
Open problems in topology, seventh status report. (English) Zbl 0973.54001

From the introduction: This is the seventh in a series of status reports [for the sixth see ibid. 79, No. 3, 249-254 (1997; Zbl 0877.54001)] on the 1100 open problems listed in the volume ‘Open problems in topology’ (1990; Zbl 0718.54001), edited by J. van Mill and G. M. Reed. The goal is to give a brief account of problems solved, by whom, and whether preprints or articles are available. 181 solutions and 53 partial or consistent solutions have been announced so far.


54-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to general topology
00A07 Problem books
Full Text: DOI


[1] S. Ageev, Axiomatic method of partitions in the theory of Menger and Nöbeling spaces, Preprint, http://at.yorku.ca/v/a/a/a/87.htm; S. Ageev, Axiomatic method of partitions in the theory of Menger and Nöbeling spaces, Preprint, http://at.yorku.ca/v/a/a/a/87.htm
[2] Ageev, S. M.; Bogatyı̆, S. A., The Banach-Mazur compactum is not homeomorphic to the Hilbert cube, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk. Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, Russian Math. Surveys, 53, 1, 205-207 (1998), translation in · Zbl 0923.46015
[3] S.M. Ageev, S.A. Bogatyı̆, The Banach-Mazur compactum \(Q(n)n=2\) http://at.yorku.ca/p/a/a/m/14.htm; S.M. Ageev, S.A. Bogatyı̆, The Banach-Mazur compactum \(Q(n)n=2\) http://at.yorku.ca/p/a/a/m/14.htm
[4] Ageev, S. M.; Bogatyı̆, S. A.; Fabel, P., The Banach-Mazur compactum \(Q(n)\) is an absolute retract, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. I Mat. Mekh.. Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. I Mat. Mekh., Moscow Univ. Math. Bull., 53, 1, 10-12 (1998), translation in · Zbl 0964.54014
[5] Antonyan, S. A., The Banach-Mazur compacta are absolute retracts, Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Math., 46, 2, 113-119 (1998) · Zbl 0906.54012
[6] Antonyan, S. A., The topology of the Banach-Mazur compactum, Fund. Math., 166, 3, 209-232 (2000) · Zbl 0968.57022
[7] Arkhangel’skiı̆, A. V., Some problems and lines of investigation in general topology, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin., 29, 4, 611-629 (1988) · Zbl 0676.54001
[8] Bak, A.; Morimoto, M., Equivariant surgery and applications, (Dovermann, K. H., Topology Hawaii (1992), World Scientific Publishing Co: World Scientific Publishing Co River Edge, NJ), 13-25 · Zbl 1039.57502
[9] Bak, A.; Morimoto, M., \(K\)-theoretic groups with positioning map and equivariant surgery, Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci., 70, 1, 6-11 (1994) · Zbl 0822.57025
[10] J. Baker, K. Kunen, Limits in the uniform ultrafilters, Preprint; J. Baker, K. Kunen, Limits in the uniform ultrafilters, Preprint · Zbl 0972.54019
[11] Balogh, Z., A small Dowker space in ZFC, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 124, 8, 2555-2560 (1996) · Zbl 0876.54016
[12] Balogh, Z. T., A normal screenable nonparacompact space in ZFC, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 126, 6, 1835-1844 (1998) · Zbl 0899.54025
[13] Banakh, T., Characterization of spaces admitting a homotopy dense embedding into a Hilbert manifold, Topology Appl., 86, 2, 123-131 (1998) · Zbl 0967.57021
[14] Banakh, T., Some properties of the linear hull of the Erdős set in \(ℓ^2\), Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Math., 47, 4, 385-392 (1999) · Zbl 0947.57026
[15] Banakh, T., Toward a topological classification of convex sets in infinite-dimensional Frechét spaces, Topology Appl., 111, 3, 241-263 (2001) · Zbl 0977.57024
[16] Banakh, T.; Cauty, R., Universalité forte pour les sous-ensembles totalement bornés. Applications aux espaces \(Cp(X)\), Colloq. Math., 73, 1, 25-33 (1997) · Zbl 0882.57014
[17] Banakh, T.; Cauty, R., Interplay between strongly universal spaces and pairs, Dissertationes Math., 386, 38 (2000) · Zbl 0954.57007
[18] Banakh, T.; Radul, T.; Zarichnyi, M., Absorbing Sets in Infinite-Dimensional Manifolds. Absorbing Sets in Infinite-Dimensional Manifolds, Math. Stud. Monograph Ser., 1 (1996), VNTL Publishers: VNTL Publishers L’viv · Zbl 1147.54322
[19] Banakh, T.; Sakai, K., Characterizations of \((R^∞,σ)\)- or \((Q^∞,Σ)\)-manifolds and their applications, Topology Appl., 106, 2, 115-134 (2000) · Zbl 0962.57014
[20] Bella, A.; Błaszczyk, A.; Szymański, A., On absolute retracts of \(ω^∗\), Fund. Math., 145, 1, 1-13 (1994) · Zbl 0834.54021
[21] Bennett, H.; Lutzer, D., A metric space of A.H. Stone and an example concerning \(σ\)-minimal bases, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 126, 7, 2191-2196 (1998) · Zbl 0894.54024
[22] Bernardes, N. C., On the set of points with a dense orbit, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 128, 11, 3421-3423 (2000) · Zbl 0947.37005
[23] K. Bouhjar, J.J. Dijkstra, On the structure of \(n\); K. Bouhjar, J.J. Dijkstra, On the structure of \(n\) · Zbl 1153.54306
[24] Buchdahl, N. P.; Kwasik, S.; Schultz, R., One fixed point actions on low-dimensional spheres, Invent. Math., 102, 3, 633-662 (1990) · Zbl 0735.57021
[25] B.S. Burdick, A note on iterated duals of certain topological spaces, Theoretical Computer Science, to appear; B.S. Burdick, A note on iterated duals of certain topological spaces, Theoretical Computer Science, to appear · Zbl 1030.54006
[26] Cauty, R., Un espace métrique linéaire qui n’est pas un rétracte absolu, Fund. Math., 146, 1, 85-99 (1994) · Zbl 0817.54014
[27] Cauty, R., Un exemple de sous-groupe additif de l’espace de Hilbert, Colloq. Math., 77, 1, 147-162 (1998) · Zbl 0907.22006
[28] Chen, H. P., Weak neighborhoods and Michael-Nagami’s question, Houston J. Math., 25, 2, 297-309 (1999) · Zbl 0965.54031
[29] A. Chigogidze, M. Zarichnyi, Characterizing the topology of pseudo-boundaries of Euclidean spaces, Preprint; A. Chigogidze, M. Zarichnyi, Characterizing the topology of pseudo-boundaries of Euclidean spaces, Preprint
[30] Coplakova, E.; Hart, K. P., Crowded rational ultrafilters, Topology Appl., 97, 1-2, 79-84 (1999) · Zbl 0969.54024
[31] Dijkstra, J. J.; van Mill, J., Two point set extensions—a counterexample, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 125, 8, 2501-2502 (1997) · Zbl 0880.54022
[32] J.J. Dijkstra, J. van Mill, On sets that meet every hyperplane in \(nn\); J.J. Dijkstra, J. van Mill, On sets that meet every hyperplane in \(nn\) · Zbl 1030.54004
[33] Dijkstra, J. J.; Kunen, K.; van Mill, J., Hausdorff measures and two point sets, Fund. Math., 157, 1, 43-60 (1998) · Zbl 0910.28005
[34] Dobrowolski, T., Enlarging ANR’s with SDAP to \(ℓ2\)-manifolds revisited, Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Math., 45, 4, 346-348 (1997) · Zbl 0905.55002
[35] Dobrowolski, T.; Mogilski, J., Absorbing sets in the Hilbert cube related to transfinite dimension, Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Math., 38, 1-12, 185-188 (1990) · Zbl 0782.57012
[36] D. Dikranjan, S. Watson, A solution to van Douwen’s problem on Bohr topologies, J. Pure Applied Algebra, to appear; D. Dikranjan, S. Watson, A solution to van Douwen’s problem on Bohr topologies, J. Pure Applied Algebra, to appear · Zbl 0983.22001
[37] Dougherty, R., Narrow coverings of \(ω\)-ary product spaces, Ann. Pure Appl. Logic, 88, 47-91 (1997) · Zbl 0882.03047
[38] Dow, A.; Hart, K. P., A new subcontinuum of \(βR⧹R\), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 125, 6, 1861-1871 (1997) · Zbl 0868.54018
[39] Dow, A.; Pearl, E., Homogeneity in powers of zero-dimensional first-countable spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 125, 8, 2503-2510 (1997) · Zbl 0963.54002
[40] van Douwen, E. K., A technique for constructing honest locally compact submetrizable examples, Topology Appl., 47, 3, 179-201 (1992) · Zbl 0770.54026
[41] van Douwen, E. K., Applications of maximal topologies, Topology Appl., 51, 2, 125-139 (1993) · Zbl 0845.54028
[42] Dranishnikov, A. N.; Uspenskij, V. V., Light maps and extensional dimension, Topology Appl., 80, 1-2, 91-99 (1997) · Zbl 0889.54024
[43] Dydak, J.; Walsh, J. J., Infinite dimensional compacta having cohomological dimension two: An application of the Sullivan conjecture, Topology, 32, 93-104 (1993) · Zbl 0822.55001
[44] Eisworth, T., CH and first countable, countably compact spaces, Topology Appl., 109, 1, 55-73 (2001) · Zbl 0977.54005
[45] Eisworth, T.; Roitman, J., CH with no Ostaszewski spaces, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 351, 7, 2675-2693 (1999) · Zbl 0921.54004
[46] I. Farah, Dimension phenomena associated with \(βN\); I. Farah, Dimension phenomena associated with \(βN\)
[47] Fearnley, D. L., A Moore space with a \(σ\)-discrete \(π\)-base which cannot be densely embedded in any Moore space with the Baire property, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 127, 10, 3095-3100 (1999) · Zbl 0992.54026
[48] M. Furuta, Invited talk to the Mathematical Society of Japan, unpublished; M. Furuta, Invited talk to the Mathematical Society of Japan, unpublished
[49] Garcı́a-Ferreira, S.; Malykhin, V. I.; Tamariz-Mascarúa, A., Solutions and problems on convergence structures to ultrafilters, Questions Answers Gen. Topology, 13, 2, 103-122 (1995) · Zbl 0842.54001
[50] Gartside, P. M.; Reznichenko, E. A.; Sipacheva, O. V., Mal’tsev and retral spaces, Topology Appl., 80, 1-2, 115-129 (1997) · Zbl 0888.54037
[51] Grabowski, J., Homotopically non-trivial additive subgroups of Hilbert spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 127, 5, 1563-1565 (1999) · Zbl 0916.46010
[52] Gruenhage, G.; Moore, J. T., Countable Toronto spaces, Fund. Math., 163, 2, 143-162 (2000) · Zbl 0958.54041
[53] Grunberg, R.; Junqueira, L. R.; Tall, F. D., Forcing and normality, Topology Appl., 84, 1-3, 145-174 (1998) · Zbl 0923.54020
[54] Gutev, V. G., Continuous selections, \(Gδ\)-subsets of Banach spaces and usco mappings, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin., 35, 5, 533-538 (1994) · Zbl 0840.54023
[55] Harding, J.; Pogel, A., Every lattice with \(1\) and \(0\) is embeddable in the lattice of topologies of some set by an embeddings which preserves the \(1\) and \(0\), Topology Appl., 105, 1, 99-101 (2000) · Zbl 0943.54001
[56] Hart, K. P.; van Mill, J., A countably compact topological group \(H\) such that \(H×H\) is not countably compact, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 323, 2, 811-821 (1991) · Zbl 0770.54037
[57] Homma, T.; Kinoshita, S., On the regularity of homeomorphisms of \(E^n\), J. Math. Soc. Japan, 5, 365-371 (1953) · Zbl 0052.18901
[58] Jones, L., The converse to the fixed point theorem of P.A. Smith. I, Ann. of Math. (2), 94, 52-68 (1971) · Zbl 0229.55006
[59] Karimov, U. H.; Repovš, D., A noncontractible cell-like compactum whose suspension is contractible, Indag. Math. (N.S.), 10, 4, 513-517 (1999) · Zbl 1026.55014
[60] Kawamura, K.; Levin, M.; Tymchatyn, E. D., A characterization of 1-dimensional spaces, Topology Proc., 22, 155-174 (1997) · Zbl 0945.54029
[61] Klippenstein, J.; Snaith, V., A conjecture of Barratt-Jones-Mahowald concerning framed manifolds having Kervaire invariant one, Topology, 27, 387-392 (1988) · Zbl 0676.55021
[62] Kojman, M.; Shelah, S., A ZFC Dowker space in \(ℵω+1\): An application of pcf theory to topology, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 126, 8, 2459-2465 (1998) · Zbl 0895.54022
[63] J. Kulesza, Some new properties of Mrówka’s space \(νμ0\); J. Kulesza, Some new properties of Mrówka’s space \(νμ0\)
[64] Kunen, K., Bohr topologies and partition theorems for vector spaces, Topology Appl., 90, 1-3, 97-107 (1998) · Zbl 0974.54025
[65] Lawrence, L. B., Homogeneity in powers of subspaces of the real line, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 350, 8, 3055-3064 (1998) · Zbl 0906.54008
[66] Liu, Y.-M.; Liang, J.-H., Solutions to two problems of J.D. Lawson and M. Mislove, Topology Appl., 69, 2, 153-164 (1996) · Zbl 0853.54005
[67] Liu, Y.-M.; Liang, J.-H., Continuous \(L\)-domains, Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. B, 17, 3, 263-270 (1996) · Zbl 0860.06006
[68] Marciszewski, W., On topological embeddings of linear metric spaces, Math. Ann., 308, 1, 21-30 (1997) · Zbl 0877.46001
[69] Mauldin, R. D., On sets which meet each line in exactly two points, Bull. London Math. Soc., 30, 4, 397-403 (1998) · Zbl 0931.28001
[70] van Mill, J.; Reed, G. M., Open Problems in Topology (1990), North-Holland: North-Holland Amsterdam · Zbl 0784.54001
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[73] van Mill, J.; Reed, G. M., Open problems in topology, Topology Appl., 48, 1, 83-89 (1992) · Zbl 0773.54001
[74] van Mill, J.; Reed, G. M., Open problems in topology, Topology Appl., 53, 1, 105-109 (1993) · Zbl 0784.54001
[75] van Mill, J.; Reed, G. M., Open problems in topology, Topology Appl., 62, 1, 93-99 (1995) · Zbl 0811.54002
[76] van Mill, J.; Reed, G. M., Open problems in topology, Topology Appl., 79, 3, 249-254 (1997) · Zbl 0877.54001
[77] Minc, P., A hereditarily indecomposable tree-like continuum without the fixed point property, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 352, 2, 643-654 (2000) · Zbl 0954.54014
[78] Moore, J. T., Some of the combinatorics related to Michael’s problem, Proc Amer. Math. Soc., 127, 8, 2459-2467 (1999) · Zbl 0981.54013
[79] Morimoto, M., On one fixed point actions on spheres, Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci., 63, 4, 95-97 (1987) · Zbl 0724.57026
[80] Morimoto, M., Most standard spheres have smooth one fixed point actions of \(A5\), II, \(K\)-Theory, 4, 3, 289-302 (1991) · Zbl 0736.57017
[81] Mrówka, S., Small inductive dimension of completions of metric spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 125, 5, 1545-1554 (1997) · Zbl 0870.54033
[82] Mrówka, S., Small inductive dimension of completions of metric spaces, II, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 128, 4, 247-1256 (2000) · Zbl 0967.54032
[83] Nhu, N. T.; Sanjurjo, J. M.R.; Van An, T., The AR-property for Roberts’ example of a compact convex set with no extreme points. Part 1: General result; Part 2: Application to the example, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 125, 10, 3075-3087 (1997), 3089-3098 · Zbl 0890.54015
[84] Oliver, B., Fixed point sets and tangent bundles of actions on disks and Euclidean spaces, Topology, 35, 3, 583-615 (1996) · Zbl 0861.57047
[85] O. Pavlov, A Lindelöf separating family over a compact space of uncountable tightness, Preprint; O. Pavlov, A Lindelöf separating family over a compact space of uncountable tightness, Preprint
[86] Pawalowski, K., Fixed point sets of smooth group actions on disks and Euclidean spaces, Topology. Topology, Topology, 35, 3, 749-750 (1996), Corrections · Zbl 0855.57034
[87] J. Prajs, A homogeneous arcwise connected non-locally-connected curve, Preprint; J. Prajs, A homogeneous arcwise connected non-locally-connected curve, Preprint · Zbl 1003.54022
[88] Rabus, M., Tight gaps in \(P(ω)\), Topology Proc., 19, 227-235 (1994) · Zbl 0840.03036
[89] Radul, T., Absorbing spaces for \(C\)-compacta, Topology Appl., 83, 2, 127-133 (1998) · Zbl 0930.54027
[90] Reznichenko, E. A., Homogeneous products of spaces, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. I Mat. Mekh., 91, 3, 10-13 (1996) · Zbl 0908.54005
[91] Robbie, D.; Svetlichnyi, S., An answer to A.D. Wallace’s question about countably compact cancellative semigroups, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 124, 1, 325-330 (1996) · Zbl 0843.22001
[92] Rudin, M. E., Collectionwise normality in screenable spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 87, 2, 347-350 (1983) · Zbl 0502.54018
[93] Sakai, K., Connecting direct limit topologies with metrics on infinite-dimensional manifolds, Compositio Math.. Compositio Math., Compositio Math., 102, 3, 357-245 (1996), A corrigendum · Zbl 0858.57026
[94] Saltsman, W. L., Concerning the existence of a connected, countable dense homogeneous subset of the plane which is not strongly locally homogeneous, Topology Proc., 16, 137-176 (1991) · Zbl 0786.54020
[95] S. Shelah, Are \(ad\); S. Shelah, Are \(ad\)
[96] Shelah, S.; Spinas, O., The distributivity numbers of finite products of \(P(ω)/ fin\), Fund. Math., 158, 1, 81-93 (1998) · Zbl 0949.03044
[97] Shelah, S.; Spinas, O., The distributivity numbers of \(P(ω)/ fin\) and its square, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 352, 5, 2023-2047 (2000) · Zbl 0943.03036
[98] S. Shelah, J. Steprāns, Martin’s Axiom is consistent with the existence of nowhere trivial automorphisms, Preprint, ShSr:735; S. Shelah, J. Steprāns, Martin’s Axiom is consistent with the existence of nowhere trivial automorphisms, Preprint, ShSr:735
[99] Shi, W.-X., Extensions of perfect GO-spaces with \(σ\)-discrete dense sets, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 127, 2, 615-618 (1999) · Zbl 0943.54020
[100] Shi, W.-X., A non-metrizable compact linearly ordered topological space, every subspace of which has a \(σ\)-minimal base, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 127, 9, 2783-2791 (1999) · Zbl 0918.54033
[101] Smith, K. D.; Szeptycki, P. J., Paranormal spaces under \(♢\(^∗\), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 128, 3, 903-908 (1999) · Zbl 0936.54018
[102] Spasojević, Z., Some results on gaps, Topology Appl., 56, 2, 129-139 (1994) · Zbl 0797.03052
[103] F.D. Tall, Y.-Q. Qiao, Perfectly normal non-metrizable non-archimedean spaces are generalized Souslin lines, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., to appear; F.D. Tall, Y.-Q. Qiao, Perfectly normal non-metrizable non-archimedean spaces are generalized Souslin lines, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., to appear · Zbl 1037.54021
[104] Tkachenko, M. G.; Tkachuk, V. V.; Wilson, R. G.; Yaschenko, I. V., No submaximal topology on a countable set is \(T1\)-complementary, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 128, 1, 287-297 (2000) · Zbl 0932.54035
[105] Tomita, A. H., The Wallace problem: a counterexample from \(MA countable\) and \(p\)-compactness, Canad. Math. Bull., 39, 4, 486-498 (1996) · Zbl 0873.22002
[106] Tomita, A. H., On finite powers of countably compact groups, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin., 37, 3, 617-626 (1996) · Zbl 0881.54022
[107] Tomita, A. H., The existence of initially \(ω1\)-compact group topologies on free abelian groups is independent of ZFC, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin., 39, 2, 401-413 (1998) · Zbl 0938.54034
[108] Tomita, A. H., A group under \(MA countable\) whose square is countably compact but whose cube is not, Topology Appl., 91, 2, 91-104 (1999) · Zbl 0927.54039
[109] Uspenskij, V. V., A note on a question of R. Pol concerning light maps, Topology Appl., 103, 3, 291-294 (2000) · Zbl 0948.54020
[110] Zarichnyi, M. M., Absorbing sets for \(n\)-dimensional spaces in absolutely Borel and projective classes, Mat. Sb., 188, 3, 113-126 (1997) · Zbl 0880.54019
[111] Zarichnyi, M., Absorbing sets in the Hilbert cube related to cohomological dimension, Topology Appl., 80, 1-2, 195-200 (1997) · Zbl 0915.54028
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