
Jorge Luis Borges Quotes

Quotes tagged as "jorge-luis-borges" Showing 1-30 of 33
Jorge Luis Borges
“One day or one night—between my days and nights, what difference can there be?—I dreamed that there was a grain of sand on the floor of my cell. Unconcerned, I went back to sleep; I dreamed that I woke up and there were two grains of sand. Again I slept; I dreamed that now there were three. Thus the grains of sand multiplied, little by little, until they filled the cell and I was dying beneath that hemisphere of sand. I realized that I was dreaming; with a vast effort I woke myself. But waking up was useless—I was suffocated by the countless sand. Someone said to me:

You have wakened not out of sleep, but into a prior dream, and that dream lies within another, and so on, to infinity, which is the number of the grains of sand. The path that you are to take is endless, and you will die before you have truly awakened.

I felt lost. The sand crushed my mouth, but I cried out: I cannot be killed by sand that I dream —nor is there any such thing as a dream within a dream.

— Jorge Luis Borges, The Writing of the God”
Jorge Luis Borges, The Aleph and Other Stories

Jorge Luis Borges
“The three of them knew it. She was Kafka’s mistress. Kafka had dreamt her. The three of them knew it. He was Kafka’s friend. Kafka had dreamt him. The three of them knew it. The woman said to the friend, Tonight I want you to have me. The three of them knew it. The man replied: If we sin, Kafka will stop dreaming us. One of them knew it. There was no longer anyone on earth. Kafka said to himself Now the two of them have gone, I’m left alone. I’ll stop dreaming myself.”
Jorge Luis Borges

Jorge Luis Borges
“I am god, I am hero, I am philosopher, I am demon and I am world, which is a tedious way of saying that I do not exist.”
Jorge Luis Borges, Labyrinths: Selected Stories & Other Writings

Jorge Luis Borges
“I think—the hero observes that nothing is so frightening as a labyrinth with no center.”
Jorge Luis Borges, Selected Non-Fictions

Jorge Luis Borges
“zaman beni sürükleyen bir nehir, ama nehir benim;
beni parçalayan bir kaplan, ama kaplan benim;
beni tüketen bir ateş, ama ateş benim;
evren, ne yazık ki gerçek;
ben, ne yazık ki, borges'im”
Jorge Luis Borges, The Book of Sand and Shakespeare's Memory

Jorge Luis Borges
“I have preferred to teach my students not English literature but my love for certain authors, or, even better, certain pages, or even better than that, certain lines. One falls in love with a line, then with a page, then with an author. Well, why not? It is a beautiful process.”
Jorge Luis Borges

María Kodama
“If you have feelings about reading, you feel the rhythm of prose or of a poem like music. It awakens something in your soul and then of course you study, read, you grow up and you begin to understand the message and that is the first step towards understanding life.”
Maria Kodama

Christopher Hitchens
“At a certain point talk about 'essence' and 'oneness' and the universal becomes more tautological than inquisitive.”
Christopher Hitchens, Love, Poverty, and War: Journeys and Essays

Christopher Hitchens
“I was extremely shy of approaching my hero but he, as I found out, was sorely in need of company. By then almost completely blind, he was claustrated and even a little confused and this may help explain the rather shocking attitude that he took to the blunt trauma that was being inflicted in the streets and squares around him. 'This was my country and it might be yet,' he intoned to me when the topic first came up, as it had to: 'But something came between it and the sun.' This couplet he claimed (I have never been able to locate it) was from Edmund Blunden, whose gnarled hand I had been so excited to shake all those years ago, but it was not the Videla junta that Borges meant by the allusion. It was the pre-existing rule of Juan Perón, which he felt had depraved and corrupted Argentine society. I didn't disagree with this at all—and Perón had victimized Borges's mother and sister as well as having Borges himself fired from his job at the National Library—but it was nonetheless sad to hear the old man saying that he heartily preferred the new uniformed regime, as being one of 'gentlemen' as opposed to 'pimps.' This was a touch like listening to Evelyn Waugh at his most liverish and bufferish. (It was also partly redeemed by a piece of learned philology or etymology concerning the Buenos Aires dockside slang for pimp: canfinflero. 'A canfinfla, you see,' said Borges with perfect composure, 'is a pussy or more exactly a cunt. So a canfinflero is a trafficker in cunt: in Anglo-Saxon we might say a 'cunter."' Had not the very tango itself been evolved in a brothel in 1880? Borges could talk indefinitely about this sort of thing, perhaps in revenge for having had an oversolicitous mother who tyrannized him all his life.)”
Christopher Hitchens, Hitch 22: A Memoir

Christopher Hitchens
“The hours I spent in this anachronistic, bibliophile, Anglophile retreat were in surreal contrast to the shrieking horror show that was being enacted in the rest of the city. I never felt this more acutely than when, having maneuvered the old boy down the spiral staircase for a rare out-of-doors lunch the next day—terrified of letting him slip and tumble—I got him back upstairs again. He invited me back for even more readings the following morning but I had to decline. I pleaded truthfully that I was booked on a plane for Chile. 'I am so sorry,' said this courteous old genius. 'But may I then offer you a gift in return for your company?' I naturally protested with all the energy of an English middle-class upbringing: couldn't hear of such a thing; pleasure and privilege all mine; no question of accepting any present. He stilled my burblings with an upraised finger. 'You will remember,' he said, 'the lines I will now speak. You will always remember them.' And he then recited the following:

What man has bent o'er his son's sleep, to brood
How that face shall watch his when cold it lies?
Or thought, as his own mother kissed his eyes,
Of what her kiss was when his father wooed?

The title (Sonnet XXIX of Dante Gabriel Rossetti)—'Inclusiveness'—may sound a trifle sickly but the enfolded thought recurred to me more than once after I became a father and Borges was quite right: I have never had to remind myself of the words. I was mumbling my thanks when he said, again with utter composure: 'While you are in Chile do you plan a call on General Pinochet?' I replied with what I hoped was equivalent aplomb that I had no such intention. 'A pity,' came the response. 'He is a true gentleman. He was recently kind enough to award me a literary prize.' It wasn't the ideal note on which to bid Borges farewell, but it was an excellent illustration of something else I was becoming used to noticing—that in contrast or corollary to what Colin MacCabe had said to me in Lisbon, sometimes it was also the right people who took the wrong line.”
Christopher Hitchens, Hitch 22: A Memoir

Jorge Luis Borges
“Dormir es distraerse del universo, y la distracción es difícil para quien sabe que lo persiguen con espadas desnudas.”
Jorge Luis Borges, The Aleph and Other Stories

Jorge Luis Borges
“I do not know which of us has written this page.”
Jorge Luis Borges, Labyrinths: Selected Stories & Other Writings

Jorge Luis Borges
“El verbo leer, como el verbo amar y el verbo soñar, no soporta “el modo imperativo”. Yo siempre les aconsejé a mis estudiantes que si un libro los aburre lo dejen; que no lo lean porque es famoso, que no lean un libro porque es moderno, que no lean un libro porque es antiguo. La lectura debe ser una de las formas de la felicidad y no se puede obligar a nadie a ser feliz”
Jorge Luis Borges

Jorge Luis Borges
“Todos los hechos pueden ocurrirle a un hombre, desde el instante de su nacimiento hasta el de su muerte, han sido prefijados por el. Asi, toda negligencia es deliberada, todo casual encuentro una cita, toda humillacion una penitencia, todo fracaso una misteriosa victoria, toda muerte un suicidio. No hay consuelo mas habil que el pensamiento de que hemos elegido nuestras desdichas.”
Jorge Luis Borges, The Aleph and Other Stories

Jorge Luis Borges
“I'm alone and nobody is in the mirror”
Jorge Luis Borges, Poems of the Night

Jorge Luis Borges
“As coisas

A bengala, as modeas, o chaveiro,
A dócil fechadura, as tardias
Notas que não lerão os poucos dias
Que me restam, os naipes e o tabuleiro,
Um livro e em suas páginas a desvanecida
Violeta, monumento de uma tarde
Sem dúvida inesquecível e já esquecida,
O rubo espelho ocidental em que arde
Uma ilusória aurora. Quantas coisas,
Limas, umbrais, atlas, taças, cravos,
Servem-nos, como tácitos escravos, cegas e estranhamente sigilosas!
Durarão para além de nosso esquecimento
Nunca saberão que partimos em um momento.”
Jorge Luis Borges, Elogio de la sombra

Jorge Luis Borges
“Gradualmente, el enigma concreto que me atareaba me inquietó menos que el enigma genérico de una sentencia escrita por un dios. ¿Qué tipo de sentencia (me pregunté) construirá una mente absoluta? Consideré que aun en los lenguajes humanos no hay proposición que no implique el universo entero…”
Jorge Luis Borges

Jorge Luis Borges
“Bir şeyi görebilmek için onu anlamak gerekir. Koltuk insan bedenini, eklemlerini ve tüm organlarını önceden kabullenir; makas da kesme eylemini. Bir lamba ya da bir taşıt için ne demeli? Bir vahşi, misyonerin İncil'ini algılayamaz; bir gemi yolcusu halatları tayfaların gördüğü gibi göremez. Evreni gerçekten görebilmiş olsaydık belki onu anlardık.”
Jorge Luis Borges

Jorge Luis Borges
“La cosa certa è che viviamo rimandando tutto ciò che può essere rimandato; forse tutti sappiamo che siamo immortali e che prima o poi, ogni uomo farà ogni cosa e saprà tutto”
Jorge Luis Borges, Ficciones

Jorge Luis Borges
“Comprendí que el trabajo del poeta no estaba en la poesía; estaba en la invención de razones para que la poesía fuera admirable”
Jorge Luis Borges, El Aleph

Susan Sontag
“...Usted le ofreció a la gente nuevas maneras de imaginar, al tiempo que proclamaba una y otra vez nuestra deuda con el pasado, sobre todo con la literatura. Afirmó que le debemos a la literatura casi todo lo que somos y lo que hemos sido. Si los libros desaparecen, desaparecerá la historia y también los seres humanos. Estoy segura de que tiene razón. Los libros no son sólo la suma arbitraria de nuestros sueños y de nuestra memoria. También nos ofrecen el modelo de la propia trascendencia. Algunos creen que la lectura es sólo una manera de evadirse: una evasión del mundo diario “real” a uno imaginario, al mundo de los libros. Los libros son mucho más. Son una manera de ser del todo humano....”
Susan Sontag fragmento de "Carta a Borges"

“Russell (The Analysis of Mind, 1921, p. 159) suppone che il pianeta sia stato creato pochi minuti fa, provvisto di un'umanità che «ricorda» un passato illusorio.”
Queen Elizabeth II Christmas broadcast 2006

Jorge Luis Borges
“Glencairn, tal vez omnipotente en
la ciudad que una firma al pie de un decreto le destinó, era una mera cifra en los engranajes de la administración del Imperio.”
Jorge Luis Borges, The Aleph and Other Stories

Christopher de Hamel
“If Jorge Luis Borges' Library of Babel could have existed in reality, it would have been something like the Long Room of Trinity College.”
Christopher de Hamel, Meetings with Remarkable Manuscripts

Jorge Luis Borges
“Я был профессором
английской литературы… Когда студенты спрашивали у меня библиографию, я отвечал: “Библиография не имеет значения; в конце концов Шекспир
не подозревал о существовании шекспировской библиографии… Почему не
обратиться прямо к текстам? Если эти тексты доставят вам радость, прекрасно; если они вам не нравятся, оставьте их; идея обязательного чтения
абсурдна, с таким же успехом можно говорить о принудительном счастье”
Jorge Luis Borges

Jorge Luis Borges
“Скажут, какая разница между книгой
и газетой, книгой и пластинкой? Разница в том, что газету мы читаем, чтобы
забыть, пластинку мы слушаем также, чтобы забыть. В них есть что-то механическое и легкомысленное. Книга читается, чтобы её помнить”
Jorge Luis Borges

Jorge Luis Borges
“Известно, что на одну осмысленную строчку или истинное сообщение приходятся тысячи бессмыслиц, груды словесного хлама и абракадабры”
Jorge Luis Borges

Jorge Luis Borges
“You are the only music my life has understood.”
Jorge Luis Borges

Jorge Luis Borges
“Sobre la sombra que yo soy gravita
la carga del pasado. Es infinita.”
Jorge Luis Borges

Valeria Luiselli
“Our penultimate lot, ladies and gentlemen, exudes an air of mystical melancholy. The tooth itself is crocodilian, but its aura is almost angelic. Note the curve; it is like a wing in ascent. Its owner, Mr. Jorge Francisco Isidoro Luis Borges, was a man of average height. His short, thin legs supported a torso, which was at once solid and svelte. His head was the size of a small coconut, and he had a slender, flexible neck. He was a pantheist.”
Valeria Luiselli, The Story of My Teeth

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