
String theory integrands and supergravity divergences. (English) Zbl 1411.83136

Summary: At low energies, interactions of massless particles in type II strings compactified on a torus \(T^d\) are described by an effective Wilsonian action \( \mathcal{S} (\Lambda)\), consisting of the usual supergravity Lagrangian supplemented by an infinite series of higher-derivative vertices, including the much studied \( {\nabla}^{4p+6q} {\mathcal{R}}^4\) gravitational interactions. Using recent results on the asymptotics of the integrands governing four-graviton scattering at genus one and two, I determine the \({\Lambda}\)-dependence of the coefficient of the above interaction, and show that the logarithmic terms appearing in the limit \({\Lambda} \rightarrow 0\) 0 are related to UV divergences in supergravity amplitudes, augmented by stringy interactions. This provides a strong consistency check on the expansion of the integrand near the boundaries of moduli space, in particular it elucidates the appearance of odd zeta values in these expansions. I briefly discuss how these logarithms are reflected in non-analytic terms in the low energy expansion of the string scattering amplitude.


83E50 Supergravity
83E30 String and superstring theories in gravitational theory
81U20 \(S\)-matrix theory, etc. in quantum theory
81T60 Supersymmetric field theories in quantum mechanics


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