
Anticyclotomic \(p\)-ordinary Iwasawa theory of elliptic modular forms. (English) Zbl 1423.11186

Let \(K\) be an imaginary quadratic field and let \(p\ge 5\) be a prime that splits as \(\mathfrak p \mathfrak p^c\) in \(K\). Let \(D_{\infty}\) be the anticyclotomic \(\mathbb Z_p\)-extension of \(K\). Let \(f\) be a normalized \(p\)-ordinary non-CM newform of weight \(k\) for \(\Gamma_0(N)\). Write \(N=p^a N^+ N^-\), where \(N^+\) is divisible only by primes other than \(p\) that split in \(K\) and where \(N^-\) is assumed to be squarefree and is divisible only by primes that are inert in \(K\). Let \(\alpha\) be a ring class character mod \(\mathfrak f \mathfrak p^{\infty}\) for which \(\alpha(\mathfrak p)\ne \alpha(\mathfrak p^c)\). Under certain assumptions on \(\mathfrak f\), the newform \(f\), and the Galois representation attached to \(f\), the authors prove the following: If \(N\) is divisible by an odd number of primes and \(p^2\nmid N\), then the characteristic ideal of a certain Greenberg Selmer group \(\mathcal{X}(f\otimes \alpha/D_{\infty})\) contains the projection \(\mathcal{L}_{f, 0}^{(\alpha)}\) of the Hida-Perrin-Riou \(p\)-adic \(L\)-function after inverting \(p\). If in addition \(p\nmid N\), then \(\mathcal{L}_{f, 0}^{(\alpha)}\) generates this characteristic ideal. If \(N\) is divisible by an even number of primes and \(p\nmid N\), then \(\mathcal{L}_{f, 0}^{(\alpha)}=0\) and \(\mathcal{X}(f\otimes \alpha/D_{\infty})\) has rank one. Moreover, the derivative of the Hida–Perrin-Riou \(p\)-adic \(L\)-function in the cyclotomic direction, restricted to the anticyclotomic line, is contained in the module obtained as a certain regulator times the characteristic ideal of \(\mathcal{X}(f\otimes \alpha/D_{\infty})_{\text{tor}}\) tensored with a finite extension of \(\mathbb Q_p\). Under additional hypotheses, it is shown that this derivative actually generates the module.
A new aspect of the present work is the use of Beilinson-Flach elements along the anticyclotomic tower, which allows both the definite and indefinite cases to be treated simultaneously.


11R23 Iwasawa theory
11F11 Holomorphic modular forms of integral weight
11R20 Other abelian and metabelian extensions


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