Didn‘t make it this time around, but I did better than I did during my first #24in48. One of these days I‘ll make it. I still had an awesome time!
Didn‘t make it this time around, but I did better than I did during my first #24in48. One of these days I‘ll make it. I still had an awesome time!
My two favorite children‘s books from my childhood, both the original copies that I‘ve kept all these years. The Search for Delicious by Natalie Babbitt was given to my as a holiday present from my fourth grade teachers, and was one of the first high fantasy books I ever fell in love with. The Fairy Rebel by Lynne Reid Banks fueled my love of Fairies and the the world of the Fae. Both books shaped the person who I am today. #24in48 #fantasy #fae
Starting off @24in48 a bit late, but no better way to start than by reading Seanan McGuire‘s Rosemary and Rue. Here‘s my copy, a birthday present from my sister, which I then got signed at ChessieCon in 2015. Happy reading! #24in48 #rosemaryandrue #octoberdaye
“And the precise rating of kisses is a terribly difficult thing, often leading to great controversy, because although everyone agrees with the formula of affection times purity times internists times duration, no one has ever been completely satisfied with how much weight each element should receive. But on any system, there are five that everyone agrees deserves full marks.
Well, this one left them all behind.”
EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! After not being able to snag it at SDCC from a proxy, Seanan McGuire sent me an ARC of Into The Drowning Deep. SO EXCITED!!! #miragrant #seananmcguire #intothedrowningdeep #rollinginthedeep #killermermaids
Okay y'all...it's after midnight. Had a surprise Harry Potter gaming session so I didn't get as far as I wanted to in the first 24 hours, but that's okay - there's still time for me. And all I can do is strive for my personal best. I'm exhausted now and heading to bed. Happy reading!! #24in48 #almost5hours #nightnighttime
First year trying #24in48 and I think I'm doing an okay job. Hoping to make up some ground tonight and planning on spending all day tomorrow reading. Making my best effort! #seananmcguire #24in48 #lovingit
3.3 hours into #24in48 with a handmade milkshake made by my amazing wife @cephareads in a Butterbeer glass. This is the life #alocalhabitation #seananmcguire
Seanan McGuire is my favorite author. She's a queer woman who strives to reflect real world people in her stories. Every Heart a Doorway and Down Among the Sticks and Bones feature asexual, trans* and lesbian characters. Rolling in the Deep (written as her horror alter ego Mira Grant) gives you dialogue in ASL and people with disabilities. The October Daye series is filled with strong women of all races and identities. #24in48 #ownvoices
Things you don't think about when listening to an audio-book: The pronunciation of Buffy's last name - Meissonier - is a lot different than what I thought in my head. #24in48 #miragrant #feed #audiobook #inthecarwiththewifeandmil
My #shelfie for #24in48. These are just a few of my Seanan McGuire books. Just woke up and have a serious case of bedhead, but Severus decided to jump in the photo with me. Happy reading!! #24in48 #seananmcguire #octoberdaye #severusthecat
#OneShortMonth Day 7: Combustion Hour by Yoon Ha Lee. It was hard for me to fully grasp the setting, but it was an interesting concept. #tumblr #booklr #shortstories
#OneShortMonth Day 6. I'll admit: I didn't get it. The whole short story felt flat, there was no depth. The most interesting character was a two-sentence description of a woman on a bus leaning against her female companion and sobbing. Not my cup of tea. #nabokov #shortstories
#OneShortMonth day 4 (forgot to post it on Tuesday). An interesting short story, but left me feeling unsatisfied.
Day 3 of #OneShortMonth. Today's story was Hungry Daughters of Starving Mothers by Alyssa Wong, which can be found in Nightmare Magazine. It has a sort of "sin-eater" type vibe to it, and I think Wong may be a writer I need to start gathering more works of, because this is the second story of hers that I've *loved*.
Sidenote/question my more Litsy-knowledged followers: is there a way to add books/stories if you don't find them in the search?
Continuing to work through the 2017 Hugo Awards - just started on Best Fanzine. #hugos2017 #worldcon #hugoawards #sff
Found a short story challenge on Tumblr called #OneShortMonth by armormadeofbooks. First short story? Dragonflies by Seanan McGuire. Touching on the dangers of screwing with the environment, Dragonflies is a cautionary tale spun together with fantasy spider-silk. #seananmcguire #dragonflies #day1 #day2
Finished the first book in my yearly reread in anticipation of The Brightest Fell, October Daye book 11, out in September!! It's amazing how many little things there are to pick up on! #seananmcguire #rosemaryandrue #octoberdaye
Jack and Jill went down the stairs, through the door, and nothing was ever the same. Gorgeous, heartbreaking, this prequel focusing on the Wolcott twins before they started at Elenor West's Home for Wayward Children cautions the dangers of molding young children, of striving for acceptance, of the trying bonds of family. Once again, McGuire doesn't disappoint in her portal fantasy.