
On semicoercive variational-hemivariational inequalities – existence, approximation, and regularization. (English) Zbl 1388.49005

Summary: In this paper, we are concerned with semicoercive variational-hemivariational inequalities that encompass nonlinear semicoercive monotone variational inequalities (VIs) and pseudomonotone VIs in reflexive Banach spaces and hemivariational inequalities (HVIs) in function spaces. We present existence, approximation, and regularization results. Our approach to our existence result is based on recession arguments. We employ regularization techniques of nondifferentiable optimization to smooth the jumps in the hemivariational term. We treat nonconforming finite element approximation via Mosco convergence. As an example, we consider a semicoercive unilateral boundary value problem with nonmonotone boundary conditions that models a unilateral contact problem for a nonlinear elastic body under a nonmonotone friction law.


49J40 Variational inequalities
74P05 Compliance or weight optimization in solid mechanics
74M15 Contact in solid mechanics
74S05 Finite element methods applied to problems in solid mechanics
Full Text: DOI


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