
Holographic entanglement entropy in Lovelock gravities. (English) Zbl 1298.81265

Summary: We study entanglement entropies of simply connected surfaces in field theories dual to Lovelock gravities. We consider Gauss-Bonnet and cubic Lovelock gravities in detail. In the conformal case the logarithmic terms in the entanglement entropy are governed by the conformal anomalies of the CFT; we verify that the holographic calculations are consistent with this property. We also compute the holographic entanglement entropy of a slab in the Gauss-Bonnet examples dual to relativistic and non-relativistic CFTs and discuss its properties. Finally, we discuss features of the entanglement entropy in the backgrounds dual to renormalization group flows between fixed points and comment on the implications for a possible c-theorem in four spacetime dimensions.


81T30 String and superstring theories; other extended objects (e.g., branes) in quantum field theory
81T13 Yang-Mills and other gauge theories in quantum field theory
81V17 Gravitational interaction in quantum theory
81T20 Quantum field theory on curved space or space-time backgrounds
81T40 Two-dimensional field theories, conformal field theories, etc. in quantum mechanics
81T50 Anomalies in quantum field theory
83D05 Relativistic gravitational theories other than Einstein’s, including asymmetric field theories
81P40 Quantum coherence, entanglement, quantum correlations
94A17 Measures of information, entropy


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