
On the bijectivity of families of exponential/generalized polynomial maps. (English) Zbl 1419.26001

Summary: We start from a parametrized system of \(d\) generalized polynomial equations (with real exponents) for \(d\) positive variables, involving \(n\) generalized monomials with \(n\) positive parameters. Existence and uniqueness of a solution for all parameters and for all right-hand sides is equivalent to the bijectivity of (every element of) a family of generalized polynomial/exponential maps. We characterize the bijectivity of the family of exponential maps in terms of two linear subspaces arising from the coefficient and exponent matrices, respectively. In particular, we obtain conditions in terms of sign vectors of the two subspaces and a nondegeneracy condition involving the exponent subspace itself. Thereby, all criteria can be checked effectively. Moreover, we characterize when the existence of a unique solution is robust with respect to small perturbations of the exponents and/or the coefficients. In particular, we obtain conditions in terms of sign vectors of the linear subspaces or, alternatively, in terms of maximal minors of the coefficient and exponent matrices. Finally, we present applications to chemical reaction networks with (generalized) mass-action kinetics.


26C10 Real polynomials: location of zeros
12D10 Polynomials in real and complex fields: location of zeros (algebraic theorems)
52C40 Oriented matroids in discrete geometry


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