Transform Quotes

Quotes tagged as "transform" Showing 181-210 of 231
Nikki Rowe
“Earth is a school of darkness and your purpose is to educate yourself of your light.”
Nikki Rowe

Nikki Rowe
“Learn to be assertive without anger attached to it.”
Nikki Rowe

Kamand Kojouri
“Classical music is the best, and cheapest, mind-altering drug in the world.”
Kamand Kojouri

“Stop being okay with the norm, seek to transform.”
Constance Chuks Friday

Nikki Rowe
“The greatest disaster of self; comes not with experience of failure, but the fear gained belief; about what you think you cannot achieve”
Nikki Rowe, Once a Girl, Now a Woman

Caroline Myss
“The goal of the human experience is to transform ourselves from being who long to attain power in the physical world to beings who are empowered from within.”
Caroline Myss

Debasish Mridha
“Death is the defined destination at the end of our life where we transform and transcend ourselves for eternal life.”
Debasish Mridha

Deep Trivedi
“If you mould yourself according to time and let yourself flow with the changing
circumstances, see, what you will soon transform into.”
Deep Trivedi

“Like the weather or bonds between lovers, transformations can never be predicted. All energy transmutes one day or another, in one way or another. Either in its form or composition, or in its position or disposition.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

“Like the weather or bonds between lovers, transformations cannot always be predicted. All energy transmutes one day or another, in one way or another. Either in its form or composition, or in its position or disposition.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Evan Sutter
“What is it you really want? Are you really going to be happy when you get the object? What will it bring you? Is what you’re telling yourself really true? You have the choice, you can keep on getting hit by the wave or you can get the courage to run towards it and dive right through it - everything starts with you.”
Evan Sutter, Solitude: How Doing Nothing Can Change the World

Dana Arcuri
“While you desire lasting change with positive results, it will take commitment from you to
transform your dreams into a reality. Be aware that there can be tough moments when you're ready to throw in the towel. Frustrating times when you may want to quit. When it gets rough or you hit a roadblock, you must forge ahead and keep going. Despite blood, sweat, and tears, do not give up on yourself. You are worth the fight for a brighter future!”
Dana Arcuri, Reinventing You: Simple Steps to Transform Your Body, Mind, & Spirit

Elizabeth George
“God’s Word transforms you into someone who reflects His glory.”
Elizabeth George

Nikki Rowe
“i choose to focus my energy on what I believe deserves my time, life passes us by so quickly and before we know it; were looking back at our story, make sure the choices you decide on; will give you a movie worth watching.”
Nikki Rowe

“The experience of life should mature you. It is your choice to transform a memory into a wound or wisdom.”

L.K. Elliott
“You cannot control anyone but yourself in this life, and that means you ultimately have the choice in whether you would like life's struggles to define you and keep you down, or would you like them to fuel you to be the very best version of you that you can be.”
L.K. Elliott, Confessions of an Ex Hot Mess

Israelmore Ayivor
“Leadership is about making and maintaining a positive change. True leaders do not conform to the limits of the environments they stay in; the transform it positively!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Watchwords

Israelmore Ayivor
“One more action to transform your dreams, one more passion to reform your brand; give one more trial and you’ll never regret your willingness to hold on!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Daily Drive 365

“We don't have to seek new economic systems. We have to transform the people who run them.”

Israelmore Ayivor
“Information leads to transformation. If you are not inspired by being informed, you will expire by becoming deformed!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Daily Drive 365

“A country cannot change, be transformed or developed as long as there is no truth and honesty as an everyday principle among the citizens of the nation.”
Sunday Adelaja

“Whether your transformation happens through trauma, surprise, or intention, the process begins because of a growing need for change.”
Suzy Ross

Dan Carr
“Becoming nothing and no one was something she knew how to do.”
Dan Carr, New Horizons

Elizabeth George
“Your attitude of serving the Lord can transform even the most menial of tasks into a magnificent sacrifice of love.”
Elizabeth George, Understanding Your Blessings in Christ: Ephesians

Elizabeth George
“When we accept God’s invitation to commune with Him through prayer, He will transform our hearts and change our lives.”
Elizabeth George, The Heart of a Woman Who Prays: Drawing Near to the God Who Loves You

“You hold all the potential for great synchronistic events to come together to transform your life.”
Andrea Goeglein

“As you and I take Personal Responsibility for mending the things that are out of order in our community and nation in general, we would surely witness a transformed, developed and civilized society.”
Sunday Adelaja

Debasish Mridha
“Love and care can transform the impossible to possible and ugliness into beauty.”
Debasish Mridha