
Elementary acceleration and multisummability. I. (English) Zbl 0748.12005

The paper is devoted to the theory of meromorphic systems of linear differential equations. It is extracted from the contents of a forthcoming book by the same authors. The authors give a systematical exposition of new ideas, trends and results obtained recently by means of efforts of the French analytical school mainly. In the paper are discussed questions of “multisummability” “elementary acceleration”, “Stokes phenomena”, “Galois group” and “classification” for a linear system of meromorphic differential equations. For all questions a detailed list of references is given. It is useful to add to this list the paper by Yu. S. Il’yashenko and A. G. Khovanskij [Funkts. Anal. Prilozh. 24, No. 4, 31-42 (1990; Zbl 0719.34013)].


12H05 Differential algebra
34M99 Ordinary differential equations in the complex domain
34A30 Linear ordinary differential equations and systems
34A25 Analytical theory of ordinary differential equations: series, transformations, transforms, operational calculus, etc.


Zbl 0719.34013


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