
Elliptic curves over \(\mathbb {Q}\) and 2-adic images of Galois. (English) Zbl 1397.11095

In this highly important paper the authors give a classification of all possible 2-adic images of Galois representations associated to elliptic curves over \(\mathbb {Q}\). To this end, they compute the ‘arithmetically maximal’ tower of 2-power level modular curves, develop techniques to compute their equations, and classify the rational points on these curves.
Central is the following:
Theorem 1.1. Let \(H\in \mathrm{GL}_2(\mathbb Z_2)\) be a subgroup, and \(E\) be an elliptic curve whose 2-adic image is contained in \(H\). Then one of the following holds:
– The modular curve \(X_H\) has infinitely many rational points.
– The curve \(E\) has complex multiplication.
– The \(j\)-invariant of \(E\) appears in the table 1 of exceptional j-invariants given in the paper.
Further we state their
Corollary 1.3. Let \(E\) be an elliptic curve over \(\mathbb Q\) without complex multiplication. Then the index of \(\rho_{E,2^\infty}(G_{\mathbb Q})\) divides 64 or 96; all such indices occur. Moreover, the image of \(\rho_{E,2^\infty}(G_{\mathbb Q})\) is the inverse image in \( \mathrm{GL}_2(\mathbb Z_2)\) of the image of \(\rho_{E,32}(G_{\mathbb Q})\). For non-CM elliptic curves \(E/\mathbb Q\), there are precisely 1208 possible images for \(\rho_{E,2^\infty}\).
Several interesting remarks show relations with other papers and some are of interest in their own.


11G05 Elliptic curves over global fields
11F80 Galois representations
11G18 Arithmetic aspects of modular and Shimura varieties


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