
Constraint satisfaction problems with infinite templates. (English) Zbl 1171.03320

Creignou, Nadia (ed.) et al., Complexity of constraints. An overview of current research themes. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-540-92799-0/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5250, 196-228 (2008).
Summary: Allowing templates with infinite domains greatly expands the range of problems that can be formulated as a non-uniform constraint satisfaction problem. It turns out that many CSPs over infinite templates can be formulated with templates that are \(\omega \)-categorical. We survey examples of such problems in temporal and spatial reasoning, infinite-dimensional algebra, acyclic colorings in graph theory, artificial intelligence, phylogenetic reconstruction in computational biology, and tree descriptions in computational linguistics.
We then give an introduction to the universal-algebraic approach to infinite-domain constraint satisfaction, and discuss how cores, polymorphism clones, and pseudo-varieties can be used to study the computational complexity of CSPs with \(\omega \)-categorical templates. The theoretical results will be illustrated by examples from the mentioned application areas. We close with a series of open problems and promising directions of future research.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1154.68008].


03B70 Logic in computer science
08A70 Applications of universal algebra in computer science
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