
Stephanie Lahart Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "stephanie-lahart-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 257
Stephanie Lahart
“Women Empowerment Reminder of The Day. Always respect yourself as a woman. You attract what you are, so be very mindful of how you’re representing yourself. If you want respect, you must first learn how to respect yourself, first. Attracting negative attention is never a good thing. Be a woman of substance! Be a woman that both women and men respect, admire, and look up to. Don’t disrespect yourself by lowering your standards and accepting just anything that comes your way. It’s okay to be single! If you want a relationship of substance, you can’t keep entertaining people and things that mean you no good. Think about it! It’s all up to you.”
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
“Ladies! I encourage you NOT to be so easily flattered by what a man has. Be flattered by his strength, courage, integrity, and character as a man. Be impressed by his ability to be honest, faithful, loving, and respectful to you. Be impressed because he can communicate and openly express his feelings. Be impressed because he’s got confidence, direction, and purpose in his life. Be impressed because he’s a quality man, NOT a fine man. Real Talk!”
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
“Yes, a person can accept your apology and forgive you for what you’ve said, but they will never forget how you made them feel at that very moment. Words can stick in a person’s mind, heart, and spirit long after the words have been spoken. Don’t be in denial; words have GREAT power. Be wise when you speak!”
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
“Above everything else, genuinely love yourself first. Self-love is powerful and it’s the best love that you will ever have. When you love who YOU are, your relationships will be healthier and your life will be happier. Self-love sets the standard in how we allow others to treat us and how we treat ourselves. Your happiness and well-being is important. Protect it by always valuing who you are!”
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
“Respect, Love, and Value yourself. Always remember to be good to yourself by taking care of yourself. Make yourself a priority and know that it’s okay. Don’t feel guilty for loving yourself, first! You’re just as important as anybody else.”
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
“Her heart is Exquisite! She’s genuine, loving, kind, compassionate, and generous. An awe-inspiring soul is what she is! She is joy, she is light, she is LOVE.”
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
“My Daughter… She’s like an Excellent Cut Diamond that shines brilliantly from the inside out. She’s admired by many, including me! She exudes joy, love, peace, and excellence. She is phenomenally made!”
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
“I’m an Empowered Black Woman… I like, love, and celebrate myself!”
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
“Dear Black Girls and Black Women… WE matter. Our presence matters, our voices matter, and our votes matter. Make no mistake about it… WE ARE POWERFUL. We disrupt the norm and change the system for the betterment of ALL people.”
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
“Who is an Exquisite Black King? He’s a Black man… Confident, unapologetic, and fearless!”
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
“Who is an Exquisite Black Queen? She’s an Empowered Black Woman… Fearless, resilient, confident, intelligent, and successful… She rocks on a phenomenal level!”
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
“Natural hair fiercely poppin’ on purpose.”
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
“This black girl rocks on a phenomenal level!”
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
“When a relationship is truly meant to be, you won’t have to force it, rush it, or manipulate it.”
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
“EXQUISITE BLACK QUEEN... She's powerful, authentic, confident, fearless, unapologetic, intelligent, and successful.”
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
“I’m an Empowered Black Girl… I like, love, and celebrate myself!”
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
“Real love is undeniably powerful… Only a fool would take advantage of something that so many people yearn for. To be genuinely loved, appreciated, respected, and desired… PRICELESS!”
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
“Lord, I thank you and trust you for orchestrating EVERYTHING in my life. I thank you for increasing my faith and giving me patience, because I know your PERFECT will is being done. I thank you for mental and physical strength to get through this challenging time in my life right now. I thank you for loving me, caring for me, and keeping me. THANK YOU for always having my back. Amen!”
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
“When you find yourself assuming something, I encourage you to stop right there. Be mature enough to communicate. Make that call, send that text or email, do a video call… Do what you have to do to get clarification. Many relationships are ruined due to a lack of communication. If you genuinely care about someone, go the extra mile and communicate your thoughts and feelings. GENUINE relationships are rare and a blessing!”
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
“No, Queen, abuse is NOT okay. I encourage you to stop making excuses for being abused. Come on, Queen… You CAN do this. It’s time to honor yourself! You are worthy of love, respect, and appreciation. You ARE important. No matter how you may feel or what has been said to you, you DO matter.”
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
“Happy Birthday, Daughter! THEN: You were a HAPPY and enjoyable baby girl that brought me SO much happiness and joy! NOW: You are an amazing, talented, smart, and beautiful woman with a genuine soul. I respect and admire your strength, resilience, and ambition. I believe in you! I know you will succeed in every area of your life, because you are Phenomenal. I love you, I’m here for you, and I’ll ALWAYS be in your corner. Love, Mom.”
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
“I’m a brainy Black girl; watch me succeed!”
Stephanie Lahart

Stephanie Lahart
“She’s an Exquisite Black Queen! She's powerful, authentic, confident, fearless, unapologetic, intelligent, and successful. She is me!”
Stephanie Lahart

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