
Breathing Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "breathing-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 43
Alain Bremond-Torrent
“Cigarettes can force you to take a moment to take a deep breath.”
Alain Bremond-Torrent, "Darling, it's not only about sex"

Karl Wiggins
“At this very moment we are breathing the same air that once was Marco Polo’s last breath. And we’re also breathing the same air that was Mozart’s first breath as a baby.
you’re also breathing air that’s probably been queefed by Mata Hari, Cleopatra and Marilyn Monroe, which either way you look at it is pretty cool.
So, while we’re breathing in the same molecules as Jesus, we’re also breathing in the same air as Pontius Pilot, Attila the Hun and an inmate on Death Row in San Quentin State Prison. We are linked to every other life form that has ever been on this planet because we literally breathe the same air.”
Karl Wiggins, Wrong Planet - Searching for your Tribe

Karl Wiggins
“The air you're breathing right now is also the same air that once circulated through the respiratory system of Jesus over 2000 years ago, which probably makes you feel a bit spiritual, doesn’t it? But unfortunately you’re also breathing the same air that once circulated through the body of Jack the Ripper, which probably makes you feel a bit shit”
Karl Wiggins, Wrong Planet - Searching for your Tribe

Catherine Carrigan
“One of the quickest ways to feel happy is through the pranayama technique called circular breathing.
When you equalize the lengths of your inhale and exhale, you balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic sides of your nervous system.”
Catherine Carrigan, The Little Book of Breathwork

Aisling Magie
“Just breathe, my love. Right now, just breathe for me.”
Aisling Magic, Silent Music

Michael Brant DeMaria
“Breathing connects our inner and outer world and is the heart of our emotional circulatory system.”
Michael Brant DeMaria, Peace Within: Clear Your Mind, Open Your Heart, Embrace Your Soul and Heal Your Life

Catherine Carrigan
“Failing to exhale properly is a common symptom of high blood pressure.”
Catherine Carrigan, The Little Book of Breathwork

Catherine Carrigan
Catherine Carrigan, The Little Book of Breathwork

Anu Lall
“Your relationship with your breath is your personal religion. This relationship ends only with your last exhale.”
Anu Lall, Breath WorkOUT for Life: For a Fitter, Stronger and Happier YOU

Anu Lall
“Building a healthy relationship with the most advanced technology app on the planet – Our own breath.”
Anu Lall, Breath WorkOUT for Life: For a Fitter, Stronger and Happier YOU

Laurence Galian
“Take a deep breath by first filling your belly with air, and then your chest with air. A large majority of people never move their chests when they inhale. This is due to an emotional/physical response to trauma in your childhood. Watch a newborn baby breathe, and see how his or her entire torso inflates when he or she breathes. This is called solar respiration. Breathe with your mouth open, as wide open as possible. You will know that you are breathing correctly when you hear the inrushing and outrushing breath sounding very clearly. This sound is like the ocean you hear when you place your ear against a seashell. This is the same breath sound you make after running a race, or while having sex. Do not be disturbed if you feel dizzy. Simply place your attention on the soles of your feet and continue to breathe - if you do this, you will stop feeling dizzy. Do this practice every day, gradually working up to twenty minutes per day of continuous solar breathing. If possible, do this practice outside in nature, with your knees very slightly bent (no locked) and in your bare feet, or at least on the soil, grass, or natural rock.”
Laurence Galian, Alien Parasites: 40 Gnostic Truths to Defeat the Archon Invasion!

Catherine Carrigan
“Your breath can take you into a place where you feel so happy, so at one with all that is, that all is naturally forgiven. Pain and suffering simply fall away, and you experience an inner knowledge that everything that has ever happened to you has all been in divine order.”
Catherine Carrigan, The Little Book of Breathwork

Catherine Carrigan
“As you explore your own breath, however, you will start experiencing your own energy body, your own specific frequency.”
Catherine Carrigan, The Little Book of Breathwork

Catherine Carrigan
“By changing your breathing patterns, you have the opportunity to create the space where you see your personal story from a higher perspective and let go of the thought patterns that have kept you stuck.”
Catherine Carrigan, The Little Book of Breathwork

Catherine Carrigan
“Your breath is the cheapest, easiest, most accessible power tool you have at your disposal to increase your life force.”
Catherine Carrigan, The Little Book of Breathwork

Catherine Carrigan
Catherine Carrigan, The Little Book of Breathwork

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“Cutting trees is not like cutting your nails but like cutting your breathe”
Sir P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Trisha North

This is the long breath
You take in to find peace
Your soul's only medicine
The cure to your body
It's needed to get through
The challenges life presents you
This is the long breath
You take in to find peace”
Trisha North, The Valley Of Skin And Bones

Anu Lall
“Train the breath to work for you, rather than let it run amuck with a ‘mind’ of its own.”
Anu Lall, Breath WorkOUT for Life: For a Fitter, Stronger and Happier YOU

“Life was started with Breathe, And obviously, life will end with breathing!”

“Now Test it whenever you realized Breathe! “Ooh I am Breathing Also”

Jenny C. Bell
“The breath is a small daily reminder of the cyclic nature of life. We are constantly inhaling and exhaling in our lives. We take in information and let it go. We rise like the breath and we also fall. Sometimes we feel full and sometimes we are empty.”
Jenny C. Bell, In the Cave of my Heart: Poems

“Keep breathing fully. Because breathing is one thing you have control over.”
Rachel Allyn, Ph.D.

Susie Clevenger
“Your journey to heaven is coming
faster than I can breathe.”
Susie Clevenger, Moments at Midnight: A Poetry Collaboration

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“How we wish we could breathe forever. But death, the destroyer of pleasure is waiting to take it away from us. Maybe death is the price of life. Isn't death painful because life is always beautiful?”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

John M. Sheehan
“With every breath we take and every last minute we have should be seeking to satisfy God and not God satisfying us!”
John M. Sheehan, Purgatory; A place of pruning Book 1

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“All knowledge is useful at the given time and place. Maybe nothing will be wasted; as long as you're still breathing and alive.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

“Give your breath more attention than your mind and all will be well.”
Bert McCoy, A Lil' Bert Can't Hurt: Words and Wisdom for Daily Life

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