
Microlocal branes are constructible sheaves. (English) Zbl 1197.53116

The main result of this paper is beautifully summarized in its title: the microlocalization functor is an \(A_\infty\)-quasi-equivalence between the differential graded category \(Sh_c(X)\) of constructible sheaves on a compact real analytic manifold \(X\) and the triangulated envelope \(F(T^*X)\) of the Fukaya category of \(T^*X\).
The microlocalization functor \(\mu_X:Sh_c(X)\to F(T^*X)\) was introduced in a joint work of the author with E. Zaslow [J. Am. Math. Soc. 22, 233–286 (2009)], where it was also proved that \(\mu_X\) is an \(A_\infty\)-quasi-embedding, i.e., that the induced functor in cohomology is a fully faithful embedding of the bounded derived category of constructible complexes of sheaves on \(X\) into the derived Fukaya category. In the present paper, this result is refined showing that \(H(\mu_X)\) is actually an equivalence of triangulated categories. This can be viewed as a categorification of the fact that the characteristic cycle homomorphism is an isomorphism from constructible functions to conical Lagrangian cycles. Moreover, when \(X\) is a complex manifold, this result can also be interpreted as a topological analogue of the identification of Lagrangian branes in \(T^*X\) and regular holonomic \(\mathcal{D}_X\)-modules developed by A. Kapustin and E. Witten [Commun. Number Theory Phys. 1, No. 1 (2007; Zbl 1128.22013); arXiv:hep-th/0502212].
As a concrete geometrical application, the author shows that under mild homological assumptions, compact connected Lagrangians \(L\subset T^*X\) which are exact and have trivial Maslov class are equivalent in the Fukaya category to a shift of the zero section of \(T^*X\). In particular, this implies that \([L]=\pm[X]\) as homology classes in \(H_{\dim X}(T^*X,\mathbb{C})\), the existence of a ring isomorphism \(H^*(L,\mathbb{C})\simeq H^*(X,\mathbb{C})\) and the following homological lower bound for the (possibly infinite) number of intersection points of two such Lagrangians: \(\#(L\cap L')\geq \sum_k\dim H^k(X,\mathbb{C})\).
An independent characterization of compact branes in \(T^*X\) has been obtained in [K.  Fukaya, P. Seidel and I. Smith, Invent. Math. 172, No. 1, 1–27 (2008; Zbl 1140.53036)].


53D37 Symplectic aspects of mirror symmetry, homological mirror symmetry, and Fukaya category
53D40 Symplectic aspects of Floer homology and cohomology
57R56 Topological quantum field theories (aspects of differential topology)


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