♛Tash’s Reviews > Cruel Beauty > Status Update

♛Tash is 19% done
Ughhhh the interior of that bridal suite tho! So gaudy!
May 14, 2015 05:12PM
Cruel Beauty (Cruel Beauty Universe, #1)


♛Tash’s Previous Updates

♛Tash is 61% done
Nyx has all the makings of a BAMF MC if she'd only stop mooning over wanting to be kissed.
May 15, 2015 05:58AM
Cruel Beauty (Cruel Beauty Universe, #1)

♛Tash is 40% done
C'mon, stahp obsessing about kissing and whether or not the boy likes you! PRIORITIES bit*h!
May 14, 2015 06:46PM
Cruel Beauty (Cruel Beauty Universe, #1)

♛Tash is 23% done
“Well, I had expected more ravishing on my wedding night.” Ooohhh I'm liking her a lot. #sass
May 14, 2015 05:33PM
Cruel Beauty (Cruel Beauty Universe, #1)

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