
Local \(\beta\)-deformations and Yang-Baxter sigma model. (English) Zbl 1395.81192

Summary: Homogeneous Yang-Baxter (YB) deformation of \(\mathrm{AdS}_{5} \times S^5\) superstring is revisited. We calculate the YB sigma model action up to quadratic order in fermions and show that homogeneous YB deformations are equivalent to \(\beta\)-deformations of the \(\mathrm{AdS}_{5} \times S^5\) background when the classical \(r\)-matrices consist of bosonic generators. In order to make our discussion clearer, we discuss YB deformations in terms of the double-vielbein formalism of double field theory. We further provide an O(10,10)-invariant string action that reproduces the Green-Schwarz type II superstring action up to quadratic order in fermions. When an AdS background contains a non-vanishing \(H\)-flux, it is not straightforward to perform homogeneous YB deformations. In order to get any hint for such YB deformations, we study \(\beta\)-deformations of \(H\)-fluxed AdS backgrounds and obtain various solutions of (generalized) type II supergravity.


81T30 String and superstring theories; other extended objects (e.g., branes) in quantum field theory
83E50 Supergravity
16T25 Yang-Baxter equations


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