
Web and internet economics. 13th international conference, WINE 2017, Bangalore, India, December 17–20, 2017. Proceedings. (English) Zbl 1381.68004

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10660. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-71923-8/pbk; 978-3-319-71924-5/ebook). xi, 408 p. (2017).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. For the preceding conference see [Zbl 1352.68009].
Indexed articles:
Amanatidis, Georgios; Birmpas, Georgios; Markakis, Evangelos, On budget-feasible mechanism design for symmetric submodular objectives, 1-15 [Zbl 1405.91221]
Angell, Rico; Schoenebeck, Grant, Don’t be greedy: leveraging community structure to find high quality seed sets for influence maximization, 16-29 [Zbl 1405.91514]
Auletta, Vincenzo; Caragiannis, Ioannis; Ferraioli, Diodato; Galdi, Clemente; Persiano, Giuseppe, Information retention in heterogeneous majority dynamics, 30-43 [Zbl 1405.91515]
Ban, Amir; Azar, Yossi; Mansour, Yishay, The strategy of experts for repeated predictions, 44-57 [Zbl 1405.91581]
Ben-Porat, Omer; Tennenholtz, Moshe, Shapley facility location games, 58-73 [Zbl 1405.91014]
Caragiannis, Ioannis; Gkatzelis, Vasilis; Vinci, Cosimo, Coordination mechanisms, cost-sharing, and approximation algorithms for scheduling, 74-87 [Zbl 1405.91015]
Celis, L. Elisa; Dalirrooyfard, Mina; Vishnoi, Nisheeth K., A dynamics for advertising on networks, 88-102 [Zbl 1410.90112]
Chen, Zhou; Cheng, Yukun; Deng, Xiaotie; Qi, Qi; Yan, Xiang, Limiting user’s Sybil attack in resource sharing, 103-119 [Zbl 1405.91272]
Chen, Zhou; Qi, Qi; Wang, Changjun; Wang, Wenwei, Mechanism design with efficiency and equality considerations, 120-132 [Zbl 1405.91273]
Colini-Baldeschi, Riccardo; Cominetti, Roberto; Mertikopoulos, Panayotis; Scarsini, Marco, The asymptotic behavior of the price of anarchy, 133-145 [Zbl 1405.91072]
Colini-Baldeschi, Riccardo; Goldberg, Paul; de Keijzer, Bart; Leonardi, Stefano; Turchetta, Stefano, Fixed price approximability of the optimal gain from trade, 146-160 [Zbl 1405.91196]
Janus, Tomasz; de Keijzer, Bart, On strong equilibria and improvement dynamics in network creation games, 161-176 [Zbl 1405.91077]
Fain, Brandon; Goel, Ashish; Munagala, Kamesh; Sakshuwong, Sukolsak, Sequential deliberation for social choice, 177-190 [Zbl 1405.91162]
Feldotto, Matthias; Gairing, Martin; Kotsialou, Grammateia; Skopalik, Alexander, Computing approximate pure Nash equilibria in Shapley value weighted congestion games, 191-204 [Zbl 1405.91073]
Fisch, Ben; Pass, Rafael; Shelat, Abhi, Socially optimal mining pools, 205-218 [Zbl 1405.91187]
Goel, Arpit; Skochdopole, Nolan, Design of an optimal frequency reward program in the face of competition, 219-236 [Zbl 1405.91371]
Harks, Tobias; Huber, Anja; Surek, Manuel, A characterization of undirected graphs admitting optimal cost shares, 237-251 [Zbl 1405.91075]
Immorlica, Nicole; Lucier, Brendan; Weyl, Glen; Mollner, Joshua, Approximate efficiency in matching markets, 252-265 [Zbl 1405.91474]
Ismaili, Anisse, Routing games over time with FIFO policy, 266-280 [Zbl 1405.91076]
Jain, Kamal; Mai, Tung; Vazirani, Vijay V., A performance-based scheme for pricing resources in the cloud, 281-293 [Zbl 1405.91205]
Kash, Ian A.; Key, Peter; Suksompong, Warut, Simple pricing schemes for the cloud, 311-324 [Zbl 1405.91206]
Albers, Susanne; Kraft, Dennis, The price of uncertainty in present-biased planning, 325-339 [Zbl 1405.91183]
Monnot, Barnabé; Benita, Francisco; Piliouras, Georgios, Routing games in the wild: efficiency, equilibration and regret. Large-scale field experiments in Singapore, 340-353 [Zbl 1405.91078]
Nakhe, Paresh, Dynamic pricing in competitive markets, 354-367 [Zbl 1405.91210]
Schoenebeck, Grant; Tao, Biaoshuai, Beyond worst-case (in)approximability of nonsubmodular influence maximization, 368-382 [Zbl 1405.91524]
Gao, Jie; Schoenebeck, Grant; Yu, Fang-Yi, Cascades and myopic routing in nonhomogeneous Kleinberg’s small world model, 383-394 [Zbl 1405.91520]


68-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to computer science
91-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to game theory, economics, and finance
68M11 Internet topics
91A80 Applications of game theory
91B26 Auctions, bargaining, bidding and selling, and other market models
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest


Zbl 1352.68009
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