
Open problems in topology. (English) Zbl 1034.54001

From the introduction: This is a cumulative status report on the 1100 problems listed in the volume [Open problems in topology (North Holland, 1990), edited by J. van Mill and G. M. Reed; Zbl 0718.54001]. The book is out of print, but the publisher has made it freely available online:
This report is a complete version of the seven status reports that have appeared in the journal Topology and its applications. It is remarkable that three-quarters of the problems remain open after thirteen years. We hope that this report and the availability of the book will regenerate interest in these problems. The report includes a bibliography of 294 items.


54-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to general topology


Zbl 0718.54001
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[1] Adem, A.; Karagueuzian, D., Essential cohomology of finite groups, Comment. Math. Helv., 72, 1, 101-109 (1997), MR 98f:20038 ZBL 0888.20030 · Zbl 0888.20030
[2] Ageev, S. M., Manifolds modelled on the equivariant Hilbert cube, Mat. Sb.. Mat. Sb., Russian Acad. Sci. Sb. Math., 83, 2, 445-468 (1995), MR 96d:57021 ZBL 0841.22003
[3] S.M. Ageev, Axiomatic method of partitions in the theory of Menger and Nöbeling spaces, 2000, Preprint, http://at.yorku.ca/v/a/a/a/87.htm; S.M. Ageev, Axiomatic method of partitions in the theory of Menger and Nöbeling spaces, 2000, Preprint, http://at.yorku.ca/v/a/a/a/87.htm
[4] Ageev, S. M.; Bogatyı̆, S. A.; Repovš, D., The Banach-Mazur compactum is the Alexandroff compactification of a Hilbert cube manifold, Mat. Z. (2003), submitted for publication
[5] Ageev, S. M.; Repovš, D., On Banach-Mazur compacta, J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. A, 69, 3, 316-335 (2000), MR 2002a:57030 ZBL 0968.57023 · Zbl 0968.57023
[6] Akhmet’ev, P. M., Embeddings of compacta, stable homotopy groups of spheres, and singularity theory, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk. Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, Russian Math. Surveys, 55, 3, 405-462 (2000), MR 2001h:55017 ZBL 0972.57013 · Zbl 0972.57013
[7] Akhmet’ev, P. M., Generalized Daverman’s problem, J. Math. Sci. (New York). J. Math. Sci. (New York), Itogi Nauki Tekh. Ser. Sovrem. Mat. Prilozh. Temat Obz., 68, 2, 5-15 (1999), MR 2003b:54013 ZBL 1001.54018 · Zbl 1001.54018
[8] P.M. Akhmet’ev, Pontrjagin-Thom construction for approximation of mappings by embeddings, Topology Appl. (2003), submitted for publication; P.M. Akhmet’ev, Pontrjagin-Thom construction for approximation of mappings by embeddings, Topology Appl. (2003), submitted for publication
[9] Antonyan, S. A., The topology of the Banach-Mazur compactum, Fund. Math., 166, 3, 209-232 (2000), MR 2001k:57026 ZBL 0968.57022 · Zbl 0968.57022
[10] S.A. Antonyan, West’s problem on equivariant hyperspaces and Banach-Mazur compacta, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. (2003), submitted for publication; S.A. Antonyan, West’s problem on equivariant hyperspaces and Banach-Mazur compacta, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. (2003), submitted for publication · Zbl 1027.57021
[11] Arhangel’skiı̆, A. V., Some problems and lines of investigation in general topology, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin., 29, 4, 611-629 (1988), http://at.yorku.ca/i/a/a/i/35.htm, MR 90d:54050 ZBL 0676.54001 · Zbl 0676.54001
[12] Baars, J.; de Groot, J.; Pelant, J., Function spaces of completely metrizable spaces, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 340, 2, 871-883 (1993), MR 94f:54036 ZBL 0841.54012 · Zbl 0841.54012
[13] Bak, A.; Morimoto, M., Equivariant surgery and applications, (Topology Hawaii. Topology Hawaii, Honolulu, 1990 (1992), World Scientific: World Scientific River Edge, NJ), 13-25, ISBN 981-02-0683-6 MR 93e:57058 ZBL pre00864769 · Zbl 1039.57502
[14] Bak, A.; Morimoto, M., \(K\)-theoretic groups with positioning map and equivariant surgery, Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci., 70, 1, 6-11 (1994), MR 95e:19006 ZBL 0822.57025 · Zbl 0822.57025
[15] Baker, J.; Kunen, K., Limits in the uniform ultrafilters, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 353, 10, 4083-4093 (2001), MR 2002j:54025 ZBL 0972.54019 · Zbl 0972.54019
[16] Balcar, B.; Simon, P., Disjoint refinement, (Handbook of Boolean Algebras, Vol. 2 (1989), North-Holland: North-Holland Amsterdam), 333-388, MR 991 597 · Zbl 0671.06001
[17] Baldwin, S.; Smith, M., On a possible property of far points of \(β\)[0,∞), Topology Proc., 11, 2, 239-245 (1986), MR 89f:54048 ZBL 0642.54020 · Zbl 0642.54020
[18] Balogh, Z., On collectionwise normality of locally compact, normal spaces, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 323, 1, 389-411 (1991), MR 91c:54030 ZBL 0736.54017 · Zbl 0736.54017
[19] Balogh, Z., A small Dowker space in ZFC, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 124, 8, 2555-2560 (1996), MR 96j:54026 ZBL 0876.54016 · Zbl 0876.54016
[20] Balogh, Z., A normal screenable nonparacompact space in ZFC, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 126, 6, 1835-1844 (1998), MR 98g:54041 ZBL 0899.54025 · Zbl 0899.54025
[21] Balogh, Z., Dowker spaces and paracompactness questions, Topology Appl., 114, 1, 49-60 (2001), MR 2003c:54047 ZBL 0977.54028 · Zbl 0977.54028
[22] Balogh, Z., Nonshrinking open covers and K. Morita’s duality conjectures, Topology Appl., 115, 3, 333-341 (2001), MR 2002j:54030 ZBL 0983.54023 · Zbl 0983.54023
[23] Balogh, Z., A natural Dowker space, (Zoltán Balogh Memorial Conference Booklet (2003), Miami University: Miami University Oxford, OH), 3-6
[24] Balogh, Z.; Gruenhage, G., On a problem of C.H. Dowker, J. Symbolic Logic, 56, 4, 1284-1289 (1991), MR 92m:03071 ZBL 0737.03025 · Zbl 0737.03025
[25] Banakh, T., Characterization of spaces admitting a homotopy dense embedding into a Hilbert manifold, Topology Appl., 86, 2, 123-131 (1998), MR 99c:57053 ZBL 0967.57021 · Zbl 0967.57021
[26] Banakh, T., Some properties of the linear hull of the Erdős set in \(ℓ^2\), Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Math., 47, 4, 385-392 (1999), MR 2000i:57037 ZBL 0947.57026 · Zbl 0947.57026
[27] Banakh, T., Toward a topological classification of convex sets in infinite-dimensional Fréchet spaces, Topology Appl., 111, 3, 241-263 (2001), MR 2002h:57029 ZBL 0977.57024 · Zbl 0977.57024
[28] Banakh, T.; Cauty, R., Universalité forte pour les sous-ensembles totalement bornés. Applications aux espaces \(C_p(X)\), Colloq. Math., 73, 1, 25-33 (1997), MR 98c:46046 ZBL 0882.57014 · Zbl 0882.57014
[29] Banakh, T.; Cauty, R., Interplay between strongly universal spaces and pairs, Dissertationes Math. (Rozprawy Mat.), 386, 38 (2000), MR 2000m:57030 ZBL 0954.57007 · Zbl 0954.57007
[30] Banakh, T.; Radul, T.; Zarichnyi, M., Absorbing Sets in Infinite-Dimensional Manifolds (1996), VNTL Publishers: VNTL Publishers L’viv, ISBN 5-7773-0061-8 MR 2000m:57031 · Zbl 1147.54322
[31] Banakh, T.; Sakai, K., Characterizations of \((R^∞,σ)\)- or \((Q^∞,σ)\)-manifolds and their applications, Topology Appl., 106, 2, 115-134 (2000), MR 2002k:54007 ZBL 0962.57014 · Zbl 0962.57014
[32] Becker, H.; Dougherty, R., On disjoint Borel uniformizations, Adv. Math., 146, 2, 167-174 (1999), MR 2000i:03076 ZBL 0936.03047 · Zbl 0936.03047
[33] Bella, A.; Błaszczyk, A.; Szymański, A., On absolute retracts of \(ω^∗\), Fund. Math., 145, 1, 1-13 (1994), MR 95g:54030 ZBL 0834.54021 · Zbl 0834.54021
[34] Benedicks, M.; Carleson, L., The dynamics of the Hénon map, Ann. of Math. (2), 133, 1, 73-169 (1991), MR 92d:58116 ZBL 0724.58042 · Zbl 0724.58042
[35] Bennett, H. R.; Lutzer, D. J., A metric space of A.H. Stone and an example concerning \(σ\)-minimal bases, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 126, 7, 2191-2196 (1998), MR 98j:54054 ZBL 0894.54024 · Zbl 0894.54024
[36] Bernardes, N. C., On the set of points with a dense orbit, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 128, 11, 3421-3423 (2000), MR 2001b:54048 ZBL 0947.37005 · Zbl 0947.37005
[37] Bertin, M.-J.; Decomps-Guilloux, A.; Grandet-Hugot, M.; Pathiaux-Delefosse, M.; Schreiber, J.-P., Pisot and Salem Numbers (1992), Birkhäuser: Birkhäuser Basel, ISBN 3-7643-2648-4 MR 93k:11095 ZBL 0772.11041 · Zbl 0772.11041
[38] Bessaga, C.; Dobrowolski, T., Affine and homeomorphic embeddings into \(ℓ^2\), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 125, 1, 259-268 (1997), MR 97e:57022 ZBL 0870.57027 · Zbl 0870.57027
[39] van der Bijl, J.; Dobrowolski, T.; Hart, K. P.; van Mill, J., Admissibility, homeomorphism extension and the AR-property in topological linear spaces, Topology Appl., 48, 1, 63-81 (1992), MR 94b:57024 ZBL 0774.55002 · Zbl 0774.55002
[40] Boyd, D. W., The distribution of the Pisot numbers in the real line, (Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres. Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres, Paris, 1983-1984 (1985), Birkhäuser: Birkhäuser Boston), 9-23, MR 88i:11070 ZBL 0567.12001 · Zbl 0567.12001
[41] Boyd, D. W.; Mauldin, R. D., The order type of the set of Pisot numbers, Topology Appl., 69, 2, 115-120 (1996), MR 97b:11125 ZBL 0857.11050 · Zbl 0857.11050
[42] Brendle, J., Mad families and iteration theory, (Logic and Algebra. Logic and Algebra, Contemp. Math., 302 (2002), American Mathematical Society: American Mathematical Society Providence, RI), 1-31, MR 1 928 381 ZBL pre01827956 · Zbl 1038.03049
[43] J. Brendle, The almost-disjointness property number may have countable cofinality, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. (2003), submitted for publication; J. Brendle, The almost-disjointness property number may have countable cofinality, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. (2003), submitted for publication · Zbl 1061.03051
[44] Brown, J. I.; Watson, S., Mutually complementary partial orders, Discrete Math., 113, 1-3, 27-39 (1993), MR 94h:06005 ZBL 0771.06001 · Zbl 0771.06001
[45] Brown, J. I.; Watson, S., Partial order complementation graphs, Order, 11, 3, 237-255 (1994), MR 95m:06001 ZBL 0814.06005 · Zbl 0814.06005
[46] Brown, J. I.; Watson, S., The number of complements of a topology on \(n\) points is at least \(2^n\) (except for some special cases), Discrete Math., 154, 1-3, 27-39 (1996), MR 97d:54004 ZBL 0852.05008 · Zbl 0852.05008
[47] Bryant, J.; Ferry, S.; Mio, W.; Weinberger, S., Topology of homology manifolds, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.), 28, 2, 324-328 (1993), MR 93h:57034 ZBL 0799.57014 · Zbl 0799.57014
[48] Bryant, J.; Ferry, S.; Mio, W.; Weinberger, S., Topology of homology manifolds, Ann. of Math. (2), 143, 3, 435-467 (1996), MR 97b:57017 ZBL 0867.57016 · Zbl 0867.57016
[49] Buchdahl, N. P.; Kwasik, S.; Schultz, R., One fixed point actions on low-dimensional spheres, Invent. Math., 102, 3, 633-662 (1990), MR 92b:57047 ZBL 0735.57021 · Zbl 0735.57021
[50] Burdick, B. S., A note on iterated duals of certain topological spaces, Theoret. Comput. Sci., 275, 1-2, 69-77 (2002), MR 2003e:54003 ZBL pre01774096 · Zbl 1030.54006
[51] Cauty, R., Une famille d’espaces préhilbertiens \(σ\)-compacts ayant la puissance du continu, Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Math., 40, 1, 41-43 (1992), MR 97h:46030 ZBL 0762.54022 · Zbl 0762.54022
[52] Cauty, R., Une famille d’espaces préhilbertiens \(σ\)-compacts de dimension dénombrable ayant la puissance du continu, Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Math., 40, 4, 309-313 (1992), MR 97h:46031 ZBL 0816.57015 · Zbl 0816.57015
[53] Cauty, R., Indépendance linéaire et classification topologique des espaces normés, Colloq. Math., 66, 2, 243-255 (1994), MR 95c:57033 ZBL 0851.57024 · Zbl 0851.57024
[54] Cauty, R., Un espace métrique linéaire qui n’est pas un rétracte absolu, Fund. Math., 146, 1, 85-99 (1994), MR 95j:54022 ZBL 0817.54014 · Zbl 0817.54014
[55] Cauty, R., Une caractérisation des rétractes absolus de voisinage, Fund. Math., 144, 1, 11-22 (1994), MR 94m:54044 ZBL 0812.54026 · Zbl 0812.54026
[56] Cauty, R., Sur l’universalité des produits de rétractes absolus, Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Math., 44, 4, 453-456 (1996), MR 97j:54037 ZBL 0869.54042 · Zbl 0869.54042
[57] Cauty, R., La classe borélienne ne détermine pas le type topologique de \(C_p(X)\), Serdica Math. J., 24, 3-4, 307-318 (1998), MR 2000e:54028 ZBL 0940.54022 · Zbl 0940.54022
[58] Cauty, R., Un exemple de sous-groupe additif de l’espace de Hilbert, Colloq. Math., 77, 1, 147-162 (1998), MR 99e:22002 ZBL 0907.22006 · Zbl 0907.22006
[59] Cauty, R., Solution du problème de point fixe de Schauder, Fund. Math., 170, 3, 231-246 (2001), MR 2003f:54091 ZBL 0983.54045 · Zbl 0983.54045
[60] Cauty, R.; Dobrowolski, T., Applying coordinate products to the topological identification of normed spaces, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 337, 2, 625-649 (1993), MR 94g:57024 ZBL 0820.57015 · Zbl 0820.57015
[61] Cauty, R.; Dobrowolski, T.; Marciszewski, W., A contribution to the topological classification of the spaces \(C_p(X)\), Fund. Math., 142, 3, 269-301 (1993), MR 94h:57034 ZBL 0813.54009 · Zbl 0813.54009
[62] Chatyrko, V. A.; Hattori, Y., On a question of de Groot and Nishiura, Fund. Math., 172, 2, 107-115 (2002), MR 2003a:54037 ZBL 0995.54030 · Zbl 0995.54030
[63] Chen, H., Weak neighborhoods and Michael-Nagami’s question, Houston J. Math., 25, 2, 297-309 (1999), MR 2000d:54015 ZBL 0965.54031 · Zbl 0965.54031
[64] H. Chen, Compact-covering maps and \(k\)-networks, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. (2003), submitted for publication; H. Chen, Compact-covering maps and \(k\)-networks, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. (2003), submitted for publication · Zbl 1025.54022
[65] Chigogidze, A., On \(UV^n \)-equivalent compacta, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. I Mat. Mekh.. Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. I Mat. Mekh., Moscow Univ. Math. Bull., 44, 3, 41-44 (1989), MR 91c:54025 ZBL 0702.54023 · Zbl 0702.54023
[66] Chigogidze, A., Cohomological dimension of Tychonov spaces, Topology Appl., 79, 3, 197-228 (1997), MR 99f:55003 ZBL 0888.55001 · Zbl 0888.55001
[67] Chigogidze, A.; Zarichnyi, M., Characterizing the topology of pseudo-boundaries of Euclidean spaces, Mat. Stud. (2003), submitted for publication
[68] Cook, H.; Reed, G. M., On the non-productivity of normality in Moore spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 127, 3, 875-880 (1999), MR 99f:54036 ZBL 0912.54028 · Zbl 0912.54028
[69] Coplakova, E.; Hart, K. P., Crowded rational ultrafilters, Topology Appl., 97, 1-2, 79-84 (1999), MR 2000m:54023 ZBL 0969.54024 · Zbl 0969.54024
[70] Dasbach, O. T.; Hougardy, S., A conjecture of Kauffman on amphicheiral alternating knots, J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 5, 5, 629-635 (1996), MR 97h:57015 ZBL 0890.57011 · Zbl 0890.57011
[71] Daverman, R. J., PL maps with manifold fibers, J. London Math. Soc. (2), 45, 1, 180-192 (1992), MR 93e:57041 ZBL 0706.57012 · Zbl 0706.57012
[72] Daverman, R. J., Fundamental group isomorphisms between compact 4-manifolds and their boundaries, (Low-Dimensional Topology. Low-Dimensional Topology, Knoxville, 1992 (1994), International Press: International Press Cambridge, MA), 31-34, MR 96a:57046 ZBL 0862.57003 · Zbl 0862.57003
[73] Daverman, R. J.; Tinsley, F. C., Controls on the plus construction, Michigan Math. J., 43, 2, 389-416 (1996), MR 97h:57041 ZBL 0864.57030 · Zbl 0864.57030
[74] Daverman, R. J.; Tinsley, F. C., Crumpled laminations and manifolds of nonfinite type, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 124, 8, 2609-2610 (1996), MR 96k:57018 ZBL 0861.57029 · Zbl 0861.57029
[75] Debs, G.; Saint Raymond, J., Sélections boréliennes injectives, Amer. J. Math., 111, 3, 519-534 (1989), MR 90f:54060 ZBL 0673.28006 · Zbl 0673.28006
[76] Debs, G.; Saint Raymond, J., Compact covering and game determinacy, Topology Appl., 68, 2, 153-185 (1996), MR 96m:54067 ZBL 0848.54024 · Zbl 0848.54024
[77] Debs, G.; Saint Raymond, J., Compact-covering-properties of finite-to-one mappings, Topology Appl., 81, 1, 55-84 (1997), MR 99e:54009 ZBL 0883.54017 · Zbl 0883.54017
[78] Dijkstra, J. J.; van Mill, J., Two point set extensions—A counterexample, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 125, 8, 2501-2502 (1997), MR 97j:54035 ZBL 0880.54022 · Zbl 0880.54022
[79] Dijkstra, J. J.; van Mill, J., On sets that meet every hyperplane in \(n\)-space in at most \(n\) points, Bull. London Math. Soc., 34, 3, 361-368 (2002), MR 2003b:54039 ZBL pre01819415 · Zbl 1030.54004
[80] Dikranjan, D.; Watson, S., A solution to van Douwen’s problem on Bohr topologies, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 163, 2, 147-158 (2001), MR 2002e:20116 ZBL 0983.22001 · Zbl 0983.22001
[81] Dobrowolski, T., Extending homeomorphisms and applications to metric linear spaces without completeness, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 313, 2, 753-784 (1989), MR 89j:57010 ZBL 0692.57007 · Zbl 0692.57007
[82] Dobrowolski, T., Enlarging ANR’s with SDAP to \(ℓ_2\)-manifolds revisited, Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Math., 45, 4, 345-348 (1997), MR 98i:57036 ZBL 0905.55002 · Zbl 0905.55002
[83] Dobrowolski, T.; Marciszewski, W., Failure of the factor theorem for Borel pre-Hilbert spaces, Fund. Math., 175, 1, 53-68 (2002), ZBL pre01860452 · Zbl 1019.57012
[84] Dobrowolski, T.; Mogilski, J., Absorbing sets in the Hilbert cube related to transfinite dimension, Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Math., 38, 1-12, 185-188 (1990), MR 93i:57028 ZBL 0782.57012 · Zbl 0782.57012
[85] Dougherty, R., Narrow coverings of \(ω\)-ary product spaces, Ann. Pure Appl. Logic, 88, 1, 47-91 (1997), MR 99j:03035 ZBL 0882.03047 · Zbl 0882.03047
[86] van Douwen, E. K., The integers and topology, (Handbook of Set-Theoretic Topology (1984), North-Holland: North-Holland Amsterdam), 111-167, MR 87f:54008 ZBL 0561.54004 · Zbl 0561.54004
[87] van Douwen, E. K., Open problems in van Douwen’s papers, (van Mill, J., Collected Papers, Vols. I, II (1994), North-Holland: North-Holland Amsterdam), 10-33, http://at.yorku.ca/i/a/a/i/34.htm · Zbl 0812.54001
[88] van Douwen, E. K.; Reed, G. M.; Roscoe, A. W.; Tree, I. J., Star covering properties, Topology Appl., 39, 1, 71-103 (1991), MR 93a:54020 ZBL 0743.54007 · Zbl 0743.54007
[89] Dow, A., On ultrapowers of Boolean algebras, Topology Proc., 9, 2, 269-291 (1984), MR 87e:06028 ZBL 0598.03040 · Zbl 0598.03040
[90] Dow, A., \(βN\), (The Work of Mary Ellen Rudin. The Work of Mary Ellen Rudin, Madison, WI, 1991 (1993), New York Academy Sciences: New York Academy Sciences New York), 47-66, MR 95b:54030 ZBL 0830.54023 · Zbl 0830.54023
[91] Dow, A., More set-theory for topologists, Topology Appl., 64, 3, 243-300 (1995), MR 97a:54005 ZBL 0837.54001 · Zbl 0837.54001
[92] Dow, A., On the character of normal non-CWH spaces, Topology Appl., 74, 1-3, 207-213 (1996), MR 98a:54025 ZBL 0866.54020 · Zbl 0866.54020
[93] A. Dow, Two results on special points, Preprint, 2002; A. Dow, Two results on special points, Preprint, 2002 · Zbl 1041.54033
[94] Dow, A.; Frankiewicz, R., Remarks on partitioner algebras, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 113, 4, 1067-1070 (1991), MR 92e:03069 ZBL 0789.03043 · Zbl 0789.03043
[95] Dow, A.; Frankiewicz, R.; Zbierski, P., On closed subspaces of \(ω^∗\), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 119, 3, 993-997 (1993), MR 94e:54045 ZBL 0786.54038 · Zbl 0786.54038
[96] Dow, A.; Hart, K. P., Čech-Stone remainders of spaces that look like [0,∞), Acta Univ. Carolin. Math. Phys., 34, 2, 31-39 (1993), MR 95b:54031 ZBL 0837.54018 · Zbl 0837.54018
[97] Dow, A.; Hart, K. P., Cut points in Čech-Stone remainders, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 123, 3, 909-917 (1995), MR 95d:54020 ZBL 0845.54022 · Zbl 0845.54022
[98] Dow, A.; Hart, K. P., A new subcontinuum of \(βR⧹R\), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 125, 6, 1861-1871 (1997), MR 98b:54033 ZBL 0868.54018 · Zbl 0868.54018
[99] Dow, A.; Pearl, E., Homogeneity in powers of zero-dimensional first-countable spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 125, 8, 2503-2510 (1997), MR 97j:54008 ZBL 0963.54002 · Zbl 0963.54002
[100] Dow, A.; Vermeer, J., Not all \(σ\)-complete Boolean algebras are quotients of complete Boolean algebras, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 116, 4, 1175-1177 (1992), MR 93b:54036 ZBL 0766.54035 · Zbl 0766.54035
[101] Dow, A.; Zhou, J., Two real ultrafilters on \(ω\), Topology Appl., 97, 1-2, 149-154 (1999), MR 2000i:54024 ZBL 0951.03043 · Zbl 0951.03043
[102] Dranishnikov, A. N., A fibration that does not accept two disjoint many-valued sections, Topology Appl., 35, 1, 71-73 (1990), MR 91h:54022 ZBL 0715.54006 · Zbl 0715.54006
[103] Dranishnikov, A. N.; Repovš, D.; Ščepin, E. V., On the failure of the Urysohn-Menger sum formula for cohomological dimension, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 120, 4, 1267-1270 (1994), MR 94f:55001 ZBL 0802.55001 · Zbl 0802.55001
[104] Dranishnikov, A. N.; Uspenskij, V. V., Light maps and extensional dimension, Topology Appl., 80, 1-2, 91-99 (1997), MR 98j:54060 ZBL 0889.54024 · Zbl 0889.54024
[105] Duda, E.; Fernandez, H. V., Span and plane separating continua, Houston J. Math., 27, 2, 411-422 (2001), MR 2002m:54037 ZBL 0986.54027 · Zbl 0986.54027
[106] Dwyer, W. G.; Wilkerson, C. W., A new finite loop space at the prime two, J. Amer. Math. Soc., 6, 1, 37-64 (1993), MR 93d:55011 ZBL 0769.55007 · Zbl 0769.55007
[107] Dydak, J., Union theorem for cohomological dimension: A simple counter-example, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 121, 1, 295-297 (1994), MR 94g:55001 ZBL 0823.55003 · Zbl 0823.55003
[108] Dydak, J., Cohomological dimension and metrizable spaces. II, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 348, 4, 1647-1661 (1996), MR 96h:55001 ZBL 0876.55001 · Zbl 0876.55001
[109] Dydak, J.; Mogilski, J., Universal cell-like maps, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 122, 3, 943-948 (1994), MR 95a:55003 ZBL 0823.54026 · Zbl 0823.54026
[110] Dydak, J.; Nowak, S., Function spaces and shape theories, Fund. Math., 171, 2, 117-154 (2002), MR 2002m:55011 ZBL 0989.55008 · Zbl 0989.55008
[111] Dydak, J.; Segal, J., Approximate polyhedra and shape theory, Topology Proc., 6, 2, 279-286 (1981), MR 84b:54036 ZBL 0514.54007 · Zbl 0514.54007
[112] Dydak, J.; Walsh, J. J., Spaces without cohomological dimension preserving compactifications, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 113, 4, 1155-1162 (1991), MR 92c:54039 ZBL 0742.55002 · Zbl 0742.55002
[113] Dydak, J.; Walsh, J. J., Infinite-dimensional compacta having cohomological dimension two: An application of the Sullivan conjecture, Topology, 32, 1, 93-104 (1993), MR 94b:55002 ZBL 0822.55001 · Zbl 0822.55001
[114] Eisworth, T., CH and first countable, countably compact spaces, Topology Appl., 109, 1, 55-73 (2001), MR 2001k:54010 ZBL 0977.54005 · Zbl 0977.54005
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