
A Bayesian characterization of relative entropy. (English) Zbl 1321.94023

This paper gives a new characterization of the concept of relative entropy, aka relative information, relative gain or Kullback-Leibler divergence. Whenever we have two probability distributions \(p\) and \(q\) on the same set \(X\), we define the information of \(q\) relative to \(p\) as \[ S(q,p)=\sum_{x\in X}q_{x}\ln\left( \frac{q_{x}}{p_{x}}\right) \] where \(q_{x}\ln\left( \frac{q_{x}}{p_{x}}\right) \) is set equal to \(\infty\) when \(p_{x}=0\), unless \(q_{x}\) is also \(0\), in which case it is set equal to \(0\).
Bayesian probability theory emphasizes the role of the prior so that relative entropy naturally lends itself to a Bayesian interpretation [P. Baldi and L. Itti, Neural Netw. 23, No. 5, 649–666 (2010; Zbl 1401.62225)]. The goal of this paper is to make this precise in a mathematical characterization of relative entropy. The authors consider a category \(\mathtt{FinStat}\), where an object \((X,q)\) is a finite set \(X\) gifted with a probability distribution \(x\mapsto q_{x}\), while a morphism \((f,s):(X,q)\rightarrow(Y,r)\) is a measure-preserving function \(f:X\rightarrow Y\) hand in hand with a probability distribution \(x\mapsto s_{xy}\) on \(X\) for each element \(y\in Y\) with the property \(s_{xy}=0\) unless \(f(x)=y\).
Intuitively speaking, an object of \(\mathtt{FinStat}\) is to be thought of a system with some finite set of states as well as a probanility distribution on it. A morphism \((f,s):(X,q)\rightarrow(Y,r)\) is a deterministic measuring process \(f:X\rightarrow Y\) mapping states of some system under measurement to those of a measuring apparatus as well as a hypothesis \(s\) meaning the probability \(s_{xy}\) that the system under measurement is in the state \(x\) given any measurement outcome \(y\in Y\).
Given a morphism \((f,s):(X,q)\rightarrow(Y,r)\) in \(\mathtt{FinStat}\), the authors define \[ \mathrm{RE}(f,s)=S(q,p) \] where \[ p_{x}=s_{xf(x)}r_{f(x)} \] and \(s\) is said to be optimal as long as the above equation gives a prior \(p\) equal to the true probability distribution \(q\) on the states of the system under measurement. It is nontrivial and rather interesting to establish the fact that \[ \mathrm{RE}:\mathtt{FinStat}\rightarrow [0,\infty] \] where \([0,\infty]\) is thought of a category with one object, the nonnegative real numbers with \(\infty\) as morphisms whose composition is simply addition. The functoriality of \(\mathrm{RE}\) claims that, given \[ (X,q) \xrightarrow{(f,s)} (Y,r) \xrightarrow{(g,t)} (Z,u) \] we have \[ \mathrm{RE}\left((g,t) \circ (f,s)\right)=\mathrm{RE}(g,t) +\mathrm{RE}(f,s) \] The main result of this paper (Theorem 3.1), which was inspired by D. Petz [Acta Math. Hung. 59, No. 3–4, 449–455 (1992; Zbl 0765.46045)] in both its formulation and its proof, is that \(\mathrm{RE}\) is, up to constant multiples, the unique functor from \(\mathtt{FinStat}\) to \([0,\infty]\) obeying the following three conditions:
\(\mathrm{RE}\) vanishes on morphisms with an optimal hypothesis.
\(\mathrm{RE}\) is lower semicontinuous.
\(\mathrm{RE}\) is convex linear.


94A17 Measures of information, entropy
62F15 Bayesian inference
18B99 Special categories