
Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv theorem and Noether number for \(C_m \ltimes_\varphi C_{mn}\). (English) Zbl 1416.11014

In the present article, a multiplicative finite group \(G\) is considered. The main statements of this paper are proved for the cases when \(G\cong C_m \ltimes_{\varphi} C_{mn}\) and when \(G\) is a non-cyclic nilpotent group.
In this paper, the following main notions are called: the small Davenport constant denoted by \(\mathsf{d} (G)\), \(\mathsf{s}_L(G)\) (here \(L\) is a subset of \(\mathbb N\)), and \(\mathsf{e}(G)\), the Noether number \(\beta(G)\), as well as product-one, product-one free, and minimal product-one sequences. Also, it is noted (with definitions of these notions) that some classical product-one (zero-sum) invariants including \(\mathsf{D}(G)\), \(\mathsf{E}(G)\), \(\mathsf{s}(G)\), \(\eta(G)\), \(\mathsf{s}_{d\mathbb N}(G)\) (\(d\in\mathbb N\)) have received a lot of studies.
One can note the following main statements.
Theorem 1.2. Let \(G\) be a finite group, and \(m\) be any positive integer. If \(G\) has a normal subgroup \(N\) such that \(G/ N \cong C_m \ltimes_{\varphi} C_{m}\), then \[ |G|+ \mathsf{d}(G)\le\mathsf{E}(G)\le |G|+\frac{|G|}{m}+m-2. \] In particular, if \(G\cong C_m \ltimes_{\varphi} C_{mn}\), where \(m,n\) are positive integers, then \[ \mathsf{E}(G)=|G|+\mathsf{d} (G)=m^2n+mn+m-2. \] As a consequence, we have \[ \mathsf{d} (G)=mn+m-2. \]
Theorem 1.3. Let \(G\cong C_m \ltimes_{\varphi} C_{mn}\). We have \[ \mathsf{s}_{mn\mathbb N}(G)=m+2mn-2. \] If \(\mathsf{e}(G)=mn\), then we have \[ \eta(G)\le 2m+mn-2 \text{ and } \mathsf{s}(G)\le 2m+2mn-3. \]
Theorem 1.4. Let \(m,n\) be any positive integers, then \[ \beta\left( C_m \ltimes_{\varphi} C_{mn}\right)=mn+m-1. \]
In addition, the authors note that the result shows that \(\beta\left( C_m \ltimes_{\varphi} C_{mn}\right)=\mathsf{d}\left( C_m \ltimes_{\varphi} C_{mn}\right)+~1\).
Theorem 1.5. Let \(G\) be a non-cyclic nilpotent group and \(p\) the smallest prime divisor of \(|G|\), then \[ \beta(G)\le \frac{|G|}{p}+p-1 \] except if \(p=2\) and \(G\) is a dicyclic group, in which case \(\beta(G)=\frac{1}{2}|G|+2\).
Some auxiliary lemmas are proved. Based on obtained results, the authors propose the following conjecture.
Conjecture 6.1. For any positive integer \(n,m\) \[ \beta\left( C_n \ltimes_{\varphi} C_{m}\right)=n+m-1. \]


11B13 Additive bases, including sumsets
11B50 Sequences (mod \(m\))
11B75 Other combinatorial number theory
20D60 Arithmetic and combinatorial problems involving abstract finite groups


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