Federico DN's Reviews > The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe by Douglas Adams
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: sci-fi, humor

Yo Marvin!

Zaphod, Marvin, Trillian, Arthur and Ford resume their improbable adventures through the infinity of time and the immensity of a boundlessly crazy galaxy. Trying to understand the significance of the Ultimate Question, and finding the Ruler of the Galaxy.

An interesting sequel, with many elements and the style that characterize Hitchikers #1, possibly the funniest book I’ve ever read. Many funny moments and absurd genialities of a tragically comic universe like only Douglas can deliver. Unfortunately, for various reasons, this sequel didn’t really cut it. Maybe the surprise was lost, maybe the humor didn’t nail it like the first time. Maybe the first book set a too high standard, impossible to reach.

Zaphod, a character that I found hilariously unpredictable in the first installment, in this one I found extremely grumpy and frankly highly unpleasant to bear. Trillian scarcely appears to make any comment at all, and Arthur and Ford barely have an exiguous protagonism, nearing the very end. But above everything, way too much Zaphod.

Thank god Marvin was there to "brighten up" the day though!

[1980] [250p] [Humor] [2.5] [Not Recommendable]

★★☆☆☆ 0.5. Young Zaphod Plays It Safe [1.5]
★★★★★ 1. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
★★☆☆☆ 2. The Restaurant at the End of the Universe [2.5]
★★★☆☆ 3. Life, the Universe and Everything
★★★★☆ 4. So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
★☆☆☆☆ 5. Mostly Harmless
★★★☆☆ 1-5. The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
★★★☆☆ 6. And Another Thing... [2.5]


Hey Marvin!

Zaphod, Marvin, Trillian, Arthur y Ford reanudan sus improbables aventuras a través de la infinidad del tiempo y la inmensidad de una ilimitadamente alocada galaxia. Tratando de entender el significado de la Pregunta Definitiva, y encontrar al Amo de la Galaxia.

Una interesante secuela, con muchos de los elementos y estilo que caracterizan Hitchikers #1, posiblemente el libro más gracioso que leí jamás. Varios momentos muy chistosos y absurdas genialidades de un universo trágicamente cómico como sólo Douglas Adams sabe explotar. Lamentablemente, por varias razones, esta secuela no me terminó de cerrar. Tal vez se perdió la sorpresa, tal vez el humor no la pegó tanto como la primera vez. Tal vez el primer libro estableció una barra demasiado alta, imposible de alcanzar.

Zaphod, un personaje que me pareció hilarantemente impredecible en la primera entrega, en esta parte me pareció extremadamente gruñón y francamente difícil de soportar. Trillian escasamente si aparece para hacer algún comentario, y Arthur y Ford apenas si tienen un exiguo protagonismo, promediando casi el final. Pero más que nada, demasiado Zaphod.

¡Pero que suerte que Marvin estaba ahí para "alegrar" el día!

[1980] [250p] [Humor] [2.5] [No Recomendable]
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April 3, 2017 – Shelved
May 5, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-43 of 43 (43 new)

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message 1: by Berengaria (new)

Berengaria Sorry you didn't like it.

Adams was more making fun of scientific theories in this one and in the following ones than the first. If you know the individual theories he's joking about, it's funnier.

Too much Zaphod? Oh no. Zaphod has always been my hero. Him and the hyperintelligent colour blue!

message 2: by Federico (last edited Jan 17, 2023 05:37AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Federico DN Berengaria wrote: "Sorry you didn't like it.

Adams was more making fun of scientific theories in this one and in the following ones than the first. If you know the individual theories he's joking about, it's funnie..."

I did like it, just not nearly as much as the first one xD. I know diddly squat about scientific theories, but that didn't bother me from enjoying #3 and #4, which I also liked, more than this one at least lol. I think Zaphod works great blended with the different personalities of the group, but just on his own was for me too much to bear :/. My hero was Wowbagger <3

inciminci Sorry it didn't cut it... I forgot to continue reading the series so I may follow your example and go for it anyway.

message 4: by Srivalli (new)

Srivalli Rekha Sorry this didn't work and wasn't up to the previous standards. Great review, Federico. Hope your next read is better,

Federico DN inciminci wrote: "Sorry it didn't cut it... I forgot to continue reading the series so I may follow your example and go for it anyway."

Many people enjoyed this one more than I did so... you never know :)

Federico DN Srivalli wrote: "Sorry this didn't work and wasn't up to the previous standards. Great review, Federico. Hope your next read is better,"

Second Book Syndrome they call it right? Or maybe it was just me xD. Thank you Srivalli!

message 7: by Srivalli (new)

Srivalli Rekha Federico wrote: "Second Book Syndrome they call it right? Or maybe it was just me xD. Thank you Srivalli!"

That syndrome is real enough. :/

message 8: by Diane (new)

Diane Wallace Fair review, Federico!

Federico DN Diane wrote: "Fair review, Federico!"

Thank you Diane !

message 10: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Hanes Sorry this book didn’t work out for you. It’s always a bummer when our expectations are high, especially after reading the previous book. I hope you enjoy your next read much better :)

message 11: by Federico (last edited Jan 17, 2023 12:15PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Federico DN Rachel wrote: "Sorry this book didn’t work out for you. It’s always a bummer when our expectations are high, especially after reading the previous book. I hope you enjoy your next read much better :)"

Oh yes the next ones were much better :) , except the dreaded #5, which is something that should've never happened, but I'll get to that one later this week. Thank you Rachel!

message 12: by Myriam (new)

Myriam V Hola, Federico. Veo que tiene varios más esta saga, ¿vas a leer todos?

message 13: by Federico (last edited Jan 17, 2023 12:38PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Federico DN Myriam wrote: "Hola, Federico. Veo que tiene varios más esta saga, ¿vas a leer todos?"

Ya los leí todos jaja. De a poco estoy haciendo las reseñas de todos los libros que leí hace años pero nunca reseñé. Tengo que escribir aprox 157 reseñas para estar al día. Una paja la verdá, pero es algo que me propuse para sentirme completo antes de tomarme mis merecidas vacaciones. Esta serie tiene sus altos y bajos. Este y especialmente el #5 fueron bajos, pero bueno ya voy a llegar a eso más tarde esta semana :)

message 14: by Myriam (new)

Myriam V Ahhhh, mi memoria solo sabe si me gustaron o no los libros que leí hace años, los voy agregando pero pocas veces escribo un comentario. Bien ahí, si escarbás algo va a recuperar y ejercitás la memoria.

message 15: by Federico (last edited Jan 17, 2023 12:51PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Federico DN Myriam wrote: "Ahhhh, mi memoria solo sabe si me gustaron o no los libros que leí hace años, los voy agregando pero pocas veces escribo un comentario. Bien ahí, si escarbás algo va a recuperar y ejercitás la memo..."

Uh por Dios! Veo que vos tenés un desfasaje de casi 900 entre tus reseñas y todo lo que en verdad leíste. 157 reseñas para mí es algo manejable, pero lo tuyo sería una tarea descomunal que no sé si me atrevería jamás a realizar o.O. Recordar es un poco difícil, pero generalmente algo queda. Por suerte en una antigua tablet tengo marcadas algunas páginas de las cosas que más me gustaron de algunas cosas que leí. También leo algunas reseñas para sacudir la memoria. Y a veces la sinopsis del libro en GR y/o Wikipedia. Como último recurso a veces leo un resumen del libro si encuentro algo en internet. Pero eso sólo en el caso que no recuerde absolutamente nada del libro y estando seguro que no quiero volverlo a leer xD

message 16: by John (new) - rated it 5 stars

John I'm sorry this one was so disappointing for you. It kept up the fun of the first book for me, but I read them a long time ago, so now I wonder if the fun I had was partly a memory trail from the first book?

message 17: by Sarah (new)

Sarah I haven't read this second book in the series, and it looks like I don't need to at all. I mean, if "Arthur and Ford barely have an exiguous protagonism..." then what's the point, really?!

message 18: by Federico (last edited Jan 17, 2023 01:02PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Federico DN John wrote: "I'm sorry this one was so disappointing for you. It kept up the fun of the first book for me, but I read them a long time ago, so now I wonder if the fun I had was partly a memory trail from the fi..."

Could be. This series had its up and downs for me. This one was ok, sort of. Liked #3 and especially #4 a lot better. The real disappointment was #5, but you already know why. I see you read them all as well xD.

message 19: by Federico (last edited Jan 17, 2023 01:02PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Federico DN Sarah wrote: "I haven't read this second book in the series, and it looks like I don't need to at all. I mean, if "Arthur and Ford barely have an exiguous protagonism..." then what's the point, really?!"

Well many people did like it anyway. I just found too much Zaphod kind of annoying, but think I'm outlier here. I liked #3 and #4 quite more though. Not #5, but I'll get to that later this week xD

message 20: by Myriam (new)

Myriam V Federico wrote: "Myriam wrote: "Hola, Federico. Veo que tiene varios más esta saga, ¿vas a leer todos?"

Ya los leí todos jaja. De a poco estoy haciendo las reseñas de todos los libros que leí hace años pero nunca ..."

Está bueno lo que hacés, buen ejercicio. Yo he notado como cuando leo algunas reseñas me empiezan a volver montones de partes del libro a la cabeza. Dicen algunos que la memoria es ilimitada pero hay que buscar, está todo enmarañado a veces, vos parece que tenés buena memoria y estas reseñas que hacés tan completas te van a ayudar mucho para acordarte de estos libros dentro de muchos años.

message 21: by A (new)

A Mac I remember starting to read this one then never getting around to finishing it, so I think I agree with your thoughts. Excellent review, Federico!

message 22: by Federico (last edited Jan 17, 2023 03:39PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Federico DN Myriam wrote: "Está bueno lo que hacés, buen ejercicio. Yo he notado como cuando leo algunas reseñas me empiezan a volver montones de partes del libro a la cabeza. Dicen algunos que la memoria es ilimitada pero hay que buscar,..."

Para mi la memoria es MUY limitada y se evapora rápidamente con el tiempo. Y si tuviera buena memoria no tendría que recurrir a tantas cosas para recordar lo poco que me queda tan profundamente guardado. Por eso la idea es guardar para la posteridad en GR algunas impresiones de todas las cosas que uno va leyendo en la vida. Y por supuesto hacer amigos y compartir las cosas con otras almas afines es un muy hermoso plus <3

Federico DN A wrote: "I remember starting to read this one then never getting around to finishing it, so I think I agree with your thoughts. Excellent review, Federico!"

Thank you Mac :) ! The ending was interesting, maybe because Zaphod had little to do with it lol. The next ones were better, but I'll get to that later this week xD.

Xabi1990 Pues por tu reseña creí que le pondrías más estrellas.
No sacas el hacha para masacrar el libro como parecería lo indicado para solo 2 estrellas.

Bueno, ya sabes que esta saga tampoco es lo mío. No continúe con ella (es que el primero a mí tampoco me gustó)

message 25: by Dirk (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dirk It’s like flying a black ship into the sun.

Federico DN Xabi1990 wrote: "Pues por tu reseña creí que le pondrías más estrellas.
No sacas el hacha para masacrar el libro como parecería lo indicado para solo 2 estrellas.

Bueno, ya sabes que esta saga tampoco es lo mío...."

Es que me pareció ok, aunque no tan bueno como el primero. Leí toda la serie y el #3 y #4 mejoran bastante; y el #5 vuelve a emperar jaja. Tengo planeado leer toda la serie de Pratchett algún día, así que imagino allí también me encontraré con tus reseñas :)

Federico DN Dirk wrote: "It’s like flying a black ship into the sun."

Absolutely. Great fireworks for the concert xD

message 28: by Shey (new)

Shey Haha! Love your review, Federico! I'm glad Marvin is still a "ray of sunshine" for you. I forgot about this. I'll have to pick it up soon for more Marvin moments and meaningless adventures. Lol.

Federico DN Shey wrote: "Haha! Love your review, Federico! I'm glad Marvin is still a "ray of sunshine" for you. I forgot about this. I'll have to pick it up soon for more Marvin moments and meaningless adventures. Lol."

Thank you Shey! Many people liked it a lot more than I did so hopefully you can be one of them :)

message 30: by Vaishali • [V.L. Book Reviews] (last edited Jan 18, 2023 05:12AM) (new)

Vaishali • [V.L. Book Reviews] At least there's Marvin! Strange that the sequel had a different vibe, inconsistent with the series entry. With such an Infinite concept that meets its opposite in what should have been a more exciting adventure has to be a big disappointment. Still, a fair and very readable review from you friend. Let's hope for more humour? 😊

Federico DN Vaishali • [V.L. Book Reviews] wrote: "At least there's Marvin! Strange that the sequel had a different vibe, inconsistent with the series entry. With such an Infinite concept that meets its opposite in what should have been a more exci..."

Thank you Vaishali ! The next ones in the series were better, I just need to review them now xD

Vaishali • [V.L. Book Reviews] Federico wrote: "Vaishali • [V.L. Book Reviews] wrote: "At least there's Marvin! Strange that the sequel had a different vibe, inconsistent with the series entry. With such an Infinite concept that meets its opposi..."

That's good to hear! I'll be looking forward to your feedback =D

message 33: by Kay (new)

Kay Sorry, this was a mix bag, hopefully #3 is a winner Federico!

Federico DN Kay ❦ wrote: "Sorry, this was a mix bag, hopefully #3 is a winner Federico!"

#3 and #4 are better. #5 really isn't, but I'll get to that. Thank you Kay :)

message 35: by Rosh (new) - added it

Rosh Oh, so disappointing when a sequel fails to match up to the first. But you seem to have read the next few books also, Federico. It seems to be a series worth reading overall. Fair review! :)

Federico DN Rosh [will catch up tomorrow - hopefully!!] wrote: "Oh, so disappointing when a sequel fails to match up to the first. But you seem to have read the next few books also, Federico. It seems to be a series worth reading overall. Fair review! :)"

Thank you Rosh! Yes, already read the whole series, just trying to catch up my reviews with everything I've ever read :)

message 37: by Chantel (new)

Chantel Catching up on my feed & your reviews - bummer that the second book was such an utter loss but I am happy (with the power of the present ) to know that the third one was better :) x

Federico DN Chantel wrote: "Catching up on my feed & your reviews - bummer that the second book was such an utter loss but I am happy (with the power of the present ) to know that the third one was better :) x"

The fourth is also good :) . Thank you Chantel!

Persephone's Pomegranate Bummer.

Federico DN Persephone's Pomegranate wrote: "Bummer."

It happens.

message 41: by Jennifer (Jaye) (new)

Jennifer (Jaye) What a shame Federico, but glad Marvin brightened things up for you 🥰🥰🥰

Federico DN Jennifer SK wrote: "What a shame Federico, but glad Marvin brightened things up for you 🥰🥰🥰"

Marvin is such a joy xD. Thank you Jennifer!

Federico DN Galaxy NightCrest wrote: "I liked it"

Great :) !

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