Katrina Passick Lumsden's Reviews > Love Unscripted

Love Unscripted by Tina Reber
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did not like it
bookshelves: run-away-quickly, to-read

OK, so....I'm sitting here sort of stunned by the exorbitantly high rating this book has received. Truth be told, I'm slightly disgusted. I usually hate not finishing books because I don't feel I can give them a thorough review otherwise, but this book was chock full of so much awful that it's actually drained me of the desire to read. I've slogged through my fair share of bad stories for the sake of comprehensive reviews, but I really don't think I can manage this one. Every time I look at my Kindle, a nearly-irrepressible desire to go do something else overcomes me, and I hear my brain screaming at me to just turn on a video game and try to forget any of this ever happened.

It didn't begin this way. Sure, I recognized from the start the simplistic writing, the stilted dialogue, the tendency to get comma placement wrong, and the author's story-crushing tendency to list everything her protagonist does, but I thought, "Hey, it's no worse than some of the other books I've read." How could I have been so wrong?

First complaint; it's just too damn long. I feel like I spent about three years reading it, and I'm only 25% through. I'm a fast reader, so fast that my seeming inability to make headway on this story is actually confusing to me. When I think of trying to make it all the way to the end, I get that vertigo effect. Then I get scared.
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Now, like I said before, it doesn't start off terrible. Mediocre, yes, but not terrible. I was a little wary when I realized that Taryn is apparently the only woman in the entire state of Rhode Island not willing to drop trou for Ryan Christensen, but that wasn't such a big deal. A lot of authors aren't very good at giving their main character a balanced personality. Or any personality at all, come to think of it....

Anyway, it isn't until Taryn and Ryan meet that things go from mildly bad to "oh, my god, stop. Stop now." Once they begin the process of getting to know one another, things go from uncomfortable and awkward for them to uncomfortable and awkward for the reader. Their smarmy flirting is nothing short of nauseating, and the author gets a serious thumbs-down for employing one of the lamest tactics in writing; the completely pointless "let's quote our favorite movies to prove we have things in common" ploy.
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The scene is bad enough, but when it's compounded with the author's blatant disregard for all rules of writing, things get even worse. Apparently Ms. Reber missed that all-important lesson Show Don't Tell, because the reader is continually treated to having the obvious pointed out to them. Taryn and Ryan are attempting to distract each other while playing pool. After reading about both of their attempts (which succeeded in making the target lose concentration and thus, miss their shot), I was treated to this:

"I see!" He laughed. "You don't play fair either!"
I grinned and shrugged; we both were busted trying to distract each other.

Then there's this little gem. Ryan takes Taryn to have dinner with a couple of his friends, and these friends have a little girl named Cami. Obviously, this is the part in the book where the author attempts to make her readers swoon over how good Ryan is with children while simultaneously making Ryan more obsessed with Taryn for her obvious knack with children.

"'Come here you!' Ryan scooped her up and kissed her on her cheeks before spinning her around in his arms to tickle her belly. Her giggles were precious."

First, gag me. Second, here's the very next sentence; "They obviously knew each other very well."

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You just showed us, don't tell us.

Some of my other favorite awful lines?

"Looking him in the eyes was like taking a shot of truth serum."

"I brushed my teeth to rid my mouth of the nasty taste and washed my body twice to rid my pores of illness."

"Every time I tried to reach for his finger, he'd move his hand away and chuckle. Our little game was fun."

Again, do we really need to be told their "little game was fun"? Is it not enough that we read about them laughing while being flirtatious? Oh, my bad, I thought Taryn wasn't having fun. I thought she was attempting to draw attention to that fact by laughing, smiling, and playing along. How silly of me.

"For some unknown reason, I followed him over to the stage."

Unknown reason? It couldn't have perhaps been the fact that they were conversing while he walked around her bar?

Captain Obvious would love this. Twice, in just the first quarter of the book, Taryn repeated something she said to someone almost in the same paragraph. Imagine a conversation going like this; "I thought we'd take the boat out on the lake, do some fishing?" "You...you fish?" "Sure, that's why I brought you here, I thought we'd take the boat out on the lake."

Or like this: "Hey, I thought I'd hire an extra bartender to help us out. It's just too much for the two of us." "Yeah, that's a good idea, we've been getting slammed lately." "Yeah, just until the movie people are gone. I just think it's too much for just the two of us."

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The amount of cliched metaphors are frequent and glaring, but I think my favorite was, "He was like a kid in a candy store, so happy and relaxed."

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If you're going to use a metaphor, at least use it correctly. Kids in candy stores aren't generally relaxed, they're excited, hence the reason you would use said metaphor for someone who is excited.


Oh, but that reminds me! Ryan can't seem to stop exclaiming things! I suppose I shouldn't be surprised since any author who carelessly overuses metaphors, similes, and descriptors is a prime candidate for the overuse of the exclamation point, but it adds another awkward layer to this blunder sandwich! Any time Taryn does/says something that Ryan likes, he has a little mini celebration, saying things like, "Nice!" and "Good job!" It's completely condescending and weird! At one point, Taryn is rewarded for a good pool shot with a "Gentle high-five hand slap" a term which, after having read it aloud to my brother, caused him to insist that I finish reading this book, if for nothing else but to glean more gems like that one.

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That's not even the worst of it, however. Even more off-putting is his exclamations of otherwise commonplace utterances. More often than not, he responds to Taryn's simple questions and teasing with exclamations. In fact, I think the only times he doesn't is when he's been thrown into one of his "brooding" moods by the paparazzi. When he's not unnecessarily enraged, however, he comes across as so disturbingly exuberant that I couldn't help but picture him as one of those insanely perky people who are always so chipper.

Come to think of it, Ryan just might be a dangerously unbalanced individual. Several times, within the same page, he will go from this:

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To this:

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Oh, and what the hell is with all the reminders? Every other freakin' page, we're reminded, via Taryn's mind-numbingly monotonous inner monologue, just how insecure and "damaged" she is. Oh, there's no way he wants to be with me, he could have any woman he wants. Besides, he'll just end up a cheating bastard like my ex-fiance, Thomas. (Yes, I already knew who Thomas was, I did not need the full title. I wonder if, "Ex-fiance Thomas" is his full name...) Readers only need to be shown something once, maybe twice. There's a certain wisdom in the old, "Shake it more than twice and you're playing with it" logic, and it can be applied to several different areas in life. In writing a book, if you have to tell your readers something more than twice, this the overall feeling they get:

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Either you're this stupid or you think we are.

Now let's talk about how often these dunderheads laugh, chuckle, snicker, giggle, smirk, smile, and grin. Seemingly every sentence uttered ends on a laugh, giggle, or snicker. Ms. Reber couldn't even have the decency to throw in a good "chortle" just to mix things up. But the people in this book laugh so much one can't help wondering if maybe they're high. Or perhaps just simple in the head? At one point, Taryn and Ryan "both smirked and grinned" at each other. I hadn't realized those two things were separate and could be done simultaneously! Who knew?!
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Slightly more disquieting than the possibility of synonyms being antonyms was Ryan's ever-present stalker smile. Seriously, the guy never wipes the damn grin off his face, and it's that kind of unconscious antagonism that will end up getting him punched by a girl like me who thinks guys who smile constantly are creepy.
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^Point made^

I've forgiven certain authors for a lot of things, not least of which is bad grammar. While Ms. Reber isn't as bad as some, her understanding of certain technicalities is lacking. There are commas where there shouldn't be commas, open spaces where there should be commas, sentence structure is lackluster at best, there are some spelling errors, and the pace is awful. As I've already stated, the overuse of similes and metaphors is astounding; Taryn's mouth hangs open "like a fish out of water", she "gazes lovingly at Ryan", Ryan "kisses her passionately". Enough with the descriptors already! Just stop!

There's an absurd amount of "whispering" from certain characters, the characters themselves are cliche's, thus highly predictable, and being subjected to Taryn's thought processes regarding her doubts is akin to Chinese water torture. They should use this book at Gitmo...

As for any humor Ms. Reber attempted,while I'm sure there are some who are absolutely astounded by her wit, I was...well, this about sums it up:

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My husband claims I have to finish reading it in order to completely justify my review. I both agree and disagree, citing my intense dislike after only ingesting 25% of it as evidence that I will feel no differently once I've managed to wade through the rest of its shlocky nonsense. But I may get up the energy to finish it. I know I'd have more ammunition material if I read the whole thing, but how long can I reasonably make this review? Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Edit: I've managed to make it to 41%. How? I'm not sure. Extreme boredom, I guess. Which, sadly, this book is helping to alleviate purely by means of completely pissing me off. A note, Ms. Reber, the phrase is "Every once in a while," not "every once and a while." If you fancy yourself a writer, you should probably at least attempt to have common English phrases under control.

I'm not going to read any more of this book. It's bringing out entirely too much rage, and the temptation to add even more gifs to this review is nearly overpowering...and I think it's long enough. I can't resist one more, though. Why would anyone read this book? Oh, right...

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Reading Progress

April 28, 2012 – Shelved
April 28, 2012 –
25.0% "This is quite possibly the worst book I've ever read. No, I'm not being facetious...it's terrible."
April 29, 2012 –
41.0% "Haven't even made it halfway yet, and it's managed to irritate me further. "Every once and a while." Yes, Ms. Reber wrote "Every once and a while."

April 29, 2012 – Shelved as: run-away-quickly
January 31, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read

Comments Showing 1-50 of 247 (247 new)

message 1: by S (new) - rated it 1 star

S Lmfao.. that is the funniest and most accurate review I have ever read. I'm still laughing and wondering how the hell this book has so many 5 star reviews?!

message 2: by Katrina (last edited May 01, 2012 05:58AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Katrina Passick Lumsden Simone wrote: "Lmfao.. that is the funniest and most accurate review I have ever read. I'm still laughing and wondering how the hell this book has so many 5 star reviews?!"

Thank you! I was laughing while I wrote it because I kept going back and forth between the review tab and the gif tab....the amount of gifs available online to express disgust and anger is quite astounding, lol.

The only thing this book is good for is inspiring reviews like this. I hope one day to see more bad reviews for it. Even if I had liked it, there's no way I would have given it five stars.

message 3: by S (new) - rated it 1 star

S I look forward to more bad reviews to it also... but I seriously doubt anyone could top yours..lol (still laughing)!!

What are gifs? Are they the moving pictures? I've always wondered how people got them up there. It just adds so much to the review. How do you do it? I'd love to add some to my reviews, even though my reviews aren't quite as mesmorising as yours. :)

message 4: by Katrina (last edited May 04, 2012 09:39AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Katrina Passick Lumsden Simone wrote: "I look forward to more bad reviews to it also... but I seriously doubt anyone could top yours..lol (still laughing)!!

What are gifs? Are they the moving pictures? I've always wondered how people g..."

1. Do an internet search for "gif". You can put anything you want beforehand, like "slap gif" or "eye roll gif". You get the idea.

2. Right click on the gif you want and save it to your computer. It probably won't move if you view it on your image viewer after saving, but that's normal.

3. Use an image hosting site like photobucket to store all the gifs you collect.

4. Once uploaded, photobucket gives you four different code links for each image. Just click on the image you want, then look on the right side of the screen. Click on the one that says "Image HTML" and the code will automatically copy.

5. Open up the review window (either a new review or editing an already-existing review). Right above the window where you put your text, you'll see two links. One of them says, "Some HTML is OK". Click on that for the formatting tips. Look for the one that says "Image", then type the beginning code you see there. I keep trying to put it in this message, but even when I space it, it keeps thinking I want to put an image and screws up my whole message, lol. Anyway, the only thing you have to type is the first 8 characters (beginning with the "greater than" symbol (looks like an arrow pointing to the left), and ending with the "=".

6. Right-click and select "paste". The HTML code from your image should paste itself right next to your intro code.

Hope this helps! If you get stuck, just let me know, and I'll try to help you out.

And thanks again:)

message 5: by S (new) - rated it 1 star

S Woah.. thanks for that! I didn't realise the process was so extensive (well, for me anyway lol). I'll give it go and see how I do, no doubt I'll need to ask for more help, so thanks for the offer :)

Katrina Passick Lumsden It seems a bit intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's cake:) You're welcome!

Sarah Robinson love it

message 8: by Fluffy (new)

Fluffy My sentiments exactly! I was beginning to think that I was the odd one for not being able to finish this!

Katrina Passick Lumsden Sarah wrote: "love it"


Katrina Passick Lumsden Fluffy wrote: "My sentiments exactly! I was beginning to think that I was the odd one for not being able to finish this!"

Definitely not. But those of us who know better need to stick together;)

message 11: by Alexandra (new)

Alexandra Richland Oh my God, what a phenomenal review! And so, so true. I thought I was the only one who felt this way about the story, the characters, lack of editing, etc, etc. Your comments are the only good thing to come out of this story. I haven't laughed that hard in awhile – thank you!

Katrina Passick Lumsden Alexandra wrote: "Oh my God, what a phenomenal review! And so, so true. I thought I was the only one who felt this way about the story, the characters, lack of editing, etc, etc. Your comments are the only good thin..."

You're welcome, and thank you:)

I usually try to avoid rating/reviewing any book I can't finish, but I hardly ever fail to finish a book, and this one was just too good to pass up. Lol.

message 13: by TinyNeuron (new)

TinyNeuron I haven't read the book yet but this review is hilarious. Maybe you should re-write the book then add those funny pictures in

message 14: by Stacia (new)

Stacia Leigh Loved the gifs...hysterical!

Katrina Passick Lumsden Melinda wrote: "I haven't read the book yet but this review is hilarious. Maybe you should re-write the book then add those funny pictures in"


It would be infinitely more entertaining than reading the book as-is.

Katrina Passick Lumsden Stacia wrote: "Loved the gifs...hysterical!"


Ashley Okay I have yet to read this book but your review cracked me up. I think I am going to give it the old college try mostly because I seem to be a gluten for punishment. Wish me luck.........

Katrina Passick Lumsden Ashley wrote: "Okay I have yet to read this book but your review cracked me up. I think I am going to give it the old college try mostly because I seem to be a gluten for punishment. Wish me luck........."

Good luck! Maybe you'll be one of those people who liked it. I just couldn't do it...and I think that's saying something since I've managed to slog through 2 1/2 of the Fifty Shades trilogy so far. It's draining, but I'm managing. I think the killer for this book was that it was pretty boring.

message 19: by Sarah (new)

Sarah They should read it at Gitmo. Ha!

Katrina Passick Lumsden Sarah wrote: "They should read it at Gitmo. Ha!"


message 21: by [deleted user] (new)

So how long IS this thing? O__o At 41%, it sounds like nothing's happened.

message 22: by Stacia (new)

Stacia Leigh I needed a laugh, so I had to reread your review. If there were ribbons dispensed for Best Review...you'd have it in the bag. Gads, girl! You're funny.

Katrina Passick Lumsden Karla (Mossy Love Grotto) wrote: "So how long IS this thing? O__o At 41%, it sounds like nothing's happened."

The paperback is 668 pages...

Katrina Passick Lumsden Stacia wrote: "I needed a laugh, so I had to reread your review. If there were ribbons dispensed for Best Review...you'd have it in the bag. Gads, girl! You're funny."

Why, thank you!:)

message 25: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Imagine a conversation going like this; "I thought we'd take the boat out on the lake, do some fishing?" "You...you fish?" "Sure, that's why I brought you here, I thought we'd take the boat out on the lake."

I don't need to imagine, unfortunately, as that sums up (almost literally) every conversation I had with my old boss. By the end, I had stopped responding and she would still repeat herself over and over without any prompting or encouragement... I think I would be filled with rage by this book, too. Thanks for reading it for me *gentle high-five hand slap*

Katrina Passick Lumsden Kristen wrote: "Imagine a conversation going like this; "I thought we'd take the boat out on the lake, do some fishing?" "You...you fish?" "Sure, that's why I brought you here, I thought we'd take the boat out on ..."

You mean there are real people who do that?


message 27: by [deleted user] (new)

Katrina wrote: "The paperback is 668 pages..."

Katrina Passick Lumsden Karla (Mossy Love Grotto) wrote: "Katrina wrote: "The paperback is 668 pages..."



message 29: by Olly (new)

Olly Oh.My.God. Funniest review ever. I didn't even read the book and I know I likely prefer your review to the book itself.

Amanda Oh my thank you for this review. This is the only book that I have not been able to finish, and I've been debating the past couple of days if I should just suck it up and finish it. After reading your review I feel that not finishing it is justified. The language of the book wasn't the biggest problem for me, it's just the characters are so annoying and the book is so repetitive. I felt like every other line was "Taryn I want to be normal, why is this happening to me, you're amazing, you're the only one who understands me." and then "Ryan everyone loves you, I am not good enough for you. You're going to leave me, I'm not worthy. I should just end this now, I'm so pathetic without you." I literally could not take it anymore.

Katrina Passick Lumsden Olivia wrote: "Oh.My.God. Funniest review ever. I didn't even read the book and I know I likely prefer your review to the book itself."

Thanks! I can say this for my review; it isn't 668 pages;)

Katrina Passick Lumsden Amanda wrote: "Oh my thank you for this review. This is the only book that I have not been able to finish, and I've been debating the past couple of days if I should just suck it up and finish it. After reading y..."

Thank you:) Totally justified. I hate not finishing books, but this one was just too much. I agree completely about the characters and the repetitiveness, but the writing style tends to grate on me a lot more when the story itself is terrible. It's like, at least get one thing almost right, you know? Good story with bad writing, passable, bad story with good writing...I'm iffy on that one. But bad writing and bad story? *smh*

Ashley Oh god you were so right I am 175 pages in and I keep forgetting that I am reading a love story about two adults. Ryan keeps reminding me of a 15 year old boy. If he gives her one more high five I am going to puke...

message 34: by Robot (new) - rated it 1 star

Robot You've perfectly summed up every issue I had reading this p.o.s. You could probably write a review all in gifs and I would nod my head in agreement, whilst grinning and smirking(!).

Kelli OMG!! I almost peed my pants laughing at this sh#@! What did you think of (or have you read) Sempre? I'm almost as disgusted with it as you are with this gem!

message 36: by Katrina (last edited Jun 05, 2013 12:08AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Katrina Passick Lumsden Ashley wrote: "If he gives her one more high five I am going to puke..."

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Katrina Passick Lumsden Robot wrote: "You've perfectly summed up every issue I had reading this p.o.s. You could probably write a review all in gifs and I would nod my head in agreement, whilst grinning and smirking(!)."

Any grinning and smirking I did while reading it was probably of the slightly unstable, manic variety, hehe.

message 38: by Katrina (last edited Jun 26, 2012 05:19PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Katrina Passick Lumsden Kelli wrote: "OMG!! I almost peed my pants laughing at this sh#@! What did you think of (or have you read) Sempre? I'm almost as disgusted with it as you are with this gem!"

Glad I could entertain!

You've piqued my curiosity. I just looked up Sempre, and it sounds fantastically melodramatic. Might have to give that one a try if I can find it, hehe.

message 39: by Rachel (new)

Rachel lol wow thanks for the entertaining review and from saving me from this book!

message 40: by Meg (new) - rated it 1 star

Meg I'm only 10% in and this is exactly how I feel about this book. I'm afraid that I might die tomorrow and this will be the last thing I've read. I don't know if I can go on, assuming I the mind-numbing repetition and adverbs eating away at my brain don't kill me in my sleep.

message 41: by [deleted user] (new)

I tried to read this book, because of all the great reviews. Yeah...

It was utter torture for me and I'm glad that I am not the only one who had a hard time with it. I didn't like either character, and the worst part for me is I felt like I was reading about the author's fantasy with Robert Pattinson (the looks, the angst, the girls screaming uncontrollably). Seriously, Seaside??? Twilight??? Did anyone else make that connection?

Katrina Passick Lumsden Rachel wrote: "lol wow thanks for the entertaining review and from saving me from this book!"

Not a problem, glad I could help;) Thanks!

Katrina Passick Lumsden Meg wrote: "I'm only 10% in and this is exactly how I feel about this book. I'm afraid that I might die tomorrow and this will be the last thing I've read. I don't know if I can go on, assuming I the mind-numb..."

You have just thoroughly scared the shit out of me. Now I'll be wondering, "What if this is the last thing I ever read?" every time I pick up something terrible. Lol.

Thanks for that;) And for the comment!

Katrina Passick Lumsden Monika wrote: "I tried to read this book, because of all the great reviews. Yeah...

It was utter torture for me and I'm glad that I am not the only one who had a hard time with it. I didn't like either character..."

I got the same impression, but I couldn't think of which actor she might have had in mind when she wrote it. Considering the last name, I was leaning toward Hayden Christensen. Now whenever I think of it, it'll probably be some Hayden Christensen/Robert Pattinson hybrid.

Haybert Chattinson? *shudder*

Florence Trapp Amen, word, preach, hallelujah. Thank you SO much for speaking up about how utterly banal this damn book is. I have never gone so far as to say I *hate* a character, much less a protaganist, but Taryn is so condescending and self-righteous that I honestly hoped she would end up alone. I managed to finish the whole book, but not without wanting to throw my Kindle at the wall. And there's a SEQUEL? What is there left to say?! Oh wait, I'm sure Ms. Reber will want to subject us all to how nauseatingly "perfect" Ryan and Taryn will be as parents, with Ryan telling her she looks more beautiful with spit up on her shirt than any model actress he films with. Gag me.

Sandra This is on my TBR, but after this review, it's sinking to the bottom.

Awesome review, thanks for posting it!

Sunsontops AHAHAHHAHHAH. Omg, i love reading 1 star rating reviews to bad books. Because the people who write them are just so clever, and honestly intelligent to catch all the flaws that make the book so difficult to read. While granted, I thought the book was okay in the beginning, but as I turned each page I kept on waiting for something BIG to happen. Some angst, some drama, some SOMETHING. Not them just complaining about Ryan's celebrity status. After a while of reading this constant back and forth, I was literally screaming to myself that "WE GET IT, NO MORE."

Plus, the book was entirely too long. I think I got up to like 55 % before I stopped. Because that was when I realized that I was only reading just to say that I finished it, even though, reading each page was making me even more miserable. Anyway, good review.

message 48: by Alex (new) - rated it 1 star

Alex Great review!

message 49: by Dawnie (new)

Dawnie I certainly regret putting this book in my "to read" pile, (of course after reading this review, it's out) but I do NOT regret reading this review! Nice job. Made endlessly skimming reviews to see if it's worth it... Well, worth it. Thanks :) (and loved the gifs too)

Katrina Passick Lumsden Florence wrote: "Amen, word, preach, hallelujah. Thank you SO much for speaking up about how utterly banal this damn book is. I have never gone so far as to say I *hate* a character, much less a protaganist, but Ta..."

Glad to know I'm not the only one who thought all these things, Florence! Taryn was just irritating beyond measure. I applaud your ability to finish it. Perhaps one day I will, as well. It's amazing to me that I could make it through the entire Fifty Shades trilogy, yet this book made me run in terror.

I guess the sequels are going to revolve around the people Taryn and Ryan know. So everyone gets all new characters to hate;)


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