I really loved this story. It's nothing particularly special, but I've always loved the whole 'legends turn out to be real people' side of history. AnI really loved this story. It's nothing particularly special, but I've always loved the whole 'legends turn out to be real people' side of history. And the Third Doctor was his usual self- winning hand-to-hand combat with vikings, suavely talking his way out of danger, and ultimately outwitting a familiar foe. Overall, nothing special, but a perfect Doctor Who episode if I've ever read one. Easily the best in this '12 Doctors, 12 Stories' series so far....more
MUCH more enjoyable than the First Doctor story, in my opinion. We get a longer and more detailed plot which includes TARDIS backstory, The Master, anMUCH more enjoyable than the First Doctor story, in my opinion. We get a longer and more detailed plot which includes TARDIS backstory, The Master, and the Archons (who made terrifying villains).
More than that, we had wonderful character-building moments between the Doctor and Jamie. Jamie was one of his longest standing companions, and their friendship and camaraderie is fun to read.
The only downside, I felt, was the nature of the Doctor himself. This is strictly my opinion, but the 2nd Doctor is a bit of a idiot at times, and that annoyed me a little. Other than that, I loved it....more
Generally speaking, I liked this story a lot. There were a few problems, however. Like many, I'm not overly familiar with the First Doctor, but I've sGenerally speaking, I liked this story a lot. There were a few problems, however. Like many, I'm not overly familiar with the First Doctor, but I've still seen enough to recognize how poorly Colfer captured the essence of his time as the famous Time Lord.
Don't get me wrong, other than a few lame jokes, the story is excellent. Pirates, bio-hybrid hands, rooftop sword fights and zingy one-liners abound. But none of that fits Hartnell's Doctor at all, in my opinion.
Read for a fun story, but if you're like me, you'll find yourself picturing a modern Doctor as you do....more