
Cohomology of a flag variety as a Bethe algebra. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1271.14072

Funct. Anal. Appl. 45, No. 4, 252-264 (2011); translation from Funkts. Anal. Prilozh. 45, No. 4, 16-31 (2011).
Summary: We interpret the equivariant cohomology \(H_{GL_n}^\ast(\mathcal F_{\boldsymbol\lambda},\mathbb C)\) of a partial flag variety \(\mathcal F_{\boldsymbol\lambda}\) parametrizing chains of subspaces \(0=F_0\subset F_1\subset\cdots\subset F_N=\mathbb C^n\), \(\dim F_i/F_{i-1}=\lambda_i\), as the Bethe algebra \(\mathcal B^\infty(\mathcal V^\pm_{\boldsymbol\lambda})\) of the \(\mathfrak{gl}_N\)-weight subspace \(\mathcal V^\pm_{\boldsymbol\lambda}\) of a \(\mathfrak{gl}_N[t]\)-module \(\mathcal V^\pm\).


14M15 Grassmannians, Schubert varieties, flag manifolds
81R99 Groups and algebras in quantum theory
17B37 Quantum groups (quantized enveloping algebras) and related deformations
32C36 Local cohomology of analytic spaces


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