
Built Quotes

Quotes tagged as "built" Showing 1-30 of 32
Dejan Stojanovic
“We built tall buildings, but we have not become any taller.”
Dejan Stojanovic, The Sun Watches the Sun

Ryan Lilly
“Social media is not just a spoke on the wheel of marketing. It's becoming the way entire bicycles are built.”
Ryan Lilly, Write like no one is reading

Jeanette LeBlanc
“It can be said that we are built by many things. Biology and lineage. Grit and moonlight and ocean stone. By fire and water and air. By the lessons of the grandmothers and the pounding of blood through veins and the very first break. The way it felt when you learned the truth of boundary and by the day you stood there and knew nothing could every be the same.”
Jeanette LeBlanc

Christina Engela
“Some people do everything, some do something, many do nothing - which is bad enough - but the worst of the lot are those who break down what others have built.”
Christina Engela, Fearotica: An Anthology of Erotic Horror

Sherry K. White
“Until something is prophesied, it cannot be built.”
Sherry K. White, Walking in the Father's Riches: The Prosperity of Sonship

Conn Iggulden
“If he had learned anything from his father’s fate, it was to win, no matter how you did it. It was not important if someone else was hurt, or killed. If you won, you would be forgiven anything. You could be taken from a stinking ger and forced through the ranks until a thousand men followed your orders as if they came from the khan himself. Blood and talent. The nation was built on both.”
Conn Iggulden, Khan: Empire of Silver

Paul Bamikole
“It is in the time of peace that the instruments of war are built.”
Paul Bamikole

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Narcissists, however, are similar to a spider that has built a web for its prey to bring itself.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo, Treatise Upon The Misconceptions of Narcissism

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The person of vision knocks on a door that’s yet to be built.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“The citizens of the land, the peoples of the nation must be made strong in their convictions of these values. These values and virtues must become the wealth of the people, they must become their pride. They must be reflected in their lifestyle, in their film and movie industries. This value system must be ingrained in their educational system. They must be proclaimed in their pulpits. Homes and families must be built on the wealth of these virtues.”
Sunday Adelaja

“A nation that is built on war will forever have conflict.”
Victor Dunsin

“If our life is built on God’s standards and we are responsible and zealous for the things of the kingdom, then we will have persistent success in life and wealth, which will not bring tears”
Sunday Adelaja

Nicky Verd
“Success is built overtime not overnight”
Nicky Verd

Christina Engela
“Some people do everything, some do something, many do nothing – which is bad enough – but the worst of the lot are those who break down what others have built.”
Christina Engela, Pearls Before Swine

Steven Magee
“Scientific discovery prevents the biologically toxic 1.4 billion dollar Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) atop Mauna Kea from being built.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The corrupt government has built a huge wall between you and your Disability and Workers Compensation payments.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“There was a cover-up of badly built solar photovoltaic systems when I worked in the industry.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Due to the dangerous technical problems that emerged at the Desoto Solar Farm, I had assessed it as not being capable of producing 25 megawatts into the electrical grid as built.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“There was a lot of blatant secrecy among the workers that had built the dangerous Desoto Solar Farm.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Many solar photovoltaic designers have built systems based on the electrical ratings on the solar module, not realizing that a solar module can put out far more current than what its electrical label states!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Badly built solar photovoltaic systems do not age well.”
Steven Magee

Cliff Jones Jr.
“At the end of the day, it was always human beings who were responsible. The tools they employed, the code they wrote, the rules and regulations and chain of command . . . None of these layers actually absolved anyone. They only muddied the waters so the guiltiest parties could pretend they’d done nothing wrong.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“Body, like Rome, isn’t built in a day.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Rep By Rep
tags: built, day, rome

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“None ever built the body on weights of luck.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Rep By Rep

Steven Magee
“I once visited a town that was built around a wood pulp mill. The town had a very strange smell and I developed a sore throat for the rest of the day. I never went back.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Like many things in the USA, the Boeing 737 Max was built on a low budget.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Like many things in the USA, the electrical utility system was built on a low budget.”
Steven Magee

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“There is no wall within which a door cannot be built.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Steven Magee
“The solar industry has built the largest solar radiation monitoring system in the world. They call the large surges in solar radiation levels ‘The Cloud Effect’.”
Steven Magee

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