
Among Quotes

Quotes tagged as "among" Showing 1-21 of 21
A.W. Tozer
“Your poor heart, in which God put appreciation for everlastingness, will not take electronic gadgets in lieu of eternal life. Something inside of you is too big for that, too terrible, too wonderful. God has set everlastingness in your heart. All the things of this world are here for but a moment and then are gone. None can satisfy the longing for that eternal ragging in the soul of every man.”
A.W. Tozer, And He Dwelt Among Us: Teachings from the Gospel of John

“CoMMOn SeNSe iS nOt sO cOmMOn aMoNg coMMon pEOPLe...”

Kamand Kojouri
“Don’t you ever dare judge, for who among us can say that when the devil himself offered us a deal, we refused?”
Kamand Kojouri

“The ambiance of every environment in a country is the value system of the given nation. It is that culture that influences how citizens of a nation react, respond and behave among themselves in regards to politics, commerce, family and social life.”
Sunday Adelaja

James C. Dobson
“Whether right or wrong, it is my belief that Christian colleges place their emphasis not on that which divides us, but on the substance that binds us together. That commonality is the gospel of Jesus Christ. He commanded us to love one another—to set aside our differences and to care for “the least of these” among us. It is our unity, not our diversity, that deserves our allegiance.”
James C. Dobson, Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future

James C. Dobson
“When you strip away all the layers one by one, not much remains to “discover.” You will never find real meaning among your selfish interests, feelings, and aspirations. The answers do not lie within you.”
James C. Dobson, Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future

Steven Magee
“Monsanto is among the biggest serial killers in the USA.”
Steven Magee

“God through Prophet Hosea is explaining to us reasons for destructions, calamities, failures and devastations among the people of God. That reason is not seen in demonic activities nor is it seen in prevailing economic situations of the land”
Sunday Adelaja

“God has put us among the unbelievers to make us their deliverers”
Sunday Adelaja

Steven Magee
“The various man-made environmental radiation industries are among the biggest serial killers in the USA.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I am among the world’s leading experts on the long term biological effects of environmental radiation exposures and how to diagnose and treat them.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Doctors and nurses are among the most irradiated professions.”
Steven Magee

Anthony Liccione
“You are not one of them. You are among them. But never one of them.”
Anthony Liccione

Steven Magee
“There was a lot of blatant secrecy among the workers that had built the dangerous Desoto Solar Farm.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“If I die unexpectedly, law enforcement should be among the top suspects.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The police are among those that supply extremely poor customer service to their customers.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Some of the biggest serial killers are among the nicest people you will ever meet!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The August 2023 Maui wildfires were among the most devastating disasters to hit the Hawaiian islands.”
Steven Magee

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“Try to be with successful people if you be among failed people, they will fail you with them.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

Steven Magee
“Police reports are among the most inaccurate and fictitious things I have ever read!”
Steven Magee