
The Auslander condition on Noetherian rings. (English) Zbl 0696.16006

Séminaire d’algèbre P. Dubreil et M.-P. Malliavin, Proc., Paris/Fr. 1987/88, Lect. Notes Math. 1404, 137-173 (1989).
[For the entire collection see Zbl 0677.00008.]
A finitely generated left or right module M over a left and right Noetherian ring A is said to satisfy the Auslander condition if for every integer v and every submodule N of \(Ext^ v_ A(M,A)\), it follows that \(Ext^ i_ A(N,A)=0\) when \(i<v\). An Auslander-Gorenstein ring is a left and right noetherian ring A with finite injective dimension such that every finitely generated A-module satisfies the Auslander condition. A ring A with finite global dimension such that every finitely generated left or right A-module satisfies the Auslander condition is said to be Auslander regular.
Various properties of these rings (sometimes using different terminology) have been studied by Fossum, Bass, Reiten, Roos, and others. A large part of the present paper is expository, offering some detailed proofs, especially in connection with the bidualizing complex for modules over Auslander-Gorenstein rings, filtered rings, and pure modules. In particular he provides a proof of this result of Gabber: If M is a pure module over an Auslander-Gorenstein ring A and T is an A-module containing M such that every finitely generated submodule of T is pure, then T contains a unique largest tame and pure extension of M. This theorem is used to describe the characteristic ideal and the characteristic cycle of certain quotients of pure modules over filtered rings.
Reviewer: T.W.Hungerford


16P40 Noetherian rings and modules (associative rings and algebras)
16E10 Homological dimension in associative algebras


Zbl 0677.00008