\Bbbk)\) is given by Ext groups between objects, and the only possible nonzero groups are \(\mathrm{Ext}^p, 0\le p\le 2\) (§5.1). \(\mathrm{Ext}^0\) and \(\mathrm{Ext}^1\) and their compositions are computed in §5.3, 5.4 and 5.5. \(\mathrm{Ext}^2\) vanishes. This is crucial and proved in §6. Theorem 1 is proved combining these results and results in §3, e.g. Proposition 3.3 (§7, the last section).


57R17 Symplectic and contact topology in high or arbitrary dimension
53D37 Symplectic aspects of mirror symmetry, homological mirror symmetry, and Fukaya category
53D42 Symplectic field theory; contact homology
57K10 Knot theory
14F08 Derived categories of sheaves, dg categories, and related constructions in algebraic geometry
18F99 Categories in geometry and topology


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