
Finite-size corrections for quantum strings on \( {\text{AdS}_4} \times \mathbb{C}{P^3} \). (English) Zbl 1296.81077

Summary: We revisit the calculation of curvature corrections to the pp-wave energy of type IIA string states on \( {\text{AdS}_4} \times \mathbb{C}{\mathbb{P}^3} \) initiated in [The authors, Nucl. Phys. B 810, No. 1–2, 150–173 (2009; Zbl 1323.81073)]. Using the near pp-wave Hamiltonian found in [The authors, “Full Lagrangian and Hamiltonian for quantum strings on \( {\text{AdS}_4} \times \mathbb{C}{\mathbb{P}^3} \) in a near plane wave limit”, arxiv:0912.2257], we compute the first non-vanishing correction to the energy of a set of bosonic string states at order 1/\(R^{2}\), where \(R\) is the curvature radius of the background. The leading curvature corrections give rise to cubic, order 1/\(R\), and quartic, order 1/\(R^{2}\), terms in the Hamiltonian, for which we implement the appropriate normal ordering prescription. Including the contributions from all possible fermionic and bosonic string states, we find that there exist logarithmic divergences in the sums over mode numbers which cancel between the cubic and quartic Hamiltonian. We show that from the form of the cubic Hamiltonian it is natural to require that the cutoff for summing over heavy modes must be twice the one for light modes. With this prescription the strong-weak coupling interpolating function \(h(\lambda)\), entering the magnon dispersion relation, does not receive a one-loop correction, in agreement with the algebraic curve spectrum. However, the single magnon dispersion relation exhibits finite-size exponential corrections.


81T30 String and superstring theories; other extended objects (e.g., branes) in quantum field theory
81T20 Quantum field theory on curved space or space-time backgrounds
81T40 Two-dimensional field theories, conformal field theories, etc. in quantum mechanics
81T15 Perturbative methods of renormalization applied to problems in quantum field theory
14H81 Relationships between algebraic curves and physics


Zbl 1323.81073


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