Robin (Bridge Four)'s Reviews > Feverborn

Feverborn by Karen Marie Moning
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3.5 Okay I'm Listening Stars

Hmmm….I think that KMM is like Adam Sandler to me in that I loved some of his early movies, so much so that I can quote most of them but then he made movies like Jack and Jill, Click and The Ridiculous 6 and I ask myself, ‘Why do you keep watching his movies?’ and the answer is simple… I’m hoping he can recapture some of that magic and it will be great again . The Same goes for KMM...I'm waiting for her to recapture some of the Fever greatness I used to love.

Fever 1-5 – Perfection!!! I loved every second of those books and have read them numerous times.

Iced – Left me cold

Burned – Totally bombed. Crashed and burned.

Feverborn – Not completely redeemed but maybe we are rising from the ashes.

The pacing is so much better, the plot made sense most of the time, the characters and dialogues worked well and finally I felt like there was some direction to the story. There is still some meandering though with characters and plots that were barely touched on like: Katarina and Kasteo who are just briefly mentioned. Lor and Jo who had some of the best page time. The Unseilie Prince and his Queen Aoibheal, there is only one chapter with them and it was actually one of my favorites in the book but it was really brief and it was one of the things I was most interested in.

Barrons and Mac - Mostly they are back to themselves in this. Mac still waxes on poetic about her past, Georgia, her parents, Barrons, the cost of tea in China….okay maybe not that last one but it is book 8 you know how she can be. It was a little too much sometimes for me and I wondered why we needed all that head time.

That said Barrons is the shit. I loved him and how he is with her. They seem to have a relationship more like equals now and they have found their own special brand of give and take. Plus the chemistry between them is always pretty hot. However the sex between them wasn’t quite as graphic in this as it have been in the past *sad face*. Still it is clear that even though Mac isn’t one of the 9 technically Barrons will always be there for her.
“You still could have gone without me.”
“I bloody fucking know that.” He cut me a seething glance.
“Then why didn’t you?”
“Because, Ms. Lane, when the world goes to bloody hell, I will always be at your bloody side."

Ryodan - He is a strong second to Barrons in all things male and sexy. It has been clear for a while that he has had a plan for Dani/Jada and it appears that he is pushing to get closer to that goal all the time. While I like the time we get with Barrons and Mac I’ll have to admit that I was far more interested in all things Ryodan and Jada. There conversations and the dance they have going on. While I’m pretty sure what Ryodan’s end game is I’m loving the journey and finding Ryodan to be a pretty deep well to plumb.
"Change your mind Jada, don’t be a fool. It won’t cost you anything. Let me be your anchor, I’ll never let you be lost again.

Jada was actually the most interesting character in this entire story. Her perceptions of the people around her and how she is trying to keep emotional distance were fascinating to me. I loved being in her head as an adult. She even has a new friend that while a little strange, as interdimensional beings are want to be, it was an interesting twist to Jada’s story and a little heartbreaking at times. Jada’s character was the one that totally broke my heart a little.

Honorable Mentions to Dancer and Christian. I even like their page time a little more and Mac’s on occasion. Dancer gave some great insight into Jada and I’d almost be pulling for him, except I like the Ryodan/Jada combo better. He is brilliant but I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop on what/who he really is. Christian might have his Unseelie side under better control now and that makes him a little less on the crazy side but definitely a powerful allie to have on your side.

The Rest of the Story

Well there was one sorta…The holes left by the Hoarfrost king are becoming bigger and acting like black holes so the entire world is in danger and might be destroyed. It comes out why this might be of interest for the Fae and the Nine or Ten as the case may be. Then there is Cruce who is always looking for a way out of his cage and might have found one. Some strange stuff going on with We Care spreading rumors about Mac, Jada and the Nine. Also Papa Roach has something up his sleeve and we even get a roach PoV in this. There are also some other crazy things a foot and I’m not sure what to think of those at all. Also don’t forget about the Sinsar Dubh that is in Mac’s head it is bound to cause a little trouble here and there.

There were some twists I didn’t see coming and a cliffhanger that while not as bad as the one at the end of FaeFever or Dreamfever it was still pretty bad and left me with a lot of worry for Mac going forward.

Audio Note - Luke Daniels and Jill Redfield were great narrators in this. They played well off each other and I really liked their interpretation of Feverborn.
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Reading Progress

June 10, 2013 – Shelved as: to-read
June 10, 2013 – Shelved
January 19, 2016 – Started Reading
January 19, 2016 –
page 80
18.35% "“I might have sidled into that mob and let it drop that I saw two young women dancing naked around a glowing book in a cemetery on the edge of town.”

I snorted, “And it worked?”

“The promise of naked women and violence has always been irresistible bate for frightened men. Still it is only a matter of time before they come.”

Okay beside Mac waxing on forever in her PoV its been better than 6 or 7."
January 20, 2016 –
26.0% ""I hide nothin’ I do nothing I need to hide unless I’m concealin or misrepresenting facts to get something I want. Oh wait, am I you, or me?
He leaned closer until they stood nearly touching, but not.
“Battle ready, are you Dani,” He murmured. “Feels good to fight with someone who can take it, someone who can’t be broken. Remember that when you chose your allies in this city. I can’t be broken.”
“Nore can I.”
January 20, 2016 –
43.0% " “You want me to look.”
“I want this world, I want you. It may be the only way.”

DANGER!!! DANGER!!! Don't talk to it. Never talk to it.

Also wtf with the hallucinations that aren’t hallucinations"
January 20, 2016 –
49.0% "Jada didn’t have to wear the red dress. It was a choice. Men on every planet, on every realm, Fae or human shared inherent characteristics. They didn’t like to kill a beautiful woman…at first. They wanted other things at first.

I'm totally loving Jada's PoV more than Mac. Liking our grown up Dani...I mena Jada quite a bit."
January 20, 2016 –
51.0% "Change your mind Jada, don’t be a fool. It won’t cost you anything. Let me be your anchor, I’ll never let you be lost again.

I know who I would pick..."
January 21, 2016 –
76.0% " “You still could have gone without me.”
“I bloody fucking know that.” He cut me a seething glance.
“Then why didn’t you?”
“Because, Ms. Lane, when the world goes to bloody hell, I will always be at your bloody side."

And that is why I still love Barrons."
January 21, 2016 –
93.0% " I didn't see that twist happening at all.

January 21, 2016 –
99.0% "And there it is....the cliffhanger from hell.

Okay so nothing will ever be worse than the cliffys of books 3 and 4. But this is up there. What an ending."
January 21, 2016 – Shelved as: awesome-audio
January 21, 2016 – Shelved as: kick-ass-heroines
January 21, 2016 – Shelved as: super-sidekicks
January 21, 2016 – Shelved as: uf-pnr
January 21, 2016 – Shelved as: sexy
January 21, 2016 – Shelved as: witches-warlocks-and-magic
January 21, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-27 of 27 (27 new)

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Choko When I grow up I want to learn to write reports like you!!! Another great one, Robin:-)

Robin (Bridge Four) Choko wrote: "When I grow up I want to learn to write reports like you!!! Another great one, Robin:-)"

Haha thanks Choko....your reviews are great too i dint know what you're taking about ;P

Jilly Great review, Robin! I loved that quote of Barrons'. But, I'm not on the Ryodan/Jada ship. I know where it's going, I just don't like him, so I will complain the whole way. ;-)
I forgot to talk about the Papa Roach thing in my review. I guess my mind was blocking it out because I actually find him so disgusting that I had to skim some of his stuff. Ewww!

Robin (Bridge Four) Jilly wrote: "Great review, Robin! I loved that quote of Barrons'. But, I'm not on the Ryodan/Jada ship. I know where it's going, I just don't like him, so I will complain the whole way. ;-)
I forgot to talk abo..."

Papa roach...totally ewe

♛Tash Ugh I feel the same way about KMM/Sandler. I'm on Team Jada-Dani/Christian but I guess Jada/Ryo pairing gets more action huh? Great review Robin!

Robin (Bridge Four) Thanks Tash

I liked Christian so much in this. He is (view spoiler) that is awesome

I'll be surprised if it goes a different direction but i like Dancer too

message 7: by Keri (new)

Keri After reading the Iced/pedo book I decided I didn't want my love affair with the first 5 books to become any more tainted so I've decided to steer clear of the rest. Sounds like I haven't made the wrong choice. Thanks for the great review!!

Robin (Bridge Four) Keri wrote: "After reading the Iced/pedo book I decided I didn't want my love affair with the first 5 books to become any more tainted so I've decided to steer clear of the rest. Sounds like I haven't made the ..."

Yeah these aren't up to par.....I'm a sucker though and so I'll probably finish out the series. We are on an upswing so maybe it will get better and better as we go. *crosses fingers*

Robin (Bridge Four) Lol. ...yes! I was so not sure what to think about him and then omg.....but later OMG....

You know what I'm saying.

Robin (Bridge Four) Yeah totally in the feels. I'll write something more when I'm not on my phone.

Robin (Bridge Four) So.....about Shazam (view spoiler)

and then the last sentence of the book happened and AHHHHH. shit. So now I have to read the next one.

message 12: by Sara (new) - rated it 4 stars

Sara I have to find the courage to read Burned D:

Robin (Bridge Four) Sara wrote: "I have to find the courage to read Burned D:" can do it. Go in armed.

message 14: by Ellen Gail (new)

Ellen Gail Oh god that Adam Sandler comparison is perfect *snort laughs* Great review!

Robin (Bridge Four) Ellen Gail wrote: "Oh god that Adam Sandler comparison is perfect *snort laughs* Great review!"

Thanks Ellen.

message 16: by [deleted user] (new)

that analogy is perfect!! I couldn't agree more

Robin (Bridge Four) Kat Stark wrote: "that analogy is perfect!! I couldn't agree more"

Right....I'm so on the fence if I should just give up or read the last books when they come out.

It isn't like the first 5 though which I like to reread every year or two.

message 18: by Angela (new) - added it

Angela I really wish I could trust KMM again - like I did during the first 5 books. I'll wait to see your review of the last book. I'm not as in love with the idea of Ryodan/Jada though :/

Robin (Bridge Four) Angela wrote: "I really wish I could trust KMM again - like I did during the first 5 books. I'll wait to see your review of the last book. I'm not as in love with the idea of Ryodan/Jada though :/"

Yeah I get that. I really hated that they took the badass alpha apologize to no one that Ryodan was and tried to make him tame and explain away all the questionable stuff he did. I liked that he was a good bad guy.

I will eventually read books 9 and 10 I'm sure. Still the magic that was captured in 1-5 probably will never be bottled again.

message 20: by [deleted user] (new)

I am so disappointed in this one. It is unreal how upset I am, especially after favoring it thus far. This one is a mess and probably the worst book I have read in the entire series.

message 21: by Angela (new) - added it

Angela As much as I hated what Ryodan did in Iced, the about-face/explanations in Burned is what really did me in.

I'm really afraid to read any further, because Burned started to affect how I saw the first five - and I'd like those to live on in happy memory (at least).

Robin (Bridge Four) Angela wrote: "As much as I hated what Ryodan did in Iced, the about-face/explanations in Burned is what really did me in.

I'm really afraid to read any further, because Burned started to affect how I saw the fi..."

Exactly. I'll finish the series and then if needed reread 1-5 and forget the rest existed.

message 23: by [deleted user] (new)

How many more are coming??

message 24: by Angela (last edited Sep 07, 2016 11:22AM) (new) - added it

Angela I thought there was just one more - I know it used to be an even 10, but then I thought (when she changed her mind again on the direction), it was cut down to 9....

I haven't been following her for a while though, so I'm not sure.

Robin, that's totally why I'm waiting to see your review of the last book(s?). Then I can decide. :D

Robin (Bridge Four) Pretty sure there are still 10 total. I think I saw a timeline for the planned release schedule anyway.

message 26: by Angela (new) - added it

Angela I noticed there's still 10 on the series page (not that that's always right), but I was probably way wrong ;)

Milda Page Runner Great review Robin! I agree with you on pretty much everything. :)
Hope the next book will go in the right direction as well.

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