
Fractional supersymmetric Liouville theory and the multi-cut matrix models. (English) Zbl 1194.81210

Summary: We point out that the non-critical version of the \(k\)-fractional superstring theory can be described by \(k\)-cut critical points of the matrix models. In particular, in comparison with the spectrum structure of fractional super-Liouville theory, we show that \((p,q)\) minimal fractional superstring theories appear in the \({\mathbb Z}_k\)-symmetry breaking critical points of the \(k\)-cut two-matrix models and the operator contents and string susceptibility coincide on both sides. By using this correspondence, we also propose a set of primary operators of the fractional superconformal ghost system which consistently produces the correct gravitational scaling critical exponents of the on-shell vertex operators.


81T30 String and superstring theories; other extended objects (e.g., branes) in quantum field theory


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