
Selfhelp Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "selfhelp-quotes" Showing 1-20 of 20
Morgan Harper Nichols
“While we are trying to make sense of things,
may we learn to make peace with things.”
Morgan Harper Nichols, All Along You Were Blooming: Thoughts for Boundless Living

Morgan Harper Nichols
“Choosing to have joy
is not naively thinking
will be easy.
It is courageously
that there is
still hope,
even when
things get hard.”
Morgan Harper Nichols, All Along You Were Blooming: Thoughts for Boundless Living

M.L. Shanahan
“Feed your soul; books, places, people, anything. That helps it grow.”
M.L. Shanahan

Jenn Sadai
“We, as women, as human beings, must always find a way to live with the good and bad of any decision we make. Whether you agree with another person’s explanation and justification for their life choices is irrelevant. It’s not your life to judge.”
Jenn Sadai, No Kids Required

Morgan Harper Nichols
“find moments
between breaths
between midnight and mornings,
when no one is speaking
and no one is singing
but God-Sent-Love is breathing.”
Morgan Harper Nichols, All Along You Were Blooming: Thoughts for Boundless Living

Rupi Kaur
“you have everything to gain
from believing in yourself
yet you spend all your time with self-doubt”
Rupi Kaur, Home Body

Nikki Rowe
“after all this time searching, i finally found what i was looking for; me.”
Nikki Rowe

Dana Arcuri
“While you desire lasting change with positive results, it will take commitment from you to
transform your dreams into a reality. Be aware that there can be tough moments when you're ready to throw in the towel. Frustrating times when you may want to quit. When it gets rough or you hit a roadblock, you must forge ahead and keep going. Despite blood, sweat, and tears, do not give up on yourself. You are worth the fight for a brighter future!”
Dana Arcuri, Reinventing You: Simple Steps to Transform Your Body, Mind, & Spirit

Morgan Harper Nichols
“As sure as the water
makes way
past the river stones,
so does hope carry you
past the depth
of your unknowns,
under fogged and white-gray skies
that demand
the most of tired eyes,
the sound of the rushing river
gently speaks:
all is passing,
truly passing.”
Morgan Harper Nichols, All Along You Were Blooming: Thoughts for Boundless Living

“Through the trials of life, we are tempered and molded, forged into the strong and resilient beings we were meant to be. It is not the easy path that shapes us, but the difficult one, with its twists and turns, its hardships and suffering. But if we can accept and embrace these challenges as a part of our destiny, we will find the inner strength and wisdom to overcome them and emerge even more beautiful and radiant than before.”
Sambou Lamine Diaby

Kate Swoboda
“When something is a wound, beating it away or ignoring it won’t help to heal it.”
Kate Swoboda, Your Most Courageous Self: Tapping into your inner bad-assery

Morgan Harper Nichols
“no matter how dark the night,
in the morning, Light pours through,
filling every corner of the room.”
Morgan Harper Nichols, All Along You Were Blooming: Thoughts for Boundless Living

Morgan Harper Nichols
“If you find yourself struggling
to see past your imperfections
because you cannot figure out how
what’s torn apart can come together,
may you know in your soul
that the answer is not found in thinking,
but in trusting in what is Greater than you.”
Morgan Harper Nichols, All Along You Were Blooming: Thoughts for Boundless Living

Bishal Baishya
“Your relationship with yourself is the most significant factor determining the kind of life you will live, you lived and you presently are living!”
Bishal Baishya

“Trust in yourself and your own abilities, for it is within you that the seeds of greatness are planted. Nurture them with care, and let them grow and flourish, for they hold the key to your limitless potential and boundless potential”
Vijay Moksha

“In times of transition, avoid making temporary choices with lasting after-effects.”
Dr. Sandeep Atre, Two Paras of Everyday Wisdom : Perspectives & Reflections

abushama khan
“We believe most of the things just because we are compelled by our surroundings and folks to believe it.”
Abushama Khan

“If I can empower one person to grow and succeed, the ripple effect that I might never know of, makes it worthwhile thousand times over”
Samia Hasan