
Cohesive, frictional powders: Contact models for tension. (English) Zbl 1304.74019

Summary: The contacts between cohesive, frictional particles with sizes in the range \(0.1-10 \mu m\) are the subject of this study. Discrete element model (DEM) simulations rely on realistic contact force models-however, too much details make both implementation and interpretation prohibitively difficult. A rather simple, objective contact model is presented, involving the physical properties of elastic-plastic repulsion, dissipation, adhesion, friction as well as rolling- and torsion-resistance. This contact model allows to model bulk properties like friction, cohesion and yield-surfaces. Very loose packings and even fractal agglomerates have been reported in earlier work. The same model also allows for pressure-sintering and tensile strength tests as presented in this study.


74E20 Granularity
74M10 Friction in solid mechanics
74M15 Contact in solid mechanics


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