
Modules over the 4-dimensional Sklyanin algebra. (English) Zbl 0823.17020

Let \(E\) be an elliptic curve, \(j\) an embedding of \(E\) in \(\mathbb{P}^ 3\) and \(\tau \in E\) not of order 4. The authors show that many algebraic properties of the Sklyanin algebra \(A\) associated to this data, first defined in [E. K. Sklyanin, Funct. Anal. Appl. 16, 263-270 (1983); translation from Funkts. Anal. Prilozh. 16, 27-34 (1982; Zbl 0513.58028)], have geometric interpretations in terms of \(E,j, \tau\). They first prove the equivalence between the original definition and a geometric one given in the present paper. A point, resp. line, plane, module is a graded module whose Hilbert series coincides with the Hilbert series of a polynomial ring in 1, resp. 2, 3, variables. One of the main results of this article is the characterization of the Cohen-Macaulay (graded) modules over \(A\) of multiplicity 1 and Gelfand-Kirillov dimension 1,2,3: they are precisely shifts of point, resp. line, plane, modules. It is also proved that line modules are in bijective correspondence with lines in \(\mathbb{P}^ 3\) secant to \(E\). (Analogously, it was proved in [the second author and J. T. Stafford [Compos. Math. 83, 259-289 (1992; Zbl 0758.16001)] that point modules are in bijective correspondence with points of \(E\) plus 4 more points; these 4 points also play a role in the new definition of \(A\) and are, in fact, the only points which lie on infinitely many secants of \(E)\).


17B37 Quantum groups (quantized enveloping algebras) and related deformations
16W50 Graded rings and modules (associative rings and algebras)
16E10 Homological dimension in associative algebras
16P40 Noetherian rings and modules (associative rings and algebras)
14H52 Elliptic curves


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