
Spatial memory and taxis-driven pattern formation in model ecosystems. (English) Zbl 1417.92217

Summary: Mathematical models of spatial population dynamics typically focus on the interplay between dispersal events and birth/death processes. However, for many animal communities, significant arrangement in space can occur on shorter timescales, where births and deaths are negligible. This phenomenon is particularly prevalent in populations of larger, vertebrate animals who often reproduce only once per year or less. To understand spatial arrangements of animal communities on such timescales, we use a class of diffusion-taxis equations for modelling inter-population movement responses between \(N \ge 2\) populations. These systems of equations incorporate the effect on animal movement of both the current presence of other populations and the memory of past presence encoded either in the environment or in the minds of animals. We give general criteria for the spontaneous formation of both stationary and oscillatory patterns, via linear pattern formation analysis. For \(N=2\), we classify completely the pattern formation properties using a combination of linear analysis and nonlinear energy functionals. In this case, the only patterns that can occur asymptotically in time are stationary. However, for \(N \ge 3\), oscillatory patterns can occur asymptotically, giving rise to a sequence of period-doubling bifurcations leading to patterns with no obvious regularity, a hallmark of chaos. Our study highlights the importance of understanding between-population animal movement for understanding spatial species distributions, something that is typically ignored in species distribution modelling, and so develops a new paradigm for spatial population dynamics.


92D40 Ecology
92D25 Population dynamics (general)
35Q92 PDEs in connection with biology, chemistry and other natural sciences




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