
Geometry and fluxes of \(\mathrm{SL}(5)\) exceptional field theory. (English) Zbl 1388.83749

Summary: We use a geometric approach to construct a flux formulation for the \(\mathrm{SL}(5)\) U-duality manifest exceptional field theory. The resulting formalism is well-suited for studying gauged supergravities with geometric and non-geometric fluxes. Here we describe all such fluxes for both M-theory and IIB supergravity including the Ramond-Ramond fields for compactifications to seven dimensions. We define the locally non-geometric “\(R\)-flux” and globally non-geometric “\(Q\)-flux” for M-theory and find a new locally non-geometric \(R\)-flux for the IIB theory. We show how these non-geometric fluxes can be understood geometrically and give some examples of how they can be generated by acting with dualities on solutions with geometric or field-strength flux.


83E50 Supergravity


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